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Jay's 2nd Blitz Speed Test

27th April 2007

Image size : 8
Test 1 : 1915
Test 2 : 2430
Test 3 : 1115
Test 4 : 2320
Test 5 : 1300
Average 1816
Image size : 16
Test 1 : 2065
Test 2 : 2150
Test 3 : 1140
Test 4 : 3320
Test 5 : 3270


Cats Mewsic :-)

27th April 2007

Where, where, where is it?
I can't seem to find
The section where this store
where it sells its heavy metal!


Site Updates - April 2007

27th April 2007

'See no Silby, hear no Silby, speak no Silby' ?
or maybe
'See no Devcrunch, hear no Devcrunch, speak no Devcrunch' ?
[quote]<-- would make me think of making a new Munky game every time I load the site.[/quote]:lol: yea, that sure is one heck of *snip*


Cats Mewsic :-)

27th April 2007

I'm teh boss, you listen to me
'Cause if you don't you'll eh... be eating a flea?
I'm teh boss, and I can't rhyme,
Leave it to me to erm... not even spare a dime?
Ha ha ha!


Cats Mewsic :-)

27th April 2007

My brains are
Hitting my head
Every single time
I do this!
My muscles are
Getting tired
But I can't stop
'Cause I love heavy metal.
Heavy metal,
It's what I love
Even if it does
Damage my brain.
I need no chicken
I need no stupi*snip*


Site Updates - April 2007

27th April 2007

'No dogs allowed.' eh?
'Programmer think, programmer do' ...maybe...
'See no CW, hear no CW, speak no CW' It's got a nice ring to it, I think
'No Blitzing the quaterback!' get it? meh, did I spell 'quaterback' right?
'Blitz3Dman 0wns and Pwns all!' ha *snip*



26th April 2007

The phrase.. I thought maybe I saw it in someone's sig and I was going to make it mine if somebody didn't already take it.



26th April 2007

Someplace online I read "Ignorance is Bliss", but I have no idea where. Was that here by any chance?


Pixel artist

26th April 2007

Ok, I did the player totally from scratch and I'm pretty happy with what I came up with:
I took out the ducking 'cause I realized it was kind of pointless.


Site Updates - April 2007

26th April 2007

you should add
SoCoder: The one and only
to the random quotes!


Site Updates - April 2007

26th April 2007

[quote]If you have a Twitter.com account, let me know your username and I'll add you as a friend to the Socoder user. [/quote]
If you're talking to me then I have no idea what you're talking about.


Site Updates - April 2007

26th April 2007

Sorry... I should be very ashamed...


Site Updates - April 2007

26th April 2007

Gah all of the comments on all my Pms went ByeBye!!!


Pixel artist

26th April 2007

[quote]Alternatively, take the Cartoonish "Rotating Feet" approach.[/quote]
Thank you! Great idea!
By the way Jay, I noticed the site went byebye there for a second. Was that just me or were you doing something?


Pixel artist

25th April 2007

The feet animate terribly, that's the problem. you'll notice in the running frames one of the feet hardly moves.


Jay's Blitz Speed Test

25th April 2007

I have a.. er, what's a graphics card?
I tell you if I knew it myself.


Jay's Blitz Speed Test

25th April 2007

wow, never realized how slow my computer runs O_o
with internet explorer and B3D ide open:
|Test | Time Taken | Fast/Slow
| 1 | 41 | Real Slow |
| 2 | 71 | R*snip*


Pixel artist

25th April 2007

Surely there is somebody who is halfway good at pixel art so they can help me fix my terrible running man image into something worthwhile?
this is what I have now:
I'm pretty much stuck on the game's progress until I can make the feet in t*snip*


#097 - The Gameshow Challenge

25th April 2007

"Who Wants to be a Millionare" here I come. (hopefully)


New planet found.

25th April 2007

The answer to teleportation: have a room that reads all its contents, desinigrates it, and send the signal to another box and it finds all the atoms and everything to construct the data scanned and whala, you have a dead desinigrated guy and a replicate wh*snip*


#096 - The Tank Challenge

25th April 2007

Yeay! I won my first WW!


Ingenium's Latin Challenge - #001

24th April 2007

no, he had this at the end of his post
[quote]cung hung e e rung sung,:)
pung o wung e rung mung o u sung e y[/quote]


Ingenium's Latin Challenge - #001

24th April 2007

Otnay eallyray, ustjay eenbay urnedtay toina igpa atinlay anday theroay anguagelay iscussionday.



24th April 2007

TANKTICS is my first WW entry coded for WW #96. It is my second game to use tiles and my first completed game to use tiles. It has a nice retro feel to it and uses 8-bit colored graphics. Controls are simple: arrow keys for movement and space to shoot.


Dictionary words in a text file

24th April 2007

Ahh, good times, good times, the teacher gives you a pencil, a sharpener, a piece of paper and a dictonary... Back in my day, if you couldn't copy the entire webster's huge dictonary in 5 minutes, it was curtains for you.
good times, good times...

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