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14th April 2007

I thoungt a little quiz might do you all some good :D
What do the numbers 11775232 and 11748040 have to do with b3d and how are they related?


nobody seems to know...

13th April 2007

Erm, click on site theme and you'll see it with the bars


nobody seems to know...

13th April 2007

I made a nice bar and sroom_monk I tried to make it so it might fit your theme :) it's the 8-bit bar.


get album art from an MP3 (APIC frame?)

13th April 2007

Are the pictures always a uniform size? You may expiriment and see if, right at the beginning of the picture read a short for width and a short for height and if that seems weird then try seeing if they're stored as integers.


QOTD - Storyline

13th April 2007

Granny and Mike.


get album art from an MP3 (APIC frame?)

13th April 2007

<3 ??
Erm, if it's in jpeg how exactly is the image stored?


get album art from an MP3 (APIC frame?)

13th April 2007

How is the data stored and where? If you can give me three things I think I can write a quick program to extract an image.
1. The file's signature
2. The file layout (what stuff is saved how and where)
and 3. If pixel data is stored like a bmp or not. I*snip*


QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

O.o I'll have ask my friend where he got this idea.


QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

Erm, not really.



12th April 2007

I guess I should enlighten you all seeing how I have spoke no details about the storyline for my game I'm making.
The Running Man, your superb postal service delivery man, has to go through many lands every day to deliver mail, but one day, [insert prince*snip*


QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

I'm hoping that my game I'm working on now will end up having a nice storyline...
I guess I should enlighten you all seeing how I have spoke no details about the storyline for my game I'm making.
The Running Man, your superb postal service delivery man, *snip*


Oh Noes!!!!!!

12th April 2007

ohh.... ok... so confusing I will never understand HTPL :P


Oh Noes!!!!!!

12th April 2007

testing 123
[edit]why did it not do it I posted immediately after the last one...? I confused :P[/edit]


Oh Noes!!!!!!

12th April 2007

Oh.... oops ok.


sine cosine junk giving me a headache

12th April 2007

No, it's because I have no taste for music so I can't tell what music goes well with what game.


Oh Noes!!!!!!

12th April 2007

No... it's a bug...
for example, I was PMing and my last PM was a couple days ago and it would have been like this:
blah blah blibber blabber
and my next one,
Blabber blibber
didn't make a new comment and my last one became this:
blah blah blibber bl*snip*



12th April 2007

Alrighty, like mario has coins The Running Man has envolopes.
[code]Graphics 320,240,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
ClsColor 0,255,255
Global anim=LoadAnimImage("envolope.bmp",16,16,0,12)
MaskImage anim,255,0,255
DrawImage *snip*


Oh Noes!!!!!!

12th April 2007

No I mean like take for example if you posted again now (before this) your text would appear at the end of your last. That's what it did.


Oh Noes!!!!!!

12th April 2007




12th April 2007

Thanks, I really do need to add more frames I suppose, but 1)I have no camera except some funky one that don't work too well, 2)No mates to do it with really and 3) I'm trying to go for a cartoony approach, that's why he's got no pants. I'm thinking about *snip*



12th April 2007

Erm, still awaiting some advice...


Just for laughs

11th April 2007

What? You say you were expecting something funny? Well don't look at me.


Oh Noes!!!!!!

11th April 2007

Is it just my screwy IE or when you PM does your PM end up on the bottom of your last...?!?!?!?!?!?


sine cosine junk giving me a headache

11th April 2007

yea, what I stink at the most and what I am most desperate to learn. (besides sound and 3d ;))


#095 - The Zero G Challenge

10th April 2007

I vote for millinipede!!
and do you think you might use my 9^3 color challenge? just a thought...

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