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Socoder -> Off Topic -> E3 2018

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 12:06
They’ve stated that he's in a car, as it would be an unfair race if he was running.

.. which completely makes a mockery of his three Mario & Sonic at the Olympics titles.

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 12:15

They’ve stated that he's in a car, as it would be an unfair race if he was running

Well Tails used to be able to keep up with him, sorta, and Dr Robotnik is no slouch himself, there's been plenty of times I've seen Sonic chasing him and he's been off like a dirty shirt and Sonic never managed to catch him!

Oh, and I've noticed, they couldnt even be arsed to implement a new "R", lazy rehashing [BEEEEP]'s!!!

I'm not impressed like... Can you tell, does it shine through? hehehe


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 12:27
Yeah, Mr SonicR/TTGames/GameHut wasn’t too pleased, either.

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 12:36
Yeah, just watched it, and he's right mind... Cack!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 15:34
Just read that JackboxGames (You Don't Know Jack,etc) will be doing an E3 "something" on Wednesday at 3:40pm PST (23:40 UK Time)

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Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 02:25
Resident Evil 2 remake. Want!!!

I'm a sucker for the proper RE games. Absolutely love them, in all their cheesy goodness. Except 6. That was shit.
Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 05:12

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Sony's E3 doohickey, starts at about 1 hour 12..!
|update| Nope, that wasn't gameplay, yet.. It's 1 hour 16, at which point the twat onstage considers himself to be God. |update|

Haven’t seen it, yet. Going to leave it running whilst I do my morning Blog, etc.

Comparison so far..
Microsoft started by saying "Here, 50 games!!" and then going Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam!!
Sony started by saying "Welcome to church", then having some guy play some music, because... .. Videogames..!?!

This is like the polar opposite of the starts of this Gen, when Sony were going GAME GAME GAME, and MS were all "TV!! TV!!!"

... I'm now watching some Netflix show, or something, about two people at a dance.

1 hour 33 : Still the same game.. I'm basically watching "gameplay footage" of a dark dressed character running and shooting and stabbing dark things at night time in the dark. It definitely sounds very complex, but the dark on dark on dark on dark is making it completely unwatchable.
And it's been going on FOR FUCKING AGES!!!
Oh, no, now we're back to the dance cutscene.. And there's, finally, the title of the game.

Boy, how incredibly boring was that!!?


Now they're taking a break.. Because.. You know.. WAY too much excitement in that first part! woooooh!


1 hour 40 (I skipped the bollocksy waffling) Call of Duty trailer. Actually looks more fun than usual, but they've tricked me before!! I'll avoid, thanks. (+ usual motion sickness issues)

And, we're back to the waffling..


Hey, there's that Beat Sabre game that Otakupunk was playing the other day!


.. That was Destiny 2?! God damn, they made that look as boring as fuck!!!


1 hour 47 : The "actual" game showcase begins.
.. .. With more onstage music, in front of some flowers.

If those flowers are realtime, that's quite impressive, especially over such a large screen. ... If not, then this is just more bollocks!!

I'm now watching a man in dark clothes fighting other men in dark clothes, in a dark forest, at night.
An all too familiar feeling.


This same game's still going, and my GOD is it boring. Only about 1/4 of the time spent watching this has been gameplay, the rest has been dishwater cutscenes.
When I turn on a game, I want gameplay. Otherwise I've got Netflix for this shit.


"I'm putting you under arrest!"

Who!? Who are you putting under arrest? I can't tell. I can't see anything... It's too dark!!! Stop making dark games, people!!!
Oh, it's RE2-remade.
But Darker and Dark and Darker and dark!!


Ahaha.. It's funny 'cos he killed himself.


Kingdom Hearts. I should probably play one of those.
Might be worth grabbing a collection, but then I'd have to buy a PS4!!!


If there's not a fun new music game at the end of this, I'm going to be well cheesed off!!

I'm now watching another set of cutscenes. Fucking hell, game-devs.. Can we go back to games that play as games?!


2 hours 16
Something's happening.. Sounds scary.
It's all just a dark screen again.


Spiderman.. Looks like it plays exactly the same as any other Spiderman game I've ever played.. Well, maybe not the Atari 2600 one... But, you know.
I liked the one on Dreamcast. That was fun.


And I think that's about it.
There's a few additional scraggly bits, a couple more collection things, and an interesting looking "Dreams" thing but that I worry will end up being as dull as I found Little Big Planet. (Although most of that was down to the shitty floaty physics)

So, yeah..
There's that.. :\

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Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 09:41

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Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 09:50
I'm ready and waiting. I'm not really expecting a great deal frrom this, but if Pikmin 4 AND Animal Crossing are mentioned, I'll come away a happy bunny. Anything else will just be a bonus.

But if neither of those are mentioned, then something(s) else better be good or I'll not be a happy bunny. At all.
Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 10:45
My son loved it, well Smash Bros, but to me that was pretty much a load of old arse.

Other than titles we already knew about there was nothing for me. Not a happy bunny.
Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 10:47
Smash Bros with EVERY character, including all the previous DLCs?
It said 07/12/18 at the end, and I’m ...pretty.. sure that means December...?

I also quite liked how Mario Party looked. Might be interesting to grab that.

No Animal Crossing though

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Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 16:17
No New F-Zero then I take it? Welll, no buying a switch then.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 12 Jun 2018, 16:34
Fast RMX is close enough, IMO.
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 02:20
I can't help but feel that Nintendo completely forgot about any Switch owner during 2018 that doesn't like/care for Smash Bros. or Splatoon.

2019 though. That could be THE year...
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 02:35
That's kinda been Nintendo's way of doing E3 for the past few years, though. Zelda, Mario and this year Smash Bros. One big game gets the limelight, but that doesn't mean the other games aren't happening, too.
I have faith that a new Animal Crossing will still appear.

.... It'd better sodding well do!!
Also, no new info on WarioWare Gold

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Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 03:26
Actually Jay, that's not the case. Nintendo only did that "one game only " in 2016, because that's all they had. The lack of interest in WiiU effectively killed off all development for that system, leaving ONLY Zelda.

Last year (2017) we got gameplay & footage of Zelda, Splatoon, Arms, Mario, 1,2 Switch, XenoBlade, Fire Emblem etc. and Metroid mentions, Yoshi footage, plus loads of indie and 3rd party stuffage - including 3DS games (Dillon) and remakes of Mario & Luigi and Luigi's Mansion etc.

So this year was NOT typical of Nintendo.

However, I often feel down after E3 as I always hope for more than can be realistically achieved!

But 2019
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 03:43
"Only" Zelda was indeed a one-off, but if you look back at last years, you'll see a massive focus on Odyssey, just as this one's been on Smash.

But it's not "Just" Smash this year. There's Pokemon Go Pikachu/Eevee, too, and there was that great looking mech-fighter thing right at the start of the presentation.
There's WarioWare Gold coming up that didn't get a mention, Mario Tennis Aces barely got a look in, Crash Trilogy's out in a couple of weeks (Which actually pre-downloaded onto my Switch, last night, btw)
It's true that, if you don't care for Smash, you might as well ignore about half an hour of the presentation, but that doesn't mean the rest was no good.
That quick-flash of all those games, halfway through, had a huge amount of variety.

And they were all, at least, nice and bright, colourful, and lit up, unlike the dark dark dark dark dark of Sony's presentation.

My eyes are old and tired and weak,
and cannot stand the screen so bleak!

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Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 04:39
I never said it was "just" Smash Bros. To me the "variety" of titles they showed (to a very limited degree) appealed to a limited group. There was a LOT of fighting, mecha and space based stuffage. We know there's sooo much more to Nintendo and 2018 than E3 showed. Eg Toad, Mario Party, Overcooked 2 etc. they were just blip notes.

Even the Pokemon titles were brief showings at best. Pokemon is a MAAAHHHAAASSSIVE seller and the short footage was limited to what we've already seen. A bit more in depth on that and less on Smash wouldn't have hurt. Smash could (and probably will) have it's own Direct later - use the E3 Direct to pimp everything. Pokemon is a game AND system seller, granted so is Smash, but not to the same degree and over the years it's been the Pokemon titles that has kept Nintendo alive. So it was surprising to see them being so limited.

TBH I wasn't disappointed in Smash - my son really appreciated it and I absolutely love the look of it; the characters (after all these ARE most of my fave characters from ANY games). But I just can't play it - it's just random button bashing to me!

I was disappointed because there were only two titles I really wanted to see - even just brief glimpses or mentions. And they got neither. One has been teased for 3 years (Pikmin 4 - was "nearing completion" according to Myamoto in 2015). And with Animal Crossing being updated in HD for other games and systems, it seemed a dead cert for this E3. Looking at E3 expectations on other sites and pretty much everyone expected news of those games. But Nintendo did exactly what Nintendo always do - keep you waiting!

So, I wasn't disappointed that it was mainly Smash Bros, just that it wasn't what I personally wanted.

Except Fire Emblem. I love. Love. LOVE that series. The new game looks great.

As for other systems, there were quite a few games on PS4 and Xb1 that I'd definitely buy - Gears Tactics, The Last Of Us 2, Resi 2 Remake, Shadows Die Twice (FromSoftware - I love BloodBorne and this looks similar, but with a ninja style slant). etc. etc.

But I'm already setting my hopes too high for 2019... Hopefully a Nintendo Direct later in the year will whet my Ninteno gaming appetite more than their E3 Direct.
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 05:16
I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on gaming news sites for the next few days. I expect the Nintendo Showfloor will be showing off more than mentioned.. again, WarioWare Gold is still missing, as is the new Yoshi game. Things we KNOW are happening, but we’re missing from the video.

Back to Smash, though, I really hope there's a nice story mode, this time. That was missing from the WiiU/3DS ones, and I barely got into those as a result.

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Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 05:58
I'm not really sure how you could implement so many stories into a game like Smash Bros. It'd be so corny, cheesy or cliched as to make it all a bit pointless. Possibly.

BTW E3 TreeHouse has shown off LOTS of Pokemon stuffage apparently - I see on YouTube that there is a video 48mins long! The E3 Direct really could have used 5 or so mins of that and cut back on Smash easily and nobody would have been lacking. :/
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 06:53
Have you never played Subspace Emissary mode in Brawl??

You really should.. it was all kinds of awesome!!


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Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 09:07
Everyone says it's great (and want it to return), but it's Smash Bros. so I don't really care about it.
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 09:38
Looks like I wasn't the only one disappointed by Nintendo's showing at E3 - their shareholders are pissed off too - http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/06/nintendos_share_price_plummets_in_response_to_e3_direct

I think it's pretty conclusive that everyone expected much more from them.
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 09:53
I wouldn’t say "much more", but I would say "animal crossing"...
I think EVERYONE expected Animal Crossing!

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Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 12:31
I think they expected Pokemon (a proper, core Pokemon) more than AC tbh - Pokemon brings in more moolah than anything else on the planet.

AC is a pretty niche game and definitely more for casuals and female fans than hardcore. It doesn't sell consoles on its own.

The shares will be back up by next week; it's just a blip - shareholders way of saying "Grrrrrr!!!"
Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 16:59
The Jackbox presentation is currently live on Facebook.
They’ve only announced one new game, so I guess Jackbox5 is still a long way off.

Looks quite fun. An either/or appears, and people vote. Scores based on time taken and whether you pick the popular choice..
I don’t think that’s going to be a 2 Player game, though...

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