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A long shot question

4th August 2008

You can always put XP on it. A friend of mine has it on his and it runs very well.


I found this earlier today.

3rd August 2008

Netbeans FTW!


A long shot question

2nd August 2008

What does not work: shortcuts in general, or the screendump? Scrot is a different screencapture prog, and it works for me. I can even prove it ;)


A long shot question

2nd August 2008

JL: You could install scrot and set a marcro that makes a screendump when you hit printscreen. Thats basically what I did. I hae short cuts for most common tasks, and it make life a lot easier with the fiddly eee controls.


A long shot question

1st August 2008

The eee comes shipped w/ Xandros; another Debian variant. I have eeeXUbuntu on mine, which is a distro that comes bundled w/ the wireless drivers and some configurations.
I havent tried using Blitz in Linux yet, but you could try running it under WINE.


QOTD : More Broke...

30th July 2008

Haha, that sounds awful.


adnormal program termination on End?

25th July 2008

I tried using banks a couple of times in blitz only to find that they were no faster than an array. So I just stuck with using arrays. From what I remember, unlike C, blitz will throw an error when you try and access array elements out of bounds, its the h*snip*


ImagesCollide gives a MAV!!?

21st July 2008

Another random guess is that you could have a problem with the variables scope. In other words: creating a new object within a function using a local variable as its handle. Then outside of the function the handle will be null.



12th July 2008

Oh yeah you invert both, lol


Too my friends on socoder...

12th July 2008

Sorry to hear about that. Take care.



12th July 2008

A cheap way to do it in 2d for square walls is to just invert one of the velocities. For example when a ray hits the ground or celing just do vx = -vx. Or if it hits a wall vy=-vy.


random number generator...

11th July 2008

There is a bias to low order bits. To get a better distribution you should generate numbers using high order bits then shift them down to the range you want.
Another, slow, but effective alternative is to keep getting numbers in a loop until one appears t*snip*


Blitz types....

10th July 2008

Heres an example of how to implement inheritance and polymorphism in Blitz in case you're interested. I dident write it myself. The comments kind of explain whats going on:


Spline Editor

7th July 2008

Edit Paths Made Of Bezier Curves


What's everyone up to?

14th June 2008

Orion, sorry to hear about your neice, but at least your sisters ok. Thats the main thing I guess.
Instinct, thanks. I'll chuck you a link when the sites online. Like i said I still have to figure out how to deal with the returned stuff. Maybe i'll make a*snip*


What's everyone up to?

13th June 2008

I'm waiting on a receipt printer so I can get this pos system that I have been working on up and running.
Appart from that I have nearly finished a small-commerce site; Need to sort out responses form paypal and add stuff to the db. I'm also woking on a s*snip*


#154 - The Screensaver Challenge

12th June 2008

Ok Heres a download link. Its not much of a screensaver really, and I just noticed this was last weeks challenge, lol.


#154 - The Screensaver Challenge

11th June 2008

Sure I'll post again when I have an exe uploaded.
Don't get your hopes up; its not very exciting ;)


#154 - The Screensaver Challenge

11th June 2008

A simple repeating version of the game of life. Requires SDL.
[code]#include "SDL\\SDL.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define GRAPHICS_WIDTH 1024
#define X_CELL GRAPHICS_W*snip*


Online Scoreboard (aka 'An actual question! w00t)

11th June 2008

Might also be a good idea to sanatise your input queries


Average harddrive-space these days?

4th June 2008

Nice, the 7" screen is the main thing that I don't like with my version, along with the unresponsive keyboard. I'm running eeexubuntu and theres no problem changing the resolution, only there seems to be problems with the scaling filters in emulators. On a*snip*


Average harddrive-space these days?

4th June 2008

Yeah, that gpu does very little; all the video memory is held in ram. Thats why its good to have a decent bus rate. Is the 900 model the one with the big screen?


Average harddrive-space these days?

4th June 2008

The eee is underclocked @630mhz you can comfortably set it at 900. Overclocking the bus is better if you want to play videos as SSHD are slow for sustained transfers(and theres no GPU), mines running at 400mhz. The main problem with this is that it eats th*snip*


OpenGl Linking Woes...

21st May 2008

Actually, you will need a break statement at the end of each of switch branch, except the last one. So if you removed it completely I think the code would run on to the WM_DESTROY case. Still, you might have other problems. I'm kinda busy atm and I dont re*snip*


I've been pimpin' !

21st May 2008

Nice. The new version looks much better.

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