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The cracks widen...

24th December 2011

To be honest, aside from the (in my experience, at least) occasional server issue, the 'cracks' you talk about aren't site destroying. I don't think the site is anywhere near broken enough from the user's point of view to warrant complete replacement. Even*snip*


The cracks widen...

24th December 2011

So, what, are you suggesting a complete ground-up remake of the site, just an eventual server move, or someone else taking everything over?
Personally, I'd have thought it would be easier in any case to peruse the code and tidy it up rather than a fresh r*snip*


Shroom @ Oxford?

23rd December 2011

Thanks. :)


Shroom @ Oxford?

22nd December 2011

Thanks guys. :)


Shroom @ Oxford?

22nd December 2011

I got an offer! :D Now for the tricky bit of getting the grades...


Xmas Games!!

16th December 2011

Been making another game as a first PMC project, although it has recently been rather delayed due to school stuff. If I have any good Xmas ideas I'll throw something in. ;)


Shroom @ Oxford?

14th December 2011

I return from my interviews! Seemed to go alright, although I'm not really sure either way what they thought of me. Anyway, just a wait now until the results come back.


Pleasant Surprise

7th December 2011

Nice to see you again, magicman! :)
It looks like their guys have been trawling SoCoder for games, since one of my recent games ended up there too today. ;)


Softpedia found .due. ...

7th December 2011

Good or bad thing?


Shroom @ Oxford?

5th December 2011

No no no, an interview to get a place as a student there next year. :P Some British Universities do that.


Half Life Origins

29th November 2011

Valve did say they once got writers to do scripts for a Half Life film, but they were all terrible so they didn't go ahead with it. They also once hinted that the Team Fortress 2 Meet the Team videos were experiments in film making with game assets, as the*snip*


Shroom @ Oxford?

29th November 2011

Oh wow... I’ve been invited to interview at Oxford! :O


Half Life Origins

29th November 2011

Pretty cool. :)


Java Applet not painting

21st November 2011

Thanks for all that JL. :) Interesting to understand how it actually works now. :)


Java Applet not painting

20th November 2011

What I'm not 100% sure about is what that this is doing. I know that field is meant to be an ImageObserver, and I can pass this because both my class and the ImageObserver class are ultimately derived from Object in one way or another, but I don't quite se*snip*


Java Applet not painting

19th November 2011

Found the problem at last, and a tiny annoying one it was too. :P
The line g.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null); in update() should have this instead of null. Fixed now. :)


Forum Sections

19th November 2011

It exists for showcases / snippets / etc, but not as a forum section.


Forum Sections

19th November 2011

Do we not have a Java forum, or am I just bad at looking? :P


Java Applet not painting

19th November 2011

So I decided to try out Java a few weeks ago, and in spare time have begun putting together a game so I can get to know the language better. But I've fallen at the first hurdle. :/
I had a simple thread which repainted the applet several times per second,*snip*


Steam Hack

14th November 2011

Well, that's a relief, since I don't use the forums. :)


Steam Hack

10th November 2011

Thank goodness for Steam Guard, then. If they have got the main Steam passwords as well, then I guess that will alleviate some of the problem.


WWTBAM Photoshop

16th October 2011

Didn't the original have Facebook as answer C?



4th October 2011

Back at school = *so busy*. But I have had time for some coding of late, which I might show when I get my act together. ;)


Making an array of arrays in blitzmax?

25th September 2011

(I wouldn't know, since I don't use BM), but surely doesn't BlitzMax support three-dimensional arrays? A quick search of the internet suggested it did. I'm sure that's what this is rather than an 'array of arrays'.


People on TV

22nd September 2011

My girlfriend was just on Question Time. Slightly surreal seeing someone you know on TV. :O :)

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