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power mousey

What's June? : June is Teacher month!

1st June 2007

okay, cool.
thank you, Jay. can we write anything article.....I mean
within reason, using common sense.
also is there a limit? um...you know, how I love to write and go down rabbit holes and such. And go on and off on tangents...sometimes.
Now wha*snip*

power mousey

May 2007 - "Other Skills" month

1st June 2007

I like that....."much easier to listen to them than read them. Cause when I go to and from work...I won't bump into things."
should be a classic comic line.
already is. :P
anyway..back to bed.
sleeping in slumberland. ;)
cheers :D

power mousey

What's June? : June is Teacher month!

1st June 2007

how about new beginnings.
and new planning, strategy, new actions.

power mousey

May 2007 - "Other Skills" month

31st May 2007

hey spinal,
what do you juggle? haha!! :)
I used to juggle...various items of a different nature.
I still do some jugling but of a more needful nature...
finances, clothes, work schedule, and recreational
activities and other interests too. T*snip*

power mousey

Sorry Jay...

30th May 2007

you have nothing to apologize for, MadProff.
And also for being both a Proff and Mad too. :D
Thats expected. ;)

power mousey

Latest blog gone?

29th May 2007

so true, Spinal.
and hey, how come your so talkative
now stealtspc...er I mean Bashful!??
and duh!!, its a community forum.
At least I'm talking. And its rare for me
to share tech problems like this.
Most of the time, you just sit on your ava*snip*

power mousey

Sorry Jay...

29th May 2007

I gotta a trojan virus phish to be inserted
due to inefficient web code that I found within Socoder.
So, if any person finds the faulty web code
and discovers my variant trojan phisy.....it can be stopped.
yeah, right!!
if somebody ever do*snip*

power mousey

Latest blog gone?

29th May 2007

hopefully you do!
and whatever!!

power mousey

Latest blog gone?

28th May 2007

what the hell!!??
different members are after a few seconds.
I'm definitely in the Lost Room
or on adifferent Socoder site. Maybe I'll
meet different members in different time periods.
whoa!!! it'll be more bizarre if they answer too. :P

power mousey

Latest blog gone?

28th May 2007

I think I'm in the Lost Room.
Fortunately I have the key to room 10.
I post or edit something and this Socoder
site brings up an old or ealrlier time based site or period.
whoa!!! this is just plain bizzarre. I think I did a time dimensional shift*snip*

power mousey

Latest blog gone?

27th May 2007

Can't even edit nor modify above posts...when using this DSL on my brothers computer.
Made some spelling and grammatical errors.
And wanted to add a few more stuff or things.
oh well...water, oil or vinegar :D I guess!?? :)
cheers :)
power mouse*snip*

power mousey

Latest blog gone?

27th May 2007

oh Feck!!!
I keep getting booted off or kicked off.....
maybe using DSL, being the power mousey, an dusing this new server is too much for Socoder too handle...all at once. ;)
but originally.....I was goiNG to say:
sometimes w*snip*

power mousey

Getting sluggish!

26th May 2007

yeah, I feel sluggish too.
its still hayfever and allergy season.
it was bad during the Spring but now it
still happens or is happening in the Summer.
I don't want nor wish anybody to have an allergy
attack. Your body feels sluggish, sinus pressu*snip*

power mousey

Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

19th May 2007

who are you?? O_o
methinks and senses you are somebody familar!?
already a member, but under another name.
confess up.
anyway, enjoy the game
and welcome aboard again. ;)

power mousey

QOTD - The end of games physical reality?

19th May 2007

and steve,
and everybody,
before the cassette tapes...games and apps
were loaded in and run thru punch cards, and then thru
paper tapes and mag tape reels too. And remember the vaccuum tubes and the magnetic o donut cores too?? ;)
Creator of the *snip*

power mousey

Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

19th May 2007

now Mog that 'RPG: Eol Crater of Titan' sounds cool. :D
Craters of Titan. sounds awesome. and with those
RPG elements.
now, you're talking dude.
cheers :D
power mousey

power mousey

Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

19th May 2007

well again, whats the point??
Your game...in my opinion will not work out anyway.
yes, I was a little touchy for you not understanding.
I was just trying to help out, give some advice, spruce the goose up..as you say. It was interesting at the start*snip*

power mousey

Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

18th May 2007

yes, you're right Nolan.
However, I wasn't getting offensive.
A little upset..yeah, but for gosh josh sakes!
the post was as plain as plain can be. Maybe, just
maybe I should turn down the thinking transistors
in my brain when I read certain people*snip*

power mousey

Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

18th May 2007

the post explains itself.
If you can read it carefully.
and what is the 'what the' to it!??
if you were creating a sci-fantasy game
that would be one of the characters and a little story
and his character.
yet, this is more of a space sci*snip*

power mousey

Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

18th May 2007

how about a sci-fi/fantasy role based network game!??
I'm the Power Mousey.
I'm a Power Ranger. Well versed in the martial arts
of the Cheese-Kai. :D A Class combination of Warrior, Cleric and Thief.
I can shape shift in various small animals.*snip*

power mousey

#100 - The 100 Challenge

16th May 2007

I can't use assembly. I was going to use this
6502 assembly emulator. ;)
um...can I use Scratch?? :D

power mousey

Computer Pains

16th May 2007

no, no Spinal...it wasn't you.
It was me. I just didn't want to come across
as a 'know it all'. But I'll share some code to even it
all out:
;program cone1.bb
;a simple cone
Global cam1
Graphics3D 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer() *snip*

power mousey

New Visual Programming System been launched.

16th May 2007

haha :D
and hey steve. the previous night at work,
I was talking with Matthew.
A few things he was telling me about. He saw the last five
minutes of this documentary on the Discovery Channel
about Bob Moog. Inventor and creator of the synthesizer*snip*

power mousey

Computer Pains

16th May 2007

Nate and BLitz3dman,
I was thinking of doing something like spinal
and you(Blitz3dman) have suggested and shown
but....I was feeling I would come across
as perhaps sarcastic, redundant response
or of a 'know it all'.
So, Nate hey again welcome*snip*

power mousey

Computer Pains

15th May 2007

welcome aboard, Natedogg.
cheers :D
power mousey

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