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Happy New Year - 2018/19

7th January 2019

Super late HNY :)



7th January 2019

Everytime I go into EB I look at the toys for this... Glad I didn't get them!


Old Users

7th January 2019

Any one heard from Dabz lately?


Advent - 2018

25th December 2018

Thanks guys for sharing!


Merry Xmas - 2018

25th December 2018

Merry Chrimbo!


That'll teach the thieving gits!

19th December 2018

So awesome... and so sad too, since he had to actually build it...


Pulling Teeth

2nd December 2018

When I was a kid, I needed braces with that the dentist decided to remove 4 teeth, the 4th ones from the front ( top and bottom, both sides)... so as my teeth were straightened they were also pulled into the gaps. This allowed room for my wisdom teeth to g*snip*


All Over

1st December 2018

Finished all my chrimbo shopping last week to avoid to rush :)


RIP - Stan Lee

14th November 2018

Stan Lee created some amazing characters over the years, rip :(
Never really got into the DC Vs Marvel fighting, my favourites have always been Batman and Spiderman.


Toy Story 4

14th November 2018

Love the first 3, hopefully this will be just as good.


Detective Pikachu

14th November 2018

That actually looks half decent!


Cletus Clay - Resurrected

7th November 2018

As much as I love the look of CC, the gameplay was too basic.


Road Redemption

7th November 2018

Looks very cool, use to love Road Rash back in the day on the Miggy!


Checking In - October 2018

19th October 2018

Overall things are going pretty well, I'm finally moving onto a new project at work, I've tried 3 times to get off it over the past 2 years... I've been on the current project for 12 years! Looking forward to learning new tech: Docker, Kubernet*snip*


The Big C

9th October 2018

So sorry to hear about your lost Mr Pakz :(
My Dad also died from cancer a few years ago (bowel cancer)...


Accelerated Amiga

3rd October 2018

I so wished for an Amiga 1200, when we had the Amiga 600... But it was way out of my parents price range.


Telltale Closes

23rd September 2018

Very sad to hear about it :(
The Walking Dead series was brilliant, love the BTTF and the Sam and Max ones too... and Tales of Monkey Island was awesome! Damn... :(


My Vegan Lasagne

25th August 2018

Oops, my bad - I looked at the photos and video of the first post :)


My Vegan Lasagne

25th August 2018

Fair enough, always good to try to increase your veggie intake.
Did you use all the vegan ingredients or did you change some?
Vegan cheese = oxymoron!


My Vegan Lasagne

24th August 2018

Looks nice... one question though why Vegan? Are you vegan?


Ticket To Call

17th August 2018

Our card has a few online settings, by default it will automatically decline overseas online transactions and you need to go on the bank's website to enable it and you can set it for 1 hour or 1 day etc - pretty useful feature in this day and age :)



14th August 2018

So what would an ''old'' 1080 gigarays run?


Curl Route

11th August 2018

Yeah that was my guess that its some kind of script blocker safety feature... The ''Curl Route'' achievement is a nod to this:
[quote]A curl route, also called a hitch or hook (sometimes a button hook), is a pattern run by a receiver *snip*


Curl Route

11th August 2018

Cant create a Steam achievement called ’’Curl Route’’ :/


Please Ignore!

10th August 2018

What did I miss? :)

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