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Record of Achievement

30th July 2016

Another waste of my time at school... 99.9% of interviews were quite simply ''Great, come to The Whatever Pub for a quick pint and a chat'', or simply while on the telephone it was ''Great, can you start Monday''... The only time I sorta go*snip*


Sonic Mania

23rd July 2016

I'd buy that! :)


Jay Buys an iPhone

23rd July 2016

Dabz - get one of those big fat JCB bombproof phones. They're specially designed for clumsy fuckers.
lol... Thats what I need like! :D


Jay Buys an iPhone

22nd July 2016

I have an iphone, it's wrecked, I had a Samsung, it was wrecked... I had a Windows phone too... Wrecked!
Moral of the story... I wreck phones, and will never ever be able to keep a nice phone... Nice! :D



22nd July 2016

Been grafting like a dafty at work all week... All this heat caught up with me today like (And the hours, done a 16 hour shift on Tuesday)... 1.30pm came, and I hit the mother of all walls... So, I said sod it, and went to the pub... Where it became less o*snip*


New UK Prime Minister

11th July 2016

She ran for MP up my way once, lived in Lanchester... Labour won, she give up and buggered off!
Anyway... I'm dating tonight!!!
God... I love a good date me mind! ;) hehehe


Unity Editions

8th July 2016

If I used it, and I have seen what it can do, I think the $35 per seat option is a bit of a bargain mind!
But I dont, so, nice to see the free one there for a play about! :D


Company of Others

6th July 2016

I usually like a good family do... Means I can get up to mischief! :D


Lively Pool

4th July 2016

I love a night out there mind... Not too keen on the trip back... Hanging! :D
We had the train couch in kinks like, funny as out, this Scottish fella jumped of at Durham said the craic was quality! :)
I had two pints in Durham City and I could of just as*snip*


Lively Pool

3rd July 2016

Just got in from an absolutely magic weekend in Liverpool, now though, I'm going to jump into bed, curl up in a ball and let unconscious swallow me up! :D


RIP : Ploppy

1st July 2016

Such a shame, he was a good'un!



29th June 2016

Me and the ex went to a cash and carry once, got the tolley and everything, while she was browsing about looking at everything, I toddled off in search for crisps... Apparently, when I came walking around the corner with a box of beefy monster munch under *snip*



29th June 2016

Oh... After having to use the shower for weeks on end, the moment I dropped my back chaff in a steaming bath of Radox bubbles was absolute bliss... I just melted like a marsbar on a dashboard in the summer... In... Erm, Eqypt!


EU to UK Finances

25th June 2016

Fuck nuts...
My petition:
Mark the 24th June as the UK's official ''Independence Day'' with a bank holiday
Voting to leave the EU was a monumental decision by the British public, a brave one, but one that shows that democracy is alive and we*snip*


EU to UK Finances

24th June 2016

I've made a petition on the UK website thingy about having 24th June as the UK's official 'Independence Day', obviously with a bank holiday! :D
I need to forward the email to 5 people, and they need to click a link to activate it... Can any of you*snip*


Sick Tax

24th June 2016

Got a nice surprise in my pay packet today... Looks like they we're telling fibs when they said I had to fix 2013/2014 before I would get out...
Opened my paynote with a nice -1858.78 in the tax bit... FUCKING GIDDY UP!!!! :D


Sick Tax

20th June 2016

So Dabz, how is your lady-friend?
Ah, the lady friend... Which one are we referring to! ;) Hehehe
Slowed down a bit that one, still text sometimes, think she last said ''Bob!'' on Facey, met another Friday gone, nice lass, had *snip*



20th June 2016

I've still got to turn my bitbox on me... Just never seem to have the time, there's always something!
EDIT: Just remembered, there's a gameboy emulator for the bitbox too: github.com


Sick Tax

20th June 2016

Oh, and as it goes, dont send the inland revenue a letter... As it goes, and from what the score is with me... They just chuck it in a file and dont react on it, thus, me having to make the phone call... That's the annoyance I have with the whole thing*snip*


Sick Tax

20th June 2016

Well... Just a quick update on the taxie thing:-
1) Tax code has finally been sorted, finally, awaiting it now, I'm back in the land of the 20%! \\o/
2) Tax bodged up last year, that's getting tuned into as we speak, it's all fine, but...
3) *snip*


Orlando Shootings

15th June 2016

You don't have to be gay to be targeted by these nutters... You don't even have to be in the military... They see everyone as game!
It's a pretty horrific world we live in, and it'll never change... All the gun laws in the world won't *snip*


Voice Artists

10th June 2016

Second one for me... Womens voices are generally a bit warmer and softer.
The blokey one reminds me of some sort of BBC news segment, if you get me, a bit, clinical.


MaggieLou's Adventure

9th June 2016

Peru eh... That is actually something I would really love to go and see! :)


MaggieLou's Adventure

9th June 2016

Where is that Jay?


Voice Artists

9th June 2016

If anyone needs a geordie shore style voice over... I'm over here:
Wey aye hoo let wi smash some proper pasty the night hoo let wi gan wee aye cannit bliddy wait to be flippin knee deep in flapper the night it'll be proper belter hoo let wi gan

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