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#127 - The 1 Hour Challenge

1st December 2007

Wow, dusk bounder is like a shit version of Jump & Roll. One of my favorate games on the amiga. I loved that game, can you do a proper remake Eikon? Considering you did this one in an hour its still very good :)


How is everyone?

1st December 2007

I be ok. I'm working on an Epos system, in Java, for the place I work at. Its pretty boring really, but its paid and I should be able to sell the systems on when its done.
Apart from that I got shit loads of college work and other things that need doing, *snip*


Sun with a Quad?

19th November 2007

I think the best way to do this would be to make a greyscale bitmap similar to what fred did. Then load it into the textures alpha byte. The colour could then be applied procedurally.
IE: to make the light yellow fill the quad with rgb value FFFF00, reta*snip*


Frickin Fecking Freezin! :\\

2nd November 2007

[quote]That's another fact, alot of people that design the roads and the people that make up all the spin and b***ocks, dont actually drive.[/quote]
You will probably find that they do. Just about everyoine with money drives. Even I do, and I'm not all th*snip*


Frickin Fecking Freezin! :\\

2nd November 2007

[quote]If you are a driver in the UK like me, then you should notice that it is not just the road tax that were having to endure. The fact is that 68 percent of the £1.00 per litre we are paying is also tax.
And as you saying that electric cars make *snip*


Frickin Fecking Freezin! :\\

2nd November 2007

Word !.....
Most of it is a way of conning the public by using Global Warming to ramp up the price of fuel. If global warming is on such a big scale, then why dont the government ban Petrol /Diesel and LPG, and give us the electric cars that we w*snip*


Frickin Fecking Freezin! :\\

2nd November 2007

Yes, farting cows produce a lot of greenhouse gasses, and CFCs have 70,000 times the warming effect of CO2. However cows have always been farting, and it was fairly easy to stop producing CFCs. We cant stop producing CO2. Small imbalances can make big diff*snip*


Youtube and Copyrights

31st October 2007

Yeah apparently the top nobs in the industry are all going apeshit at the moment shutting down sites. My favorite was tvlinks.co.uk, but that got killed recently :'(


Coding a caclulator?

31st October 2007

You could have 2 variables, preferably doubles, that store the left and right hand side of the expression. The user starts off adding digits to the left hand side. When each digits entered you multiply the existing number by 10. When they press +, -, *, o*snip*


new here

26th October 2007

Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Personally I'd chose Blitz Basic over gonorrhea, but thats just me ;)


Who codes on/for Nintendo DS?

15th October 2007

[quote]oh, ooh, this one's by you, mike_g! (Not to diss the quality of the final product or anything, which actually turned out very nice)[/quote]
Well I coded it as a load of separate files, then merged them into one before creating the exe so that the *snip*


Who codes on/for Nintendo DS?

14th October 2007

I wouldn't recommend coding in C like you would in Blitz. It might be possible to get away with it for little things, but on larger projects you would be likely to end up with a hideous mess. Its definitely a good idea to keep data as localised as possible*snip*


C++ Unfinished Image Class

13th October 2007

An unfinised class for dealing with images. So far it only loads and saves 24bit bitmaps, but I am planning to add support for PNG, JPG, and TGA. It is not dependent on any non-standard external libraries. The image data is loaded directly to RAM, which av*snip*


C++ Flags Class

13th October 2007

Heres a little class I made for handling binary flags. Its templated so it can hold an interger type of any size up to 64 bit.
[code]typedef unsigned char Uint8;
typedef unsigned short Uint16;
typedef unsigned int Uint32;
typedef unsigned long long Uin*snip*


C++ String Class

13th October 2007

Heres a string class I was working on until I discovered that it was pointless considering I could use the built in C++ string class. Still it does quite a few things with strings that you can do in Blitz, and it shouldent be hard to convert a function or *snip*


Who codes on/for Nintendo DS?

13th October 2007

In C++ you can manipulate strings in a very similar way to Blitz. A lot of work has gone into abstracting strings from a character array. I made my own string class in C++ which was pretty pointless really, but with a little tweaking all the functions can *snip*


Who codes on/for Nintendo DS?

13th October 2007

I have seen some of the stuff that rockford has made, and if he can do that then I'm sure he can get his head around C/C++. Its not as incredibly complex as you seem to want to make out, especially if you have a couple of useful libraries to work with.


Who codes on/for Nintendo DS?

12th October 2007

I don't, but it sounds like fun. I cant see myself buying a DS, but I have an old SP kicking about somewhere. Maybe I'll see if I can get hold of a writeable cartridge for it sometime.


Which language?

9th October 2007

I don't use ASM yet, and its probably bettter not to write everything with it, but it give you access to the hardware in ways that you cant get with languages like Java and Blitz. Its probably best used for certain tasks once in a while and thats about it *snip*


Which language?

9th October 2007

[quote="JL235"]Does anyone here have any real intention or need to use assmebly in there game or application? If so why?[/quote]
Yes. I want to learn how to use the MMX / 3Dnow! registers. That way I can process image data for four pixels at a time. Basic*snip*


Hi guys, nice to see you again!

7th October 2007



Converting simple code from basic to c...

5th October 2007

Just a random guess without looking at the code much, but you might need to convert from radians to degrees?


Screen Names?

4th October 2007

Clyde: Hi! Nice to see you here dude :)
Afr0: You're a literary genius! A lot is two words btw :P


Return of lyonzy

26th September 2007

Yeah I just started java in college. I don't know anything about it yet, but I should be coding stuff with it soon.


Functions returning multiple results?

19th September 2007

Wow macros are quite fast. I never bothered using them in the past, but I might start.
Also I turned the time up, but I get the same results are pretty much the same for me, but yeah I guess it mostly depends on the machine and compiler. I'm using gcc wit*snip*

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