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Some game assets

24th July 2015

Not bad for a non-coder ;)
(Looks great Dave!)


I Want To Believe

22nd July 2015

[quote]I can think of much better things t spend $35m on[/quote]
Its $100m ;)
If new technologies come from it, its a win/win. And its for Science too.


New system...

22nd July 2015

[quote]''Don't fall into the trap of just putting the OS onto a tiny SSD, and all your apps etc on HDD. Other than improved boot time, you'll gain virtually nothing doing it that way''[/quote]
Sorry but I'm going to have to disagree wi*snip*


I Want To Believe

21st July 2015

Are we alone? Stephen Hawkings and a billionaire is trying to find out! Linkage


New system...

21st July 2015

I've got a Samsung 830 256GB a year or so ago its been the best thing since sliced bread :)
But yeah do your research! Check out this Whirlpool thread (its an Aussie site, but the info is still good ;)):
Oh BTW Dabz, time to update your *snip*


New system...

21st July 2015

Wow! Another AMD CPU! They are coming out of the woodwork! ;)
You guys got an SSD? For me the SSD is the best PC upgrade in the last 15 years anyone can make! If you havent got one... GO GET ONE!!!


New system...

21st July 2015

Nice Dabz!
Your the only person I know which has an AMD CPU :P


Desktop Gamer's Change of Life

20th July 2015

Your latest screenshot looks great!
With any job the pressure can get to you. I do coding full time for a large corporate company and my ''hobby'' is creating games...
It takes a long time to do a quality game as you know. Our last game (due out *snip*


Desktop Gamer's Change of Life

20th July 2015

Dave's latest tweet! WTF! Linkage


The Crime Solitaire Trilogy

14th July 2015

Crime Solitaire: The Return to Magicville :D


The Crime Solitaire Trilogy

14th July 2015

Nothing to stop you doing CS3! I've enjoyed both myself. Just make your millionaires from your new game and make CS3 in your retirement :)



14th July 2015

And heres a YouTube link the rest of the world can actually view:
(Sorry, CBBC games and videos can only be played if you're in the UK.
You're seeing this page because it looks like you're outside the UK. If you are in the UK, please close yo*snip*


RIP : Satoru Iwata

12th July 2015

Only 55!!


TheRevills Goes Green

11th July 2015

I've created a couple of POC trading cards for the game today...
Hopefully it'll help to get a few more Yes votes ;)


TheRevills Goes Green

10th July 2015

Thanks guys :)
If this doesnt work least its a one off payment for Greenlight and it might make me create non-casual games ;)
@Jay, yeah the comments are brilliant arent they! I was expecting them...
@ry - thanks a lot :)
@Dave - yeah Steam now has tra*snip*


TheRevills Goes Green

10th July 2015

Trying our luck with Greenlight: Linkage


Xmas Starts in June

25th June 2015

Over in here in Oz, there is a Christmas in July (as well the normal Christmas) - as quite a few English (including me) still think that Christmas should be on a cold day and not in the middle of 40 degrees Summer day ;)



24th June 2015

Fake or real? Or best teaser trailer ever?


InDev : SpikeDislike3

13th June 2015

That is so bloody stupid!
Are you going to query it after it is on the store?



10th June 2015

Updated the link:


Google Soli - Radar for your Fingers

9th June 2015

Looks very cool! Hope it works as well as they 'show' it working...
Looks very cool! Hope it works as well as they ''show'' it working...


E3 / Game Announcement Season! 2015

2nd June 2015

XCOM 2 announced!! YAY!


I don't know what to do!

1st June 2015

This ''reserving'' thing is just marketing... MS has said that Win10 will be ''free'' for users running Win7 and Win8 for 12 months after the release...
When it is released, I'll just download the ISO and either put it on an SD stick o*snip*


GfK's new PC

31st May 2015

Its been proven that companies have charged Australians more:
''Last year the inquiry heard examples of an Arctic Monkeys album costing $17.99 on iTunes in Australia but the equivalent of $13 overseas, and the movie Toy Story costing $24.99 in Austral*snip*


GfK's new PC

31st May 2015

@jay - unfortunately that doesnt take into account the ''Aussie Tax'' which companies seem to add onto many items over here!!

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