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Mario Kart 8

1st June 2014

@Jay - Mario Kart is really quick to pick up and play racer, so you don't have to spend hours playing it.
@Spinal - I haven't found that, everything seems to work really well.
The only thing I would want to change is to have horizontally split screen ins*snip*


Mario Kart 8

31st May 2014



Elite IV

30th May 2014

Really enjoying the beta :)
@Jay, you never know - because it is a space sim there isn't that much to render really and there are heaps of settings to muck about with.
Anyone else playing?


Elite IV

30th May 2014

Elite: Dangerous Premium Beta this weekend - cant wait! Picked up a new joystick just for this game :)


Monkey Update Rate

29th May 2014

It is different. I'll answer it here and there :)
The FRL (Fixed-Rate-Logic) is running the OnUpdate at 200Hz (or tries to) whilst SetUpdateRate(0) will run OnUpdate and OnRender as fast as possible.
I used FRL so that the movement of objects wouldnt got*snip*


Jay's Monkey Framework - Slow Start

25th May 2014

Yeah that makes sense, its just sometimes when trying to click on "Click to Start" it doesnt register due to the low update rate.


Jay's Monkey Framework - Slow Start

25th May 2014

Hey Jay, just wondering why you set your update rate to 5 when loading? I was wondering why it was so laggy when your games start, so I went into your framework code.... and nearly didnt return ;)


Too Hot

18th May 2014

Ever been to Australia Jay? Then you can complain about the heat ;) This week in our Autumn its 24C all week....



17th May 2014

Haha - great little minigame!


Monkey Wrangling

9th May 2014

In a professional environment we have code reviews on all source files, if there is any unused code or commented out code it does not pass the review and therefore does not get promoted. So you have a nice "clean" code base.


Monkey Wrangling

9th May 2014

@Kuron - well in that case Monkey has it defaulted to on anyway. To compile all the code you need to enable reflection.
I read it wrong, I thought Spinal wanted unused code to be removed from the source.


Monkey Wrangling

8th May 2014

I've never seen an IDE which has un-used code deletion feature, I work in Eclipse at work and it highlights unused variables...
But I would have thought it was pretty dangerous to delete them, you might be planning to use unused ones in the future.



2nd May 2014

What made you go for B4A Dabz?


BlitzPlus Source

2nd May 2014

Regarding the name of Monkey(X)... I don't think its too bad, and if you say to someone you use Mono does it sound "cooler", as Mono is Spanish for Monkey.


A Topic from a Typo

29th April 2014

Thats what I thought Steve! ;)


Ramble ramble/finishing stuff

18th April 2014

It is hard to finish a proper game.
I normally have the main engine/gameplay done in a couple of weeks, which is the bit I enjoy and is a challenge...
But then its creating hundreds of levels, profiles, options, story, sound effect, music, mid-screens et*snip*


Happy Birthday : Amstrad CPC!

13th April 2014

Happy Birthday Amstrad CPC 464!


Jay gets a Wii U

12th April 2014

Ah yes, I had totally forgot about the load time for Lego... but once it has loaded most of the city is open and doesn't have to load again.


Weather Symbols

12th April 2014

The eclipse one to me isn't obvious, it just looks like a crescent moon to me.


Jay gets a Wii U

11th April 2014

So looking forward to Mario Kart 8, looks awesome!
Best games I've played on the Wii U:
* Mario 3D World
* Rayman Legends
* ZombiU
* Donkey Kong (buts its very hard!)
* Lego City


Java Assistance

11th April 2014

I havent had a chance, been too busy - but I have seen that message before... years ago.


Birthdays and Booze on St Patrick's Day

19th March 2014

Thanks guys :)
I think I was spoilt this year, my wife got me X-Files Season 10 Vol 1 Comic, Donkey Kong Wii U, a DAB+ Radio clock and a box of Maltesers! XD


Birthdays and Booze on St Patrick's Day

17th March 2014

And Happy Birthday to me! XD


A rare spammer

7th March 2014

SPAM ALERT - Spammer: baoxiaotian


Window 9 - Last Chance Saloon

27th February 2014

Its actually faster and more stable than Windows 7... I just dont use the Metro stuff and boot directly into desktop.

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