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Git GUI push

17th June 2012

I've not tried Git GUI.
You could try GitHub for Windows (and they have one for the Mac too). It's excellent, and the UI is beautiful.


Git GUI push

17th June 2012

When you push, GitHub can't tell where it's come from. It can only tell if it's allowed based on your ssh key.
So to get your details it looks at the email address provided along side the commit. If this e-mail address matches the one you use on GitHub, t*snip*


Upload Down

12th June 2012

That is what I was thinking Ben. Maybe it just ran the handlers in the order they were defined in older Apache, but newer Apache runs them based on right to left in the filename.
The other advantage of using htaccess to corner off a section is that it all*snip*


Upload Down

12th June 2012

It relates to how Apache handlers work. If you have a file called 'index.php', it will run it as a PHP script, because of the extension. In the early days of the web, it made sense to have multiple extensions. For example 'index.html.en' could be the Engli*snip*


Upload Down

11th June 2012

I've also just PM'd Jay a simple fix for the problem, which should solve it. Once you know, it's pretty easy to implement.


Upload Down

11th June 2012

If Jay doesn't mind, then I'd be happy to explain.


Dropbox & Security

7th June 2012

Source control is a form of backup!


What Have You Done : 6th June 2012

6th June 2012

It's been a while since we last had one of these, sort I thought I'd resurrect it. What have you been up to over the last week? Or even longer?
What projects are you working on, how are they coming along? What has gone well, what has gone badly, and what *snip*


Shoutbox Topic - 583

5th June 2012

Even though the vast majority of the money goes to the BBC, a license is still required for all broadcasts in the UK.
A tiny percentage actually goes to other non-BBC services too. Wikipedia says Channel 4 received a tiny amount from it a few years ago, a*snip*


Shoutbox Topic - 583

5th June 2012

I don't quite see which bit disagrees with what I wrote, although I could be wrong. It does say at the beginning:
[quote=Wikipedia]A television licence is required for each household where television programmes are watched as they are broadcast, irrespect*snip*


Shoutbox Topic - 583

5th June 2012

The TV licence is for all live television in the UK, not just the BBC. Even with a digibox that excludes BBC channels, you still require a license.
There is also no problem with owning a TV. It really comes down to the fact that if you have a TV setup wit*snip*


Shoutbox Topic - 583

5th June 2012

I never thought I'd hear the words 'value' and Total Wipeout in the same sentence. But Top Gear absolutely rocks!
I read that the license fee only applies to live broadcasts, so watching it non-live off the iPlayer and other services is entirely free. If *snip*


Dropbox & Security

5th June 2012

I don't think I agree with you on security Dabz. Having FTP permanently unlocked will be just as insecure as using Dropbox, as in both cases you have the server opened up to transfer files onto it. FTP also has a lot of security you can add on top, so it s*snip*


Dropbox & Security

3rd June 2012

I wouldn't use Dropbox for any serious project backups; you should still use version control on top of it. The main advantage I have for dropbox is for sharing between PCs, especially when they are close to each other, so I don't have to faff about with US*snip*


GIMP features you may not know

3rd June 2012

It's useful because you do normally have to save twice; once as a gimp image and once as an exported png/jpg/whatever.
Personally I prefer the next export, mostly because I can ctrl+s to save changes, and ctrl+e to save the export. Much quicker then a sav*snip*


Jay's attempt to cheer himself up

30th May 2012

It's too fiddly, links need to be bigger, and the mud chat doesn't seem to work (submitting, updating, and most importantly no beeping)
Congrats on getting an iPad 3 btw, it is an awesome device! I was sceptical about buying it at first, but since I did, *snip*


HTML vs Coders Logic

29th May 2012

[quote=Hoboben]never put width & padding or height & padding into the same CSS rule.[/quote]
I presume because it gets added on? You can change that behaviour using 'box-sizing', which is much more natural.
The code to do this is:
[code].example {


HTML vs Coders Logic

29th May 2012

-hugs HTML-
The different sections make a lot of sense to me. When I used to use Java, it was always a pain, due to how much stuff I had to code to make a simple GUI.


Shoutbox Topic - 583

29th May 2012

@Afr0; Actually the BBC specifically does have to appeal to the public, more so then other channels. This is because there is a small but very vocal section of the UK population who want to get rid of the license fee.


Shoutbox Topic - 583

29th May 2012

The BBC is not run by the government; it's mostly self governing and autonomous. It's power comes via royal charter, which allows to be mostly independent of government (like the bank of England). For example government ministers will work with the BBC, bu*snip*


Shoutbox Topic - 583

28th May 2012

The worrying thing is that the BBC is still pretty good when you compare it to ITV, Sky News, and plenty of news papers.


PlayMyCode feature requests

23rd May 2012

Good idea. One of the reasons why it doesn't currently support them is because the language doesn't support them either, but I'll get them in when it does.



21st May 2012

I now have a mental image of Spinal meeting a hot girl, going back to her place, finding out she is really into games, and has this bed ... and then spending all night pointing out the inaccuracies on the covers.


death of cobra basic - time for a new language

16th May 2012

Ok, Diablo 3 then. I misread, but the argument is still the same. I was just putting JS out there as an option, as these days it's mature enough to use, and has some benefits over other stuff (and drawbacks too).
Ultimately, none of these languages are pe*snip*


death of cobra basic - time for a new language

16th May 2012

Meh; if I was being biased, I'd suggest PMC instead, which I haven't. But I do love JS and HTML5. I think it rocks, it's easily the best cross-platform platform right now, and that's why I use it.
Even Crytek, well known for only doing big triple-A game d*snip*

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