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Chinese Exports

14th August 2007

Death penalty o.0


Hey everyone!

11th August 2007

Welcome ;)


Shooting in the direction of the mouse

27th June 2007

Wow, those are two really great examples!
Thanks a lot ^^


Shooting in the direction of the mouse

27th June 2007

Basically, there is a "bunker" in the middle of the screen and it shoots bullets when you click. The bullets go off in the direction of the mouse - so if you click towards the left of the bunker, the bullet will shoot out left [towards the mouse] etc etc. *snip*



20th June 2007

i prefer version 1 tbh :/
More simple and nice.... the big silvery-ness puts me off version 2 a little. That said, it is still very nice.



20th June 2007

On the programming (and software) page in the google search bar section, you spelled "rectangle" wrong.
is it spelt or spelled??


Play Station!

8th June 2007

"I bet Nintendo are gutted about it now."
looking at sales of the Wii to PS3... I would guess ninty are pretty happy!
(afaik, ps3 sales are poor, and wii sales are pretty phenomenal. so be warned: i may not be right :/)


QOTD : Joysticks/Pads..

7th June 2007

how does one go about connecting a console controller to the computer? I presume there is more to it then just chopping the plug off and replacing it with a USB one...?


Codemasters'/2012 Olympics sucky logos

4th June 2007

Behold, my new logo of a MOLE with MOLE written in an obscure overlapping fashion!
To show off my creative power, the mole can actually be ANY animal!
Oh yeah and there is a green dot i forgot to erase.. i mean it adds depth.


What's June? : June is Teacher month!

1st June 2007

I think blanko's idea is good.


May 2007 - "Other Skills" month

2nd May 2007

I think I may try out origami... any recomended sites?
He... I have been thinking to starting a bit of coding perhaps...haven't done any in a while... bit busier nowadays with a more active social life!


Jay's Blitz Speed Test

26th April 2007

|Test | Time Taken | Fast/Slow
| 1 | 20 | Real Slow |
| 2 | 36 | Slower |
| 3 | 170 | Fast |
| 4 | 28 | Fast |
| 5 | 3 *snip*



19th April 2007

i got 15 on christmas day


#080 - The Christmas Title Challenge

20th December 2006

I'm making an entry for this one.
[me]hopes no one else enters so wins by default[/me]


about the Nintendo Wii.

18th December 2006

I sold one of my Wiis for *!APOUND!*300 :)
And I agree with the comments made about the speaker in the remote - playing zelda with it on actually made me cringe it was so poor quality, so i promptly went to the "home" menu and turned its volume off.



11th December 2006

Happy aniversary, OoT!
Legend of a game... altough imo, beaten by LoZ:TP


Wii Controllers Hacked

7th December 2006

this is actually ridiculously amazing.
*hopes Dad has a random bluetooth receiver*


Bought your tent?

14th November 2006

remember, I am selling a Wii on ebay ;)


ASCII Star Wars

12th November 2006

that film must have taken absolutely ages to make :/
They deserve a big prize :D


#074 - The Planetoid Challenge

8th November 2006

Hmm i will enter this one if I do not misteriously have no time to do it. I have a really good idea :D Well, i say raelly good, I thought about it for a few seconds and thought to myself "I can make a really good game out of this idea". Knowing me, it will*snip*


#073 - The Nothing Challenge

7th November 2006

Here is my game.
arrow keys to move along the sides of the screen.
space bar to shoot.
When you want to, deposit the, uh, "magic glob" into the box by pressing enter.
Super Tip #001: I advise you hit enter when above the box because obviou*snip*


#073 - The Nothing Challenge

7th November 2006

I am making a not particularly good game for this. But it looks like I am the only one... maybe I can win :D


Hiya again all

5th November 2006

is the plural of mongoose mongeese?
Hi ho mog.


Its my Birthday!

31st October 2006

i have a fiend whos bday i lso today...
happy bithday :)



23rd October 2006

3rd time lucky :D

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