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Apple Cover

19th April 2012

soon ... (Image.jpg)


Spare baby

18th April 2012



PlayMyCode: Tentacle thingies

17th April 2012

Wow! Looks beautiful. Can't wait till whatever your working on is finished.
Btw you can also embed pmc title here using the [ pmc ] bb tag.


Skybrush goes OpenSource

17th April 2012

Yes, yes I do. I'll get that corrected.


Skybrush goes OpenSource

16th April 2012

SkyBrush is now open source \\o/ Linkage



16th April 2012

I think he meant platform as in your mix of hardware, Windows version and drivers. OpenGL support can be pretty mixed; especially on older Intel hardware. Plus some people just prefer DirectX, especially as it includes a lot of very powerful tools.


RIP : Pets

15th April 2012

One of my parents cats died today : ( . She was around 16, maybe older, had two litters of kitten, killed tonnes of animals, and in her hayday was a huge menace to animals of all shapes and sizes (even dogs). However she was also a very loving member of ou*snip*


Java vs C

10th April 2012

It's the iPad to blame, I don't rally think 'and' is spelt 'ANC'. It 'auto-corrects' a lot of items without you realising, and fails to auto-correct others, especially when your typing quickly.


Java vs C

9th April 2012

Turns out Java and C have swapped places 7 times in the last 11 years. So it's not that big of an event.
I think the real tragedy is that both languages are still so popular. Neither are modern, and yet still dominate software engineering.
edit: correcte*snip*


Boxes on Ice

8th April 2012

so you can’t just tap them, and have them slide automatically to the other side of the room?


How to Make a Stylus

6th April 2012

No, not when the stylus is covered by thin cotton. There is nothing rough about the tip, and I'd go as far as to say its probably safer then a conventional stylus.
Conventional ones on the iPad use a rubber tip, and it would be much easier for something t*snip*


How to Make a Stylus

5th April 2012

I don't think we are talking about the same strip of metal. The one I'm thinking of is more then. If enough enough, and pretty sturdy.


How to Make a Stylus

4th April 2012

I'm actually thinking of building a new tip. On lighters you get a metal strip that protects the flame bit, where it comes out. They are easy to pull off, and I find the end is perfectly rounded for use as a tip. It's also much slimmer then most stylus tip*snip*


How to Make a Stylus

4th April 2012

Yeah, but mine looks cool.


How to Make a Stylus

3rd April 2012

Stylus = [ pen, thin cotton, wire wool, kitchen fool, gaffa tape, wire, glue, very thin copper wire ].join();
First I made the tip, which is essentially wire wool wrapped in a layer of kitchen foil. I originally tried just foil folded up, but it was far t*snip*


How to Make a Stylus

3rd April 2012

I built an iPad stylus today (Image.jpg) works great!


Jay's crappy March

2nd April 2012

[quote=Jayenkai]A bubble of Goo sits behind my neck.[/quote]
Jay's World of Goo!


They Would Be Bored

1st April 2012

Just to play devils advocate, one of the main arguments behind this is that they can already do this with phones, and so this is essentially just bringing legislation inline with technology.
In the uk we also havent seen phones taken advantage of through *snip*


Jay's crappy March

28th March 2012

Head not leaking brain fluid usually is a good sign.


Feeling Slightly OCD..

27th March 2012

Yup, I do it a lot, but making something really well polished does take time.
However lately I've been trying to just not care, and instead get the graphics or code done in as little time as possible, and I've ended up being more productive as a result.


Jay's crappy March

26th March 2012

You could always get a toupee :p


Jay's crappy March

26th March 2012

I third the haircut idea, but I'd recommend a Mohican instead. Then flop it over when you can't be bothered to style it.
Btw hi Phoenix!


DDs iPad3

22nd March 2012

[quote=Stealth]It doesn't have any and you don't need any. It's fully functional and useful without them. However, you can do HDMI, VGA, and microSD through the dock connector.[/quote]uh, this is actually where Apple really sucks for it's devices.
Yes it'*snip*


HoboBen evolves into HoboSwan

22nd March 2012

That sucks. Although you shouldn't give up; I know plenty of people who have been given a rejection and then still managed to get into a university by ringing up the CS lecturer in charge of letting people on the course. With the projects you've done, you *snip*


DDs iPad3

20th March 2012

Another thing I don't like is flicking the screenshots in the app store. I find it tricky flicking them with my thumb on their edge; instead I have to flick them in the middle with quite some force.
This means moving my hands. : (

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