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QOTD - August 2024

5th August 2024

Question of the Day : August 5th What inspired you to start creating music/art/code?


QOTD - August 2024

4th August 2024

Question of the Day : August 4th How do you manage and store your retro code and projects?


Happy Birthday, LineOf7s

3rd August 2024

Happy Birthday to LineOf7s


QOTD - August 2024

3rd August 2024

Question of the Day : August 3rd Which retro TV show do you think was ahead of its time?


QOTD - August 2024

1st August 2024

Question of the Day : August 1st Which cartoon character would make the best tech support representative?


QOTD - July 2024

31st July 2024

Question of the Day : July 31st Share a tip for balancing creative pursuits with everyday life.


QOTD - July 2024

30th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 30th What would a crossover between your favorite retro video game and a modern movie look like?


QOTD - July 2024

29th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 29th How has retro technology influenced your current creative process?


QOTD - July 2024

28th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 28th Share a tip for optimising code on vintage hardware.


QOTD - July 2024

27th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 27th If you could time travel to attend any tech event or launch, which one would it be?


QOTD - July 2024

26th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 26th What book series from your childhood do you still enjoy?


QOTD - July 2024

25th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 25th What was the first programming language you learned, and how did you learn it?


QOTD - July 2024

23rd July 2024

Question of the Day : July 23rd Share a memorable moment from a LAN party or arcade visit.


QOTD - July 2024

22nd July 2024

Question of the Day : July 22nd What was the most useful software development tool you used in the 90s?


QOTD - July 2024

21st July 2024

Question of the Day : July 21st How do you incorporate retro themes into your modern creative work?


QOTD - July 2024

20th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 20th How has retro technology shaped your career or personal life?


QOTD - July 2024

19th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 19th What retro tech item do you think would make the weirdest yet coolest fashion accessory?


QOTD - July 2024

18th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 18th
What's the biggest project you didn't do?


Happy Birthday, Pio

17th July 2024

Happy Birthday to Pio


QOTD - July 2024

17th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 17th
How often do you ''reinvent the wheel''?


QOTD - July 2024

16th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 16th Which retro tech device do you think would make the best addition to a modern smart home and why?


QOTD - July 2024

15th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 15th
What percentage of projects do you complete on average?


QOTD - July 2024

14th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 14th Which retro artist or musician influenced your creative style the most?


QOTD - July 2024

13th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 13th Which retro coding language do you find most interesting, and why?


QOTD - July 2024

12th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 12th What retro tech gadget do you think would make the best pet toy, and how would you repurpose it?

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