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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Shoppy Shouty

Sun, 25 Sep 2011, 09:49
More shop ranting, but this time, someone else! Linkage

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 25 Sep 2011, 09:49
I really hate how store assistants in the west feel like customers are the enemy, and that customers have to adhere to these high standards. Especially when they are ultimately paying your wages.
Sun, 25 Sep 2011, 11:43
In the end, the customer is always right.
.. .. even when everybody knows they're not, and are just being a dick about something..

..I always keep a smile on my face. I bite my lip and whinge online, instead, about their silly books, and their constant need to never have any money and instead use their cards which hold up queues making everyone wait and all get p'd off.

Smiley Jay carries on..

But I know I'm in the minority.
there's a really annoying woman who works in our local Tesco, and is always whining and bitching about something or other.
She really ticks me off..

At first I used to think she assumed, because I also work in a shop, that she could just rant and rave away because I see the same amount of idiocy.. But now people come into our shop and complain about her, so it's not just me

There's a nice little bit in here about US/Canada vs Japanese shop niceties. (scroll to the mailbag)

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 25 Sep 2011, 17:22
Jay, did you ever watch Trollied on SKY1? Fantastic programme, that tells it as it isn't (quite), but good fun anyway. I worked in a retail outlet many years ago and tbh I do miss some of the odd people I worked with - staff and customers.
Sun, 25 Sep 2011, 18:23
In the end, the customer who is being a total arse and making the shop an unpleasant environment for the remaining non-arse customers - not to mention the employees - is usually being a total arse BECAUSE of the "the customer is always right" attitude, as they know they can get something for nothing by tossing their rattle out of the pram.
The proper response would actually be to toss THEM out and make EVERYBODY'S life more pleasant.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 26 Sep 2011, 03:33
There is no call for being a rude customer, however customer service in the west is pretty bad compared to the rest of the world.

When I went to the supermarket in Hong Kong, they _always_ packed, with no exceptions. They just did it without asking. In the UK, I have never had my items packed at a supermarket. Not only is it more convenient to pack for me, it's also much faster.

One time I went to buy some large cakes and was looking at them from outside the cake store. Within seconds an assistant came outside, asked which ones I wanted and offered to go in and buy them for me (obviously with my money). The point here is that the service came to me, I didn't have to even go inside!

Same thing happened when I bought a kettle from Fortress (which is their version of Currys or Comet). Assistant came over, asked me which one I was buying, and offered to go up to the counter and buy it on my behalf, whilst I went off to look at laptops.

If you go to McDonalds, you cannot throw away your rubbish. People will literally run over to do it for you if you ever try. This has happened to me multiple times in HK.

If you go to a bar or a night club, people come round offering to bring you drinks. Even happens if you stand outside. Usually you pay there for the first, and subsequent drinks are on a tab, but it means you never have to go up and order.

You get none of the above in the UK, or in the places I've been to in Europe.
Mon, 26 Sep 2011, 03:42
I'm a definite bag-packer. Always ready with a bag, much to the annoyance of the few folk who have started bringing their own bags, but don't get time to pull it out of their pocket before I've started packing for them. .. Not my fault!!!

If you come to our shop, you either get a happy smiling face from 2 of the staff, or you get the other two, who will usually be ignoring you and nattering away on their phones...

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 26 Sep 2011, 10:05
I'm completely the opposite on this count, as a customer.

I really hate store people packing my bags - I always put my stuff on the conveyor in a set way so that each item is packed with a similar typed item (makes putting everything away so much easier at the other end). Store clerks invariably want to put the baked beans on top of the bread, underneath the frozen chicken.

I don't care if staff smile at me or not - if they come over to me before I need them, they can feck off. I hate being asked 28 times by various bored looking geeks (in somewher like Currys) if I need help. If I want/need help, I'll come and find you.
Mon, 26 Sep 2011, 10:26
Yeah, that really puts me off..
I kinda get it in Dixons, where some folk might not really know what they're aiming for, but when they started doing it at Game, it kinda put me off going in there in the first place...
Looking approximately 378% like a geeky gamer, do you REALLY think you could help me pick a game?! Piss off!!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 26 Sep 2011, 16:43
My local GAME isn't too bad actually - the staff there are even pretty knowledgeable (I've overheard them talking to parents and other gamers), with a good assortment of games and stuff in a light, clean and clear store.

However, just 10 yards away there is a GameStation (which is owned by GAME), and it's the most depressing place you could never hope to visit. Unintelligent staff listening to God-awful "music" at a million decibels in a grimy looking store, with racks of shit games (and merch) at above average prices, with second hand ones just a pound or two cheaper. The two outlets couldn't be any different. Weird.
Mon, 26 Sep 2011, 19:56
Evil Roy Ferguso
My wife works retail, and she alerted me to the existence of this creature:

F- Yeah Retail Robin

It's kind of like Art Student Owl but with a different kind of ennui.
Tue, 27 Sep 2011, 04:58
No offense, Jay, but I'd rather take the other two nattering away on their phones!

Damn, I'm glad I don't live in HK. Having an assistant come out of the shop every time you're *considering* buying something sounds like it would empty your pockets pretty f'ing quickly!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Tue, 27 Sep 2011, 05:17
It also means you can just walk in, and say "I want x", and you'll be directed straight to it. Even if your in the wrong store.

I don't really like shopping, so anything that helps to get it over and done with as quickly as possible, is a good thing for me.