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Socoder -> Concept/Design

Prospero -> That OpenGL Convex/Concave thing.
Started by Jayenkai
Last post by Jayenkai on Mon 06:27, 26-11-07
Space Graphics
Started by HoboBen
Last post by Scherererer on Sat 22:32, 24-11-07
Coding a caclulator?
Started by spinal
Last post by Scherererer on Thu 13:21, 01-11-07
Started by spinal
Last post by Prospero on Tue 15:53, 30-10-07
Virtual functions and multiple inheritamce - OOP question(s) and general rant
Started by Afr0
Last post by Scherererer on Fri 17:19, 26-10-07
Heroes game?
Started by Afr0
Last post by power mousey on Tue 22:30, 09-10-07
Linear Gameplay?
Started by HoboBen
Last post by tnt23 on Sun 23:58, 07-10-07
3D game...
Started by ingenium1
Last post by hyruleknight on Sun 22:24, 09-09-07
Project Ideas
Started by Yayyak
Last post by power mousey on Sat 15:26, 11-08-07
Is this game too hard?
Started by Phoenix
Last post by JL235 on Sat 19:26, 04-08-07
Graphics Library Class Design
Started by JL235
Last post by JL235 on Thu 13:07, 02-08-07
16x16 2 color Icons
Started by Jayenkai
Last post by Jayenkai on Thu 09:36, 02-08-07
How does the alphabet go?
Started by Jayenkai
Last post by Evil Roy Ferguson on Sat 23:31, 28-07-07
WTD : Game Suggestions..
Started by Jayenkai
Last post by Nolan on Mon 16:43, 09-07-07
Script Execution
Started by Phoenix
Last post by power mousey on Sun 14:16, 29-04-07
ACM 2007
Started by erbbysam
Last post by power mousey on Thu 00:12, 22-03-07
Community Project
Started by JL235
Last post by mike_g on Fri 07:47, 02-02-07
RTS Idea
Started by JL235
Last post by Yayyak on Sun 14:39, 10-12-06