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Evil Roy Ferguso

Blitz 3D math source

7th December 2011

@JL235 - I am aware of how floating point math works -- it's not that 10 million is an odd choice but that "infinity" is expressly given a finite value. I'd probably have to call it something more like "MAX_SIGNIFICANT_VALUE" if I wanted to be able to read*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Blitz 3D math source

6th December 2011

I have to admit that my favorite part of this code is the fact that infinity is defined as 10 million.

Evil Roy Ferguso

Shoppy Shouty

26th September 2011

My wife works retail, and she alerted me to the existence of this creature:
F- Yeah Retail Robin
It's kind of like Art Student Owl but with a different kind of ennui.

Evil Roy Ferguso

Making an array of arrays in blitzmax?

25th September 2011

BlitzMax supports two different kinds of multidimensional arrays out of the box:
"Rectangular" arrays:
Local myArray:Int[10, 10]
myArray[0, 0] = 5
or, if the size of each dimension isn't known until later:
Local myArray:Int[,]*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Call The FBI!!!

30th August 2011

Smeagol doesn't have schizophrenia so much as dissociative identity disorder, but as far as I remember, Noel has never once complained about tricksy Hobbitses or killed his brother to get a "birthday present," which I think are diagnostic criteria under th*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Debate - should external links open in a new tab/window?

30th August 2011

I personally prefer the Wikipedia approach of giving some visual indication that the link is off-site, but otherwise not trying to control where the link will be opened.

Evil Roy Ferguso

complex if statements.

12th July 2011

jedimastersterling: that is using a stringstream, and it is the correct way of doing it in "plain" C++. Strings don't ordinarily allow the stream operators; a stringstream lets you write to / read from a string using the same operators you'd use with any o*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Gameplay: RPG combat without magic

28th April 2011

If you've got a grid-based battle system then you already have a lot of room to vary attacks up a bit - there's more than one way to attack with a sword, even if you only have one type of sword.
You might have a knight that can run forward n squares, slas*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Self Teaching Help!

18th April 2011

The lovely thing about coding is that you'll ask 10 people a question and get 23 different answers. :)
For what it's worth:
- Cards shouldn't randomly set their suit / value in the constructor -- this is kind of like if at a playing card factory, each ca*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso


13th April 2011

Ironically, I think I just broke the shoutbox replies pretty hardcore -- probably because my message contained " and '. Until I posted this message I got a huge line of MySQL errors on the list of topics to the right, and the shoutbox said that this had "0*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Random Telephone Number

11th April 2011

For a quick fix, try:
instead. That will pad with a zero instead of omitting the digit.

Evil Roy Ferguso

SQL syntax error trying to insert data...

30th March 2011

It might help to assign the query to a local variable first and print it out to see what your string substitution is actually created:
In this case I think your problem is that you need quotes around your string values -- you need " '$_POST[Username]' " i*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

What's (wrong?) with Charlie Sheen?

18th March 2011

Hey guys I hear Charlie Sheen is making some wacky and controversial statements
No, seriously, though, he's been at this long enough that it's unlikely to be a publicity stunt.

Evil Roy Ferguso

PlayMyCode - Beta testers wanted

19th January 2011

Sorry to necromance, but finally got a chance to play around with it. Made a game in a pretty short span of time.
So my feedback:
- I still like the language quite a bit -- for simple games it's a nice blend of Ruby and Blitz, although until it's a littl*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Honeymoon Ideas

17th January 2011

We stayed at the Maple Lane Cabin in the Hocking Hills for a weekend, and it was quiet and lovely.
Most states (certainly including Michigan) will have at least some aesthetic wooded regions with little rentable cabins in them; they're typically about the*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

What Will You Do : 2011

4th January 2011

Ah, yes. When I added my wife to my bank account, they had to close my existing account for some reason and add us both to a new one.
The problem is that they took about two weeks between closing my old account and opening my new one.
Banking has always *snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

c pointers?

31st December 2010

That's something else entirely.
Mind you, that something else is overwhelmingly more useful. Pointers to members are a strange and fascinating (mis?)feature of C++. If I had another Foo named bar, later on I could:
bar.*pMember = 20;

Evil Roy Ferguso

c pointers?

30th December 2010

In C++, unless interfacing with code in C, pointers tend to mean you're doing it wrong, since you should be using references or smart pointers. Pointers to pointers don't tend to come up all that often.
Also, pointers to members:
int Foo::*pMembe*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

c pointers?

30th December 2010

You're pretty close, honestly. The main two things that offend my delicate sensibilities are:
1. You don't need to loop and read in data value at a time. One of the arguments to fread is the number of elements to read in:
fread(address_of_data + *snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

PlayMyCode - Beta testers wanted

16th December 2010

Had a go with it for a bit and found two bugs, one major, one minor.
A Javascript injection bug:
Here it's just doing "alert" repeatedly, but it could do worse.
onEachFrame() do
fill( 10, 10, 50 )

setAlpha( 1 )


Evil Roy Ferguso

QOTD : How many files?

5th November 2010

I have one file for each class / interface, and for related groups of free functions - so I end up with quite a few. The Domino game thing I have up somewhere on here is split across 30+ source files (although it's a bit more mature than when it was posted*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Xmas Xompo 2010 : Start Here

3rd November 2010

I'll give it a go, but who knows if I'll have time to finish...

Evil Roy Ferguso

work colleagues who pretend to be better than you

5th August 2010

I've encountered people like this, but fortunately I don't work with any - the management comes from the trenches, and they are not impressed by buzzword bingo.
Not to say there isn't occasionally friction between the developers, but on a small scale, it'*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Skills and Interests

28th June 2010

What platforms do you enjoy coding?
PC (Windows, Mac), Web
What other useful computer knowledge do you have?
I'm picking up a fair bit of ASP.NET and IIS configuration skills at work, but I'd hesitate to call myself proficient at this point.
What code *snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Anime Picks

25th May 2010

I second most of Noel and Mog's lists, especially Fist of the North Star. Now that's a manly show.
I also add:
Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku (The Legend of Koizumi)
Great Teacher Onizuka
Yakitate!! Japan

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