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Evil Roy Ferguso

The Wednesday Workshops

1st July 2009

A lot of times, I'll start a WW entry without finishing it -- there are tons of little half-finished games all over my HD. They're not particularly presentable, but there are some fun (and occasionally lame) ideas there that could later be expanded into fu*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

A world language

20th June 2009

Indeed -- as I noted in my post, English slept around a lot. My mother always told me, "English is the language resulting from Saxon warriors trying to hit on Anglo bar maids."

Evil Roy Ferguso

A world language

19th June 2009

I would hesitate to say either spelling is superior or inferior. Ultimately, it comes down to a disagreement like little-endianness vs. big-endianness (in the Swift sense, not in the CPU architecture sense) -- it couldn't really matter less and is pointles*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

A world language

19th June 2009

Mi ne kredas tion.
I do not think we'll all be speaking one language exclusively any time soon. Esperanto was not meant to be anyone's primary language: the idea was that everybody would learn a couple hundred words of it, since it was easier than learnin*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

QOTD : Favourite Game Track

18th June 2009

I'm partial to happy SNES-era music. Kendorage is pretty typical of it, although it might not be the best example.

Evil Roy Ferguso

Fancy-pants graphics in Blitz

8th June 2009

Runs smoothly on a 1.8GHz Celeron with 2GB RAM and integrated Intel graphics.
I'd test it on my 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo + 2GB RAM and NVidia something notebook too, but I'm not honestly sure if that's necessary, all things considered.

Evil Roy Ferguso


7th June 2009

I have reached the conclusion that Sony is now taking part in a competition to make as many bizarre, otherworldly design decisions as possible before the end of the decade.
The question is...
with whom are they competing?

Evil Roy Ferguso

Spectrum-Style Graphics

7th June 2009

Does what it says on the tin.

Evil Roy Ferguso

Zieks WIP

5th June 2009

Old school shoot-em-up with Speccy-style visuals

Evil Roy Ferguso

Good Diagram Drawing?

3rd May 2009

I've heard things about Dia. Neither good things nor bad things, mind you -- just things.

Evil Roy Ferguso

SpeedTest : Cubes go round!

26th April 2009

550:32 on an Intel Single-Core Celeron @ 1.8GHz* with Intel GMA4500** integrated graphics. 2GB 800MHz DDR RAM. Windows 7. I have to say that I'm ... a little surprised that it's slower than the Eee. I can only lol at my integrated graphics.
And cry.
* I'*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Getting a file name

24th April 2009

; Returns the 'filename' component of a pathname.
Function GetFileName$(pathname$)
; start at the end of the string
Local idx = Len(pathname) - 1

; character we're inspecting
Local c$ = ""

; loop back until we hit a / or \\.

Evil Roy Ferguso

Best Practice

20th April 2009

You can do something like this in C++ -- I don't know if there's a Java-equivalent, though. (Change structs to classes if you want, I'm just too lazy to type public when we don't have private fields.)
* Policy to get "My favorite field" from *snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

The Munchies

18th April 2009

Nice work so far! I like that you're taking the Lemmings 'template' but doing something new with it -- it has a much more 'arcade-y' feel than Lemmings, and it seems that solving a level is less about setting up a solution and then letting it run than abou*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Font and resolution issues

16th April 2009

Something that can be tricky to work with is that font sizes in Blitz are given in Pixels, but in everything else ever on Windows, they're given in Points. On a Windows system, a point is 1.33 pixels or so, for some reason.
You might actually get the resu*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

NES Name Entry Screen

9th April 2009

What might be the easiest way to do this is to use Mod Len(letter_rows(sely)) instead of Mod ROW_LENGTH. Then, when the cursor is being moved up or down, after changing sely, check if selx >= Len(letter_rows(sely)), and if so, set it to Len(letter_rows(sel*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Would you drive this ?

9th April 2009

I would drive this. But I also wear shirts with Big Bird on them fairly regularly, so I'm really not a good model for "cool."

Evil Roy Ferguso

QOTD : Fingernails.. tappity tap tap tap!

7th April 2009

I have a pathological aversion to telephones, so my phone is not particularly touchscreen endowed.
In fact, it cost $5 at Wal-Mart.
I'm not even kidding.
I'm starting to feel left out. And uncool.
But I doubt that I could ever use a device with a capac*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

New game console anyone ?

5th April 2009

I hadn't even bothered to check their website until Mog mentioned the top nav menu. I'm impressed -- I thought that Mystery Meat Navigation died out in the mid-1990's, but I see that it's brought kicking and screaming into... well, I thought entirely Flash*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

NES Name Entry Screen

5th April 2009

; NES Style name entry screen
Graphics 640,480,16,2 ; Windowed
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Include "system/application/_library/common.kbd.bb"
; Maximum length of a name, so people don't get off trying to name themselves
; "Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzs*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Number bug in Blitz?

2nd April 2009

Huh, this is kind of interesting. pow() is working as expected in the program above because it's written C, and C's pow() uses double-precision floats. powf() is used for single-precision floats, and exhibits the problem that we have seen in Blitz. C++'s p*snip*

Evil Roy Ferguso

Number bug in Blitz?

1st April 2009

[edit]I can't remember my point here. I guess that means my point was that I should probably sleep sometimes hur hur hur.[/edit]

Evil Roy Ferguso


25th March 2009

It should also be noted that most of the name choices really stink.

Evil Roy Ferguso


16th March 2009

It's totally nullity.

Evil Roy Ferguso

Disable Desktop Compositing

13th March 2009

Disable Vista/7's desktop compositing in your Blitz classic game.On

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