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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - July 2024

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Mon, 01 Jul 2024, 02:10

Question of the Day : July 1st

What's your guilty pleasure?
Mon, 01 Jul 2024, 02:47
Sleeping until noon.
Mon, 01 Jul 2024, 02:59
I don't have a guilty pleasure, it's just pleasure imho, i do like a lazy morning waking up @ like 9-ish though

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 01 Jul 2024, 04:42
Tue, 02 Jul 2024, 02:35

Question of the Day : July 2nd

What's your favorite holiday tradition?
Tue, 02 Jul 2024, 02:59
Rum Truffles!
> Reveal 🔎

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Wed, 03 Jul 2024, 01:35

Question of the Day : July 3rd

If you could erase any of the laws of physics for a day, which one would it be?
Wed, 03 Jul 2024, 03:41
I dunno.. they're kinda there for a reason!!!
The most obvious would be gravity, but if you could "erase" it for a day, the whole planet would be buggered!!!

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Wed, 03 Jul 2024, 05:40
Maybe a couple from Thermodynamics… create energy without all the heat… or something lol

With all the laws of the universe we have found, I always ask why… why is the speed of limit that fast, why does gravity attract mass at that rate… etc… why…
Thu, 04 Jul 2024, 01:32

Question of the Day : July 4th

If you could make any part of your daily routine disappear, what would it be?
Thu, 04 Jul 2024, 01:35
The number of things I have to do each morning. Blog, pixel art, poetry corner, and lately the a.i. Corner, too. It's kinda getting a bit silly, now, if I'm honest.

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Thu, 04 Jul 2024, 02:13
Which one do you enjoy the least... Maybe drop one off...

Mine would be the daily bus trip to the city...
Fri, 05 Jul 2024, 01:32

Question of the Day : July 5th

If you could transform into any natural element, which one would you choose?
Fri, 05 Jul 2024, 02:01
*holds hands up*

I think we just need a complete new fresh batch of QOTDs, at this point.
"Redo From Start?"

Lemmie go ask the Chatbots.

OK, replaced the entire file with questions from ChatGPT.
Hopefully these are a bit better.
Honestly, if you've any questions, email/pm them me, and I'll add them to the list.

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Fri, 05 Jul 2024, 02:14

Question of the Day : July 5th

How has your taste in media changed since the 80s/90s?
Fri, 05 Jul 2024, 02:17
I've definitely gone all-digital nowadays. I can't remember the last time I bought any physical media.

.. Actually, no, I can. It was Mario Odyssey. And having to constantly change the cart in the Switch between Zelda BOTW and Mario Odyssey was enough to make me go "Bugger this... Digital only from now on.."
Is that laziness?

.. Yeah it's laziness.
But screw that shit. I'm too old to change carts!

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Fri, 05 Jul 2024, 03:48
Well, as the physical media started to Grow, and the place to keep it started to grow-less ... the logical solution was to get the games downloaded ...
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 01:31

Question of the Day : July 6th

How did you get into retro computing and gaming?
Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 01:34
I didn't.
I got into modern/futuristic computing in the 80s
Then I got old...

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Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 09:20
Same here, oldskooler.
Sun, 07 Jul 2024, 01:31

Question of the Day : July 7th

if you could be any character from a Movie, who would you be?
Mon, 08 Jul 2024, 03:05

Question of the Day : July 8th

Where in the world would be ideal place to live.
Tue, 09 Jul 2024, 00:44

Question of the Day : July 9th

If you could live in any decade, which one would you choose and why?
Tue, 09 Jul 2024, 00:44
I'm sticking with the 80s.
Tue, 09 Jul 2024, 03:04
It depends, if I went back to the 80's with my mind as it currently is, I'd probably be able to make a lot of monies doing game programming..But, most of the stuff I would want to buy wouldn't have been invented yet!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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