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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Misc

Created : 01 June 2007
Edited : 10 August 2007

BlitzCoder Showcase

This is the original BlitzCoder Showcase main page, while it remains alive
Searches are performed only on the descriptions of the entries.
To find a certain title, you'd have to travel through the titles manually, or, use Google instead
Or ofcourse, SoCoder's Blitz search

Link to archived version.



Friday, 01 June 2007, 14:48
That is awesome, I've been browsin through all of them, some of them look great
Saturday, 02 June 2007, 00:47
Yeah, when they stopped BC, they left some of the pages behind...
Sunday, 03 June 2007, 06:33
power mousey
cool and ahhhhh!!!

a treasure trove of coding gems.

But it aint no Blood Diamond.
Sunday, 03 June 2007, 09:42
Are my showcases still there? LOL

My site has changed to a CMS since then though so all the file and picture links are probably dead.
Tuesday, 05 June 2007, 08:20
If something isn't there, it might be on the way-back-machine web archive: BlitzCoder March 2005, BlitzCoder Index
Wednesday, 13 June 2007, 06:43
whoa...Teasy...You are history man =) I bet you were born a cave man lol