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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Anything new for Socoder?

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Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 15:27
OMG?WTF! 2 years?!

5th September 2006 was the date of the first post to the forum, and that's nearly 2 whole years ago!
So, given we're nearly up to a big-old birthday point, is there anything you'd like to see here? Something you think is missing? Something random for the fun of it, or any other suggestions.
As usual, bugfixes are welcome, as are other such complaints!

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Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 15:36
wow killer mmorpg built into browser and coded in asm!
Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 16:11
3d avatar support!

Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 16:18
Preferably within the realms of basic plausability!!!

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Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 16:30
all you have to do is convert all the avatar image slots to be java applets if they have a 3d avatar and then just have it constantly rotating. It's totally plausible.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 16:33
"Preferably within the realms of basic plausability!!!" -- "And actually doable on my celeron without causing a single forum-page to up it's temperature to about 70000 degrees!"

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Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 19:25
A Site Redesign

But really. Two years seems to be the average lifespan for a site design. And I would love to see the whole thing revamped.

I think there are plenty of features, but I think that intigrating all the tools differently would benifit greatly.

That's my input. I realize that would be quite an undertaking. So I won't be too shocked to see this not happening.

Congrads on two years!

Quit posting and try Google.
Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 19:36
Jayenkai "Preferably within the realms of basic plausability!!!" -- "And actually doable on my celeron without causing a single forum-page to up it's temperature to about 70000 degrees!"

You mean, you are running this site on a server at home ?.
Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 19:51
The front page could maybe show the first 100 words of the latest 3-5 forum posts or comments.

It means that if anyone has a one word reply, it saves me a click

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 20:06
You mean, you are running this site on a server at home ?.

No, not at all!

I mean that if I tried having a dozen little 3D avatars, all in Java, my poor little celeron would probably explode at the prospect of rendering them all!

The short-reply thing. I'll have a nosey at, see what's doable.

And, as for the redesign.
As much as it pains me to say it, any redesign would probably reduce the amount of information on the screen.
I know it's a little old.. it's practically the old BC layout. It's just that, there's a lot of information to fit in here, and if I start making everything "lovely" it pads everything out, and we end up with a site 20 scrolled-pages long.. with nothing extra but a couple of nice wavey lines!

If I can sort out a nice new layout, then I will.

But so far, nothing's sprung to mind.

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Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 20:27
I'm just dreaming here, but maybe you could write some sort of online hiscore thing that integrates into SoCoder so that you can upload hiscores straight to SoCoder from a game with a username, a password or an md5 hash of the password and the title of the game. (and maybe a checksum so you can't cheat the hiscore)

Then you could have a leaderboard for each game and build scores into the profiles.

A bit ambitious, perhaps - but if you do it once then people never have to reinvent the wheel ever again. Plus it would be really freaking cool.

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 19 Aug 2008, 20:52

blog | work | code | more code
Wed, 20 Aug 2008, 00:19
Well, I can't think of any good new features, except that highscore one is pretty neat - we could integrate the code into our games, and have lots of highscores... Other than that, the odd bugfix here and there; well, the poll anyway.

And since SoCoder's birthday is the same as mine, you should force everyone's theme to ShroomCoder. Mwuhahaha... (joking). Perhaps the birthday theme.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 20 Aug 2008, 00:28

I actually half integrated a highscore system when I did Alien Deathmatch, oh so many many months ago. Alien Deathmatch instantly got 100 times bigger than planned, though, so a simple highscore table really wasn't sufficiant anymore!

To be honest, I was slightly worried about overdoing things, but I think the server's coped rather well over the past year or so. You know... Other than the mudchat being piss-poor slow on occasions!

If I do stick it in, it'll probably have to have some kind of super-duper protection method to keep things secure, so I think I'll actually shove it onto it's own seperate database. You know, just to be safe! And it'll need security tags plopped in, and so we don't overwhelm the server a specific "Upload" button would have to be added for the user to click.. As opposed to my usual lazy ass way of just saving scores whenever you beat the highscore.. That'd probably kill the server if everyone tried uploading, all at the same time!

.. Dang, looks like I'm doing that, then!

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Wed, 20 Aug 2008, 10:07
You can fix the preview button so that it has line breaks, and so that you can display code boxes the second time you click it. Other than that, I have no wishes except for a redesign, which I suspect would be a beast because of the way SoCoder is coded (am I right?).
Wed, 20 Aug 2008, 14:49
It's just that everytime I've said "If someone would like to suggest a nice new layout, I'm all ears", nobody's actually sent one.
The site has a scripting engine, way down deep in the bowels of the system, and can be pretty much tweaked to fit..

Just.. Nothing good's come up yet.

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Wed, 20 Aug 2008, 15:18
Well, I already mentioned the showcase check-box to give the option of resubmitting the showcase to the front page after an update.

I've said before that I really like the site design as it is. May sound corny, but I think it has a charming, unofficial feel to it, and really represents us as a community. (...Because we're laid back and occasionally charming ) But I'm not completely closed to a redesign either.

Other than that, I really don't know. How about a group of talking hamsters that greet you with streamers and noise makers upon entering the site?

|edit| Also, happy second birthday SoCoder! |edit|

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Wed, 20 Aug 2008, 19:51
a SoCoder highscore api would be kinda cool-- especially if you could hook up our personal profiles with the scores, and then we could have notifiers that would go up for a day or so next to our names "new highscore!" so that we could gloat, and then that would link to the game we got the score in and the place.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Wed, 20 Aug 2008, 22:49
As much as that's a nice idea, I don't think it'd be very secure. Or at least, I can't think of any safe way it can be done, without also being able to cheat the system, or have some stupid secondary "login" box that'll mean bog-all to other folk, and have potential password stealing nastyness involved.

Other than that, the highscore thing's coming along really well, and I should have something up and running later on today.

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Thu, 21 Aug 2008, 07:44
Well, as far as the page layout goes, what about having the different sections expand out when you click the title? For example, the latest posts section could start as just the title part, and when you click that, it expands out to show all the text. It would be a simple javascript job, but could help with your layout problems.

Oh, and happy birthday socoder

Vesuvius web game
Thu, 21 Aug 2008, 07:51
For the record, having all the information on a single page, without having to click loads of things, is pretty much the reason it's a mess. Call it Information Overload, call it "Lazy Jay can't be arsed to click Forum before he can see the new topics", whatever you call it, the fact that there's stuff everywhere is entirely down to me having actually put it there for good reason.

To then have to click lots of headers to bring it all back up again... Seems kind of a waste.

But, hey, maybe that's just me. How do others feel about that?

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Thu, 21 Aug 2008, 08:56
Ever thought of having a ShouBox on here Jay ?.
Thu, 21 Aug 2008, 09:02
Yeah, but the forum's quiet enough without having everything plonked into a shoutbox!

The fact that most of the interesting things tend to happen in the Mudchat is bad enough!

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