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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Star Trek Discovery

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Tue, 26 Sep 2017, 16:07
Here's a Sky beauty...

Sky Q, supposed to be multi-room... The craic is, you get a Sky Q main box, with a free mini Q box so you can watch Sky in another room, sounds good, but when you get an extra mini Q box@£12 a month extra (Not including £99 for the extra box itself), there's a slight problem with it...

Basically, if you plump for the 1TB Sky Q box (£20 setup), and have the free mini Q box in one room (say, bedroom 1), and the extra one your paying for in another room (say bedroom 2)... Erm, you get a nice little surprise when you try to use them together... Basically, you cannot... Only one mini Q box will work, the other displays a message saying you've exceeded your mini Q box viewing amount!

It's either one or tuther!

How crap is that... So you pay an additional £99 for another box, then £12 a month... And you cannot really watch it whenever you want!?!

Who thought that's a good idea? :/

But it gets better...

To view more then one mini Q box at the same time, you need the 2TB main Sky Q box, which rolls in at an extra £65 setup fee, then you buy extra mini Q boxes@£99 each, the Sky website lets you buy four of these when ordering (Regardless of which main box you have)...

So, as an example... you have a few kids, you decide to put a mini-Q box in your room, a one in the eldest's room, and one in the little'uns room... So, thats £65, plus £198 for the three mini Q boxes AND £12 a month for the *cough* Sky Q Multiscreen Pack...

But your still in for a nice surprise when all of you are tucked up in bed and wanting to watch Sky... Because you can only watch TWO mini Q boxes at the same time... YES.... TWO... TWO!!!!

Is it me, or is that the wonkiest setup you've ever heard in your life... A prime example of:-

a) A shit idea
2) A shambles setup
iii) Blatant money grabbing bastardization on an epic scale

I mean, is it me? Am I being too picky and not "seeing it"?

Why would you really want a setup where you can, technically be the only one to watch it whereever in the house? Aye, it's okay I suppose if you and the wife live on your own with no kids, or, your a fucking cleaner and can turn on each unit as you go about with the Pledge... It doesnt make sense?

And there we are... Sky Q, apparently its the future of television!

Mind... Blown!!!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 26 Sep 2017, 16:11
They've got to make their money somehow, tho - let's be fair! I mean, they can't be making THAT much money from showing 25 minutes of ads every single fucking hour of the day, can they?
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