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Coronavirus - COVID-19

16th April 2020

Daughter well on recovery path. I'm a little behind her, but doing fine. Wifes symptoms now picking up a bit, so it'll be full on taking care of her soon too.
Will certainly be glad to see the back of all this!


Coronavirus - COVID-19

14th April 2020

''How're you holding up, Krakatomato''
Not good. Myself and daughter now registered with NHS as Covid-19 patients and doing our best to avoid hospital. Looks like I'll be doing the same for my wife and 9yr old daughter soon too as they&#3*snip*


Coronavirus - COVID-19

12th April 2020

Well, this virus is the fucking pits. My daughter kicked off symptoms last Wednesday and progressively got worse. I started developing them Friday evening and I can tell you now - it's horrendous!
Both myself and daughter are experiencing same sympt*snip*


Happy Birthday, Blanko1324 and Steve_Ancell

8th April 2020

Happy Birthday chaps!


Cipher/Decipher Testing (with Xor)

4th April 2020

XOR encryption is pretty pointless - it's very easily broken and seriously insecure. If you need to encrypt something then look at stronger methods. Otherwise, don't bother. If your goal is just to hide information from the ''casual user/gam*snip*


RentForever Goes Bust

30th March 2020

Absolute scumbags so seeing them go tits-up is fantastic news. I just hope there can be some help for those with existing contracts (I don't btw)


RentForever Goes Bust

30th March 2020

Best news: Linkage


Coronavirus - COVID-19

28th March 2020

Y'know, it's actually piss easy to make your own soup and v v v cheap? ;-)


Missile Comm Hand

27th March 2020

Fucking hell - THE HAND! YouTube


Disney Plus

24th March 2020

Also, just to note that for things like ''that Star Wars show'' which are only showing a few episodes per week - you can connect through to the USA via VPN and binge it all :)
There's also a few more films/series available in the US.


Coronavirus - COVID-19

17th March 2020

omg, this whole thing is really bringing out the swears in me!


Coronavirus - COVID-19

17th March 2020

Just a quick note to the dickheads taking all the gluten free pasta... It's not normal pasta and you'll soon realise it tastes a bit shit. Thanks for taking food away from my kids' plate as they're coeliacs and can't eat anything other *snip*


Free Synths

15th March 2020

Free Korg and Moog synths


Cards Dealt a Blow

14th March 2020

wow. seriously... Linkage


Coronavirus - COVID-19

14th March 2020

It's fucking infuriating. Tried doing some shopping yesterday and Tesco and ALDI were empty. Got to ALDI first thing this morning and they were fairly well stocked - but fuck me, the car park and the queues for checkouts!
Then went to Tesco to pic*snip*


Lets Encrypt Security Bug

3rd March 2020

If you use ’’Let's Encrypt’’ then read this: Linkage


ST Picard

28th February 2020

I've stopped watching it completely. If I can't watch ST with my kids then it's not ST. Absolutely no reason to have such obscene language in a program like this. Modern times or not, I don't agree.


Asda Price

28th February 2020

No, that was Sainsbury's buying ASDA outright from Walmart. Other retailers objected as it would have been bad for the competition - so it wasn't permitted to go ahead.


Asda Price

27th February 2020

They've been looking to sell it for ages! Sainsbury's got close but were ultimately denied. Bound to happen for loss makers


BitDefender alerts

26th February 2020

Viewing the site today and BitDefender is constantly alerting me to ''Suspicious connection blocked''. Details is as follows:
Online Threat Prevention
chrome.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an unmatching securi*snip*


ST Picard

7th February 2020

That's the first ''minor'' f-bomb. Takes an Admiral to really nail it with a full-on F-BOMB.
/me sighs


ST Picard

7th February 2020

I was shocked to hear the F-Bomb in ST Discovery and stopped watching it not long after. And here we are again, barely into episode 2 of ST Picard and in come the F-Bombs :(
Seriously, why do they feel it necessary to introduce such vulgarities into ST! *snip*


Core Grafx - Mini PC Engine

18th January 2020

Instant pre-order... Linkage


Coding the Classics PDF

20th December 2019

Yep, there's quite a bit of content. Introductions to the games, how they work, how they coded it, the actual code listings etc. It's really well presented and the games look and play really well.


Coding the Classics PDF

20th December 2019

Erm, yes it is - there's code listings in there for every game!

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