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Larrabee Raytracing...

24th September 2009



Do Not Pirate Things...

21st September 2009

Lily Allen proves a point.
You really shouldn't copy things.


Taking folk for a spin...

15th September 2009

But ROFLygood.


Google FastFlip

15th September 2009

News, in pages.
Google take screenshots of websites with news, then slap 'em all together into a list.
It's one of those ideas that seems kinda stupid, until you actually take a good look.
Makes web-based news much more Paper-like, allowing you to flick*snip*


Lego Arcade

7th September 2009

Here's how to do proper Lego Stopmotion, without everyone wondering if it's real..
Make it really look like real Lego!!


13 things that don't make sense

2nd September 2009

13 things that don't make sense
13 MORE things that don't make sense!


Opera 10

1st September 2009

Opera 10's out now, with super compression..


Molecular Microscope

29th August 2009

Peeking in on the tiniest of tiny things, a super duper mega microscope that can spot molecules.
It's the future!!!


Star Trek Cologne!

27th August 2009

Just what every Trekkie needs.
Pon Farr, Red Shirt and Tiberius available!


Lego - Real or Faked?

24th August 2009

You'll know the part!
Personally, I think it's probably just a filter, but others are less cynical!
What do you think?


CD Case = Instrument

19th August 2009

''Moldover'' (!) releases a CD that contains a lovely little case, with a complete instrument inside!
Indie music = no paying the record labels, and also getting something much better than they'd bother to give you.


Pay £2.50+ for Championship Manager

18th August 2009

In these times of downloadable games, and whatnot, it's nice to try out new marketing strategies.
£2.50 gets you the download link to the new Championship Manager, then.. pay whatever you feel it's worth!
It's like a crazy assed version *snip*


6760 Fonts!

17th August 2009



Sand Animation

16th August 2009

From Ukraine's got Talent..
Fooksocks, that's some kickass talent, right there!


Flex Game Tutorials IN ORDER

9th August 2009

Over at BrightHub, they have some really great tutorials. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any way that they're organsied.
Matthew Casperson has posted a nice batch of Flex tutorials.
They aren't listed in order, they aren't titled in order, an*snip*


Clever bird

8th August 2009

Probably not the most amazing thing you'll see all day, but definitely interesting, none the less!
A Bird eats a worm out of a glass.


Ye Olde Freakout

6th August 2009

I didn't think this video could honestly get any better..
Oh, wait! It has!!!
Even more Freakoutlols!


Default Fonts on Mac and Win

3rd August 2009

Not sure how useful this is, but it's kinda handy to check things from time to time.
A list of fonts installed on Mac and Win (not sure how up to date it is, though!) along with a list of screenshots of the list, to check against the available systems.


The Shack!!!

3rd August 2009

RadioShack is be no more!!!
Sure, over here they rebranded to Tandy, so for us Brits it's probably not that big of a deal, but omg!wtf!bbq! RadioShack are dropping the Radio!
From now on, they'll be called ''The Shack'', which, to be *snip*


Bits of B3ta 31stJuly09

31st July 2009

PMSL again, so here's the best vids from this week's B3ta newsletter.
Go sign up already!
Clarkson Beatboxes
Cat gets a Fly
Jagger sings really well
Kirk climbs a mountain


There's something wrong here...

27th July 2009

Lovely stuff!
Link brought to you by AuthenticKaizen, who doesn't get the Powerbar points, because he's not a member!


Super Happy Music Vids

24th July 2009

I've only just got around to reading this week's B3ta Newsletter (go sign up to that one, it's only fair since I nicked their idea!)
I haven't laughed so much in a while.
I'll just copy+paste the 2 video links that have me laughing my arse off!


Halo : Legends (Anime)

23rd July 2009

Halo Anime!
While I've never really been all that bothered about the game (no AI Deathmatch!? WTF!?) I've always been someone intrigued by the storyline.
I really loved that ''ILoveBees'' audio-novel thing they did, and the way all the storylines*snip*


Youtube THREEDEE!!

21st July 2009

A new Youtube feature allows you to upload 3D videos, which will then be shown in different styles, based upon the selection in the nice new kick-ass drop-down menu.


Great 3D renders (SG1)

15th July 2009

I usually don't get all worked up about 3D stuff, nowadays.
We've hit the point where it's getting hard to tell, and nothing ever seems to jump out as ''FANTASTIC'' to me.
Blinkin' eck!
These are great!!

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