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16th June 2015

I ran BlitzMax and it ran so well but the compile is so slow :(
CodeBlock? It run so quick!
What other programming Language is coming to PI apart from Python?



16th June 2015

Is windows 10 coming out and if yes then when?


Shenmue 3

16th June 2015

It is ON !!


Steam Summer Sales

12th June 2015

Leadworks game engine £18.99 now is very good buy !!!!!


Happy Birthday, Krakatomato

12th June 2015

Happy Birthday and have good day :)


Excell Spreadsheet?

9th June 2015

Thanks GFK......That what I need :)
Mircosoft let people try their software Excell Spreadsheet for one month then you have pay it monthly if you want them.....that is wrong!
I prefer when come buying software and once you bought it then it is YOURS to KE*snip*


Excell Spreadsheet?

9th June 2015

I have try online Excell spreadsheet and save it then next day I cant even open them because it was on desktop. So I went to download Excell Spreadsheet mircosoft but they say it is free but then card payment show up that need to fill it....PFFFTTT


What ya guys up too?

7th June 2015

I am looking buy new laptop



5th June 2015

It had be most impressive YABASIC for coding on Web...
Well Done MR D(Guy who made it happen!) :)


Energy Usage

5th June 2015

Do you think 400W PSU (instead of 650w PSU)would reduce my eletric bills?


Energy Usage

5th June 2015

£429.99 and you getting about 1 hours 35 mins or bit more of used for your laptop.....not much isnt it.


Energy Usage

5th June 2015

My Desktop pc are
Intel i5 4440 @ 3.1Ghz PC
650W XFX XXX Pro 80Plus Semi Modular PSU
8GB Kingston HyperX Fury Red 1600Mhz CL10 Memory
Graphics card Geforce 750 GTX
I had eletric bills this morning and it went over £120!!


Energy Usage

5th June 2015

Look like I will be going back to laptop...Eletric bills is quite expensive for my desktop computer!


E3 / Game Announcement Season! 2015

2nd June 2015

Batman ps 4 is one I am looking forward to :)


New TV?

2nd June 2015

For a 42'' TV, I'd assume it's going to last about 5 years or so.
That correct hence why I went for FULL HD instead of 4K(dont see the point of buying it)


New TV?

2nd June 2015

Do you this is ok for PS 3/PS 4 Gaming?
It is sharp TV 42 inches
LED TV Screen.
Full HD (1080p) display resolution.
Screen size: 40 inches
Motion rate 300Hz.
Response time 8 milliseconds.
Viewing angle 178/178 degrees.
Resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels*snip*


I don't know what to do!

1st June 2015

Windows 8.1 is good - Very fast and efficient.
I agree as window 8.1 users and it is great. All you need is Start8 add on which is only £4.99(for one off) if you want window 7 start button feel....


App Game Kit 2

31st May 2015

The price gone down to £30
The best kit for really cheap price is GAMEGURU £6!
What you get
GameGuru DLC available on Store:
GameGuru Mega Pack 1
GameGuru Mega Pack 2
GameGuru Mega Pack 3
GameGuru Fantasy Pack


Moon Pics

30th May 2015

Did anyone see another planet next to the moon last night? It is Mars or Venus? It cant be Mercury because it too far way!


GfK's new PC

30th May 2015

It isnt 32GB Ram seem bit overkill?
The game of today used 8GB Ram and in coming years...it will be using 16GB Ram one day!


Making a home computer!

23rd May 2015

How it going? :)


Jay Buys an LG Telly

23rd May 2015

What Amiga games do you play?


Chrome Bookmarks?

17th May 2015



Chrome Bookmarks?

17th May 2015

What the hell have they done? Why did they changed it and became more hassle to bookmarked em!!
It was so simple before you bookmarked it on by click the Yellow star and job done but no!


My Teachers photo?

17th May 2015

I want to make bigger and see clear on who those my Teachers in my school days...
I have Gimp 2.8 but not sure on how can I make it clear to see

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