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Javascript Solitaire

7th July 2009



EA call Sims3 pirates ''A demo''

6th July 2009

Afr0 gets let off the hook.. .. The hook of a Pirate's Hand, Yarr!!!


Coded Remix!!

3rd July 2009

EchoNest API allows you to use code to chop and restitch bits of music, or video.
This is a fantastic example of it's power.


I am the Game Developer

30th June 2009

I am the Game Developer
Fair enough!!


Rob Manuel, attempting to cause a Flashmob

29th June 2009

As MJ dies, Rob makes an innocuous comment on twitter.
Does it work?
Yup, sure does!!


Quantum Physics for the Homeless

24th June 2009

Don't forget your skateboard..


Which is Better? Commodore or Apple

24th June 2009

Not sure which to buy?
Compare and decide, with this handy chart!


Ooooh, pretty clouds!

18th June 2009

New Scientist looks at a range of luvly clouds!
Because that's what scientists do all day!
Well, that, and decide what else can give you cancer.


Car powered Tills

15th June 2009

A car park at Sainsbury's, Gloucester, has been fitting with a series of metal panels. As the cars roll over them, the spin the generator which powers the tills.
Cool stuff..
It's the future!!!
.. *sigh* I miss Tomorrow's World.


Asus' Super Table!

14th June 2009

It's the Future!


Monopoly's a Rip-Off!

14th June 2009

I never knew all this!
As ''research'' for my Patent games, I went looking into Monopoly's patents.
Blinkin' eck!!


Ant 'n' Dec Suck!

9th June 2009

Looks like Ant & Dec finally figured out how to work Youtube..
Behold - Stupid Childish Ant & Dec Sillyness..


Google Squared

4th June 2009

Stick in a query, get out a table!
Neat, simple, and does the job.
Well, usually does the job..


Google Wave

29th May 2009

Cool stuff..
It's the Future!!!



26th May 2009

These guys pull off some crazy stuff, but this is definitely one of my faves.


Dr Who - Tonight's the Night

25th May 2009

BBC have recently relaunched Jim'll Fix It, but with John Barrowman as the presenter, and it not being called Jim'll Fix It.
I haven't been watching it, but here's a nice fun scene from it.


Get Cake Here!

23rd May 2009


Samsung Holograms and Claymation!

22nd May 2009

Samsung are making an awful lot of random videos, lately!!


Factor 5 closed

14th May 2009

Holy hell, they're dropping like flies!


Saunich der Hejhaug

10th May 2009

Will Saunich save the day?


80s Video Game Box Art!

8th May 2009



Good News Week

6th May 2009

Good News Week is the Australian version of the UK's Mock the Week.
It's an hour long, and it's just as good.
What I just found out, today, having hunted high and low for torrents, is that their own webpage has the episodes.
And, not ONLY can you stream*snip*


'Jarvis Cocker'

1st May 2009

A fascinating video, to introduce Jarvis' new album.
Had me in stitches at one point.
Silly Jarvis!


Introversion's year of hell

30th April 2009

A year in the life of Introversion, creators of the multi-award-winning Darwinia, as they try to cope with all manner of outside influences, ranging from Economic Downturn, through Microsoft's annoying annoyances, and even touching on UK Channel 4.
A fasc*snip*


We Didn't Start the Flamewar

17th April 2009

OMG! This is really really really good!!

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