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Happy Birthday, Kuron

5th January 2025

Thank you, Dan!


Happy Birthday, Kuron

5th January 2025

Thank you, Jay!
[spoiler] (Image.jpeg) [/spoiler]
Happy Berfday?
About 20 years ago, I lived in Maryland, about 10 minutes from my parents in Baltimore County. For my Dad’s birthday, we ordered a birthday cake from the bakery in the local Mars grocery*snip*


RIP - Mark Sibly

12th December 2024

Truly sad and teary eyed to read this. RIP Mark. Please give my wife a big hug for me and my cats lots of cuddles.
Blitz Plus will always be my fave Windows programming language. It just worked, was fast and rock solid. Your legacy will live on. That*snip*


Uploader ''Untidy''

13th December 2023

You knew I was putting them back, as I had publicly stated so. But you deleted everything so I couldn't. Effectively removing me from participating. All the text for the gemstones, that due to my disabilities took about an hour each day to research,*snip*


Uploader ''Untidy''

13th December 2023

Seems my posts have been deleted as I am trying to update the links. Message received.


Uploader ''Untidy''

13th December 2023

I set up a proper account and am in the process of moving things over and will fix all broken links. Apologies for any hassle.


Lying Bastard Browsers

13th December 2023

I keep Windows itself completely locked down, Edge is not a good choice for me, as it can't be updated due to that. But most reviews nowadays say it is better than Chrome. Who would have thought it would reach a time where MS had one of the best brow*snip*


Badvent 2023

13th December 2023

Awww... A cute little gingerbread man.


Badvent 2023

13th December 2023



Badvent 2023

13th December 2023

Wasn't having a go at you, seriously is interesting stuff to us nerds/geeks. Or even CDRs.


Badvent 2023

13th December 2023

Suggestion for next year, post a different floppy every day, along with what you think is on it, and the story behind it. Would be very interesting.


Badvent 2023

12th December 2023

One of the memories of reading iWoz that stuck with me, was Woz relating the story of the first floppy drive in an Apple device. They bought an existing drive, Woz literally took it apart and put it back together. He had leftover parts, it worked, much, *snip*


YT blocking ad blockers.

12th December 2023

Epic has won their lawsuit against Google. The jury has declared Google an illegal monopoly and listed several things they have done that are illegal.
This is just the first step. There is another trial underway in Washington, DC, where the*snip*


Advent of Creativity 6

12th December 2023

Snowflakes gently fall,
Inside the globe, a world still,
Christmas dreams enthrall.


Advent of Creativity 6

12th December 2023



Badvent 2023

12th December 2023

ChatGPT's CodeCraft Calendar Day 12:
Day 12 - Byte-sized Brownies:
Brownies shaped like bytes or bits.


Badvent 2023

12th December 2023

Today's gemstone is Calcite:
Calcite is mainly found in China, Mexico, The United Kingdom, France, Germany and The United States.
Amplification of Energy: Calcite is thought to amplify and cleanse e*snip*


Badvent 2023

12th December 2023

Awww... A Christmas Giraffe! (being photo bombed by the Snowman)


Lying Bastard Browsers

12th December 2023

I was having too many issues with Firefox, so am using the rest, LOL. Chromium based seems to be working best for me now, after many years of using Firefox. Am really liking the new Opera which I never thought i would say, as I ditched it when it ditched*snip*


YT blocking ad blockers.

12th December 2023

cyangames: YT would be sold before it collapsed and perhaps it could regain what it had, before Google bought it. YT grew only because MP3.com was sold and turned into a completely different product. Before MP3.com was the place for the community (and m*snip*


Lying Bastard Browsers

12th December 2023

Real Irony is there are only two browsers. Firefox and the rest. The rest (Chrome, Safari, Edge, and on down the list) are all just variations of the same rendering engine.


YT blocking ad blockers.

12th December 2023

Pakz: You are comparing two entirely different things. Weird Al is a musical artist. He gets paid per play of his song and it has nothing to do with ads. YT has licensing agreements with the major music licensing companies ASCAP, BMI, etc and YT pays t*snip*


Arc Browser for Windows

11th December 2023

You have your choice of three different levels of beta, I chose mostly stable since it will be on dev machines.
About the only real complaint I am seeing in any reviews is people are griping about having to have an account. One of the first browsers to b*snip*


YT blocking ad blockers.

11th December 2023

Content creators almost never see revenue from the ads, they get their revenue from donations, super chats, channel subscriptions and from their patreon accounts. All of what Google is trying to block from the creators.
As I said before (reposted below),*snip*


Dislocated Shoulder

11th December 2023

Glad she is being tended to and has a devoted son. I am sure she will heal up nicely.

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