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Wot your Weakest in coding?

7th September 2007

Well, i think everything computer science-related is difficult for you.
"my own A* algoritm in C++"
Your own? Interesting.. or did you mean your own implementation?
Weight your words.
Also, it is "algorithm"


3D game...

7th September 2007

Ah-Ah-Ah. ["muhahahahah"] ..
It is so funny seeing how you try to ignore me.


3D game...

7th September 2007

Well, if ignoring what i wrote makes you happier, be happy.. but i wouldn't be that happy knowing that a guy on the forum i wrote on has such thoughts..


3D game...

7th September 2007

"It is an amazing website! Wow..."
"But for crying out loud abc goes on and on o.0"
.., too.
I would prefer to know what kind of guys i talk to on forums.
What i wrote is not a minor thing or a way to insult him, i just reported his thought, so to *snip*


3D game...

6th September 2007

Oh, very interesting.
You thing something, and you argue it everywhere, and now you tell me it's all false?
Well, you are a perfect hypocrite.. but you know it..
@all: doesn't it seem a too-much documented fiction?
Have i that fantasy to inve*snip*


3D game...

6th September 2007

Yes, but that is not important, as i argument my ideas.
You were trying to start it, while i just wanted to point out some details, and only in my last post i argued against you to answer your previous posts.
"I don't understand what do you want from me"*snip*


3D game...

6th September 2007

Well, i don't think think you could have original ideas, usually you copy everything.
Then, it is strange to talk about 3d games and originality in the same sentence, as there were made too many and of too many types it is almost impossible to innovate in*snip*


3D game...

6th September 2007

Oh, but I can answer; I answered.
Your question was just wrong.


3D game...

6th September 2007

Well, before deciding 'i will make that game' you should search for the language you are searching for, but this is not accomplished searching on forums. Use google.
Search your documentation and make your thought, without asking on a forum for such thin*snip*


3D game...

6th September 2007

Yes, but it seems as his current languages doesn't have 3d libraries by default, and he didn't search for others, so asked here for a complete programming language to do the thing.


3D game...

6th September 2007

Well, he didn't tell if he is used to blitz 3d.


3D game...

6th September 2007

Yes, and it also depends on what you need to do with it, but generally a compiler can be better than others for optimization, generation of ligher binaries, speed, performance, ..


3D game...

6th September 2007

"because a perfect language doesn't exist"
No, but there are languages better than others.
PS: this was not to start a flame, it was just a comment
Well, actually there is not a "language for 3D", as you could use the same libraries with C/C++/Python/Ja*snip*


Porting C&C : Is it possible, is it cheap, and is it legal

14th August 2007

This tell something about him.
On the 11th he asked for a tutorial to learn C#, on the 12th:
"Diablos is right. I am using C# and I must say it is really easy."
Isn't he a lamer?


[C/C++] Graphic

14th August 2007

You are too funny..


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

@phoenix: i didn't read you post.
"I must've missed that post, fortunately. I'll just pretend I didn't see it."
Would you like me to repost it, so you'll be able to see it? /sarcasm!


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

"If you don't like him, that's you problem on that site. This is SoCoder, a different site. As far as I know he has done nothing wrong here. It shows a lot about you to follow someone across the internet and try to cause trouble for them. Regardless of wha*snip*


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

"Oh, well they it must be true! /sarcasm
C++ may be the most used language, but that is far different than being the best.
I didn't say 'all ones use it, so it is the best', i've just said that lacking of benchmarks (the good benchmarks would be on fi*snip*


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

C++ is the most complete language, and it is the best, expecially under *nix environments.
C++ is fast and optimized.
It really allows you to use 100% of your CPU.
Of course i don't know *every* programming language out there, but lets think that it is *snip*


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

However, among the other things, would you like to read about a thing he did against me?
There are many, but as you say 'personal attack, personal attack', i would like to tell you why i hate him.
On this forum he asked for help (he didn't k*snip*


[C/C++] Graphic

13th August 2007

Again, just wanted to stress it.


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

The only personal thing i've wrote are:
-he didn't learn C# in a day. he would not be capable of such thing.
-he codes just to sell software.
Nothing more.
The other things I wrote could have been understand by everyone, as they are programming related*snip*


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

It is not a personal attack.
I've known him, but what i wrote was programming related.


[C/C++] Graphic

13th August 2007

"Now I'm even more confused, after I noticed this 2 days ago..." ?
It was just to point out that he auto-replied to himself on the same thread..


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

C++ was not 'influenced' by C.
This also has no sense.
C++ was a REAL evolution from C.
This cannot be applied in the case of Java and C#.
"first C# app?", yes, the first.
Having download visual studio the same day..
I know that guy, he doesn't learn*snip*

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