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Socoder -> Web Development -> Sidebar read/unread topics..

Tue, 05 Jun 2007, 20:57
I was wonder Jay, how do you pull off the read/unread (bold/unbold) effect on the sidebar with the latest posts? It seems like it would be confusing to do.

Just wondering.. I would like to know for future web design projects.

Quit posting and try Google.
Wed, 06 Jun 2007, 02:28
I use the HTML tag "b" to make things bold.
To make things not bold, I don't use the "b" tag.

It's not confusing at all.


Took a heck of a lot of thinking. Huge gigantic databases! Hundreds and thousands of arrays! Millions of kilobytes of data!!

Then I gave up and asked Seth. "Just shove it all into a text string."

Then I hit myself repeatedly over the head.
eg, the start of my "Seen" string currently looks like this

Seen Forum topic 508, post 6795
Seen Thing 6728, 1 (only 1 post in a thing, this thing being "Showcase : Here is wolfie")
Seen Comments for 6728, up to comment number 3950.

There's a limit of 250 of those for each user, which would probably show itself if there were LOADS of topics around. For the meantime it's working well, but is tweakable if things start to go screwy.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 06 Jun 2007, 12:53
Haha, yeah thats confusing. It seems like it would be slow to process as well. (Because it has to extract all that information.)

I might have to come up with my own way.

Quit posting and try Google.
Wed, 06 Jun 2007, 17:54
what about createing a boolean variable for each topic. (1=true=read, 0=false=unread) or am i just dumb
Wed, 06 Jun 2007, 18:06
Well, that'd be more Per Topic, than post..
But yeah..
And for each Post/Topic, have 1000s of those to keep track of everyone...

Or, alternatively for each user have 1000s of booleans to keep track of each topic..

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 07 Jun 2007, 06:33