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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done : 1st June 2011

Wed, 01 Jun 2011, 04:32


What did you get done this week?
  • Unicorn Racing
  • Sheep Goes Left (75%)

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Extreme Unicorn Racing is.. um. .. ok!
    It's exactly as expected, but I don't think people like it.


    Sheep's coming along nicely, though.
    Today I added the last of my backgrounds, rejigged the SuperDuck theme for it, added another piece of background music, and am well on the way to getting it all done.
    75 levels done, 25 to go.
    I need to add a few more objects, but those shouldn't be too tricky.
    And I still need 2 more pieces of music.. eek!

    Oh, and then the load/save stuff, 'cos that ain't happening yet!


    What didn't you get done?
  • There's been a lot of little sidetasks that I could've jumped over to, most notably PlayMyCode's new Sound stuff.

    I've got about 6/7 unfinished iOS games, and I figured.. rather than constantly jumping about... just get one finished, ffs!
    .. so that's what I'm doing.
    I'm focussed!
    Look at me focus.

    .. it's shit to be coding the same game, day in, day out!!!


    What are you working on right now?
    Sheep Goes Left

    How's that going?
    It's doing my head in!!!

    ^ That's what the levels look like!
    OH MY GOD!!!!

    That was a good idea when I started it, but after staring at 75 of those, tweaking object after object, recompiling again and again, trying to get the levels to feel "just right"....
    It's really starting to hurt my eyes!!!

    I think, once the 100 are done, I'll make a feckin' editor!
    Much easier...


    What's the plan for the week ahead?

    Get to 100 levels, finish off the menus/bonuses/etc, then send off the first release.


    You can copy+paste the BBCode from the box below, or structure however else you'd like...
    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Wed, 01 Jun 2011, 12:54


    What did you get done this week.
  • Fixed some issues with my maths code (mainly just to do with whether my matrices were row-/column-major, it seems, though there was an odd bug in one function..).
  • Set up my Apple developer account
  • Fixed some bugs in my code that only showed up when actually running on an iPad

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    More or less.

    Praise be to the spinning triangle of testing doom, accomplished with this code:


    What didn't you get done?
  • Hooking up all the internals to Lua. I may skip out on this, I haven't really decided yet. Letting Lua handle memory management is a lot safer than letting me handle it, and overall I can do a lot more in a lot less time with scripts than native code, so that's the motivation for using it. An alternative is AngelScript, however.. will look into that, since most of the code is C++ now anyway.
  • More blog postings.

    Why not?
    Was more focused on getting my code working than adding new things that I can't test right away. As for the writing, lack of anything I really wanted to write about.


    What are you working on right now?
    The above.

    How's that going?
    Just started, so I don't know.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • The scripting stuff.
  • Getting some more writing done.

  • Wed, 01 Jun 2011, 21:08

    What did you get done this week?

    Finished the graphics for the news page.

    Did everything turn out as planned?

    Yes, but I discovered that using almost all white can be a problem.


    Working on something that had to be all white.


    What are you working on right now?

    It's done and came out quite well. I'll begin the next one in a few days.

    How's that going?

    I'm throwing ideas from scratch. It comes along slowly.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?

    Maybe a theme for the month of July. That usually goes well with the holiday.

    Thu, 02 Jun 2011, 02:49


    What did you get done this week.
  • Continued work on Snombies:
    - Lots of work on AI
    - Various bugfixes

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Pretty much. Fixed a long-standing collisions bug while working on pathfinding, which made me happy. One less thing to worry about!


    What didn't you get done?
  • As much revision as I should've

    Why not?
    Coding! Wait, Shroom is coding instead of being bogged down with work? What is this?


    What are you working on right now?

    How's that going?
    Om nom nom.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Revision
  • Fix an infinite loop bug with pathfinding
  • Revision Revision Revision

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!