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RIP : John ''TotalBiscuit'' Bain

25th May 2018

This is the poetic justice of openly wishing cancer and death on other people. If there is a God, he must have said ''so you think it's OK to wish cancer on others? Well I'll fucking show you cancer''.
Sure it's bad for his family - *snip*


The Jayenkai Show

11th April 2018

OK.... you know what? I know this is your site and you can run it however you wanna run it. But you've already banned us from discussing topical issues. Now we aren't allowed to talk about chavs and pikeys? OK let's just pretend the world i*snip*


The Jayenkai Show

10th April 2018

Had to go back to the hometown today, and went shopping in Doncaster. Place was full of scummy little chavs in back-to-front hats, swearing at full volume like they want the whole world to hear what a bellend they are. I swear to God if I had to live the*snip*


Another Thread About The Shit In Our World

8th April 2018

I have an Amstrad disorder.


RIP - Eric Bristow

5th April 2018

RIP Eric Bristow Linkage



4th April 2018

I think I may be on the mend.... 11pm and I'm desperate for a big fat cheeseburger. :/



4th April 2018

You lot feeling any better today? [/quote]
Improved a bit... still can't be bothered eating. Mostly coughing my lungs up now. Was up half the night with it and didn't crawl out of bed til about an hour ago. But at l*snip*


Another Thread About The Shit In Our World

4th April 2018

I'm just going to leave this here.


Another Thread About The Shit In Our World

4th April 2018

Look at the photo of her... she might has well have ''I'm a fucking nutter, me'' tattooed on her forehead.
To do batshit stuff like this just cos you aren't getting enough views on youtube...... Jesus.... :/


Know how I wanted to buy something...

4th April 2018

There's some dodgy-looking buggers hanging around on your street!


Know how I wanted to buy something...

3rd April 2018

I'm on BT (FTTC - but the cabinet is 2km away) and whenever I'm uploading anything you can forget any data that wants to go the other way - its like being back on dialup. Whole thing just chokes.
Worst thing about living at the arse end of nowher*snip*


Know how I wanted to buy something...

3rd April 2018

Soooo what's his name, then?
I assume you've named him?



3rd April 2018

That's the bother with having kids - they don't just bring homework home from school. :s
My 9yo got it first, last Thursday - the day after school finished. Me and the missus both got it Friday.


Full Metal Jacket

3rd April 2018

You know, he was a drill sergeant in real life and most of his insults weren't in the script - just made it up as he went!



3rd April 2018

Last time I had this was six years ago, when we got married in Scotland. Not the kind of thing you can really call off! It was worse then because I lost my voice as well - couldn't manage much more than a squeak.
And I was sick outside Asda. :D



3rd April 2018

Got proper actual flu - everyone in house has it. Feel like shit and completely drained :(


Ordered a new laptop

3rd April 2018

Yep, brand loyalty is all well and good but it's always good sense to shop around.


Ordered a new laptop

3rd April 2018

Yeah... imagine that? :D


Ordered a new laptop

3rd April 2018

Its the oldest trick in the marketing book. You bump the sale price up for a minimum period (I think) of 28 days - nobody in their right mind would buy it at this price. I suppose some do. Then they mark it as 'Sale 50% off', bringing the price *snip*


Full Metal Jacket

2nd April 2018

K I'm feeling slightly uncomfortable doing the whole script so I'll just leave it there. :D


Full Metal Jacket

2nd April 2018

Rove you rong time? Fifteen dorrar?


Know how I wanted to buy something...

2nd April 2018

OT but you may enjoy this documentary about peeping.


YouTube Channel URLs

1st April 2018

Can't really subscribe to that. Checked out a couple of videos and found them really dull.
I'm sure more subscribers would happen if the content was more engaging.


Ordered a new laptop

1st April 2018

By the way - after my laptop had a minor altercation with the dog, I bought a hard case for it. Did need to slice the foam vertically to get it to fit.


Ordered a new laptop

1st April 2018

Hmph!! :D

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