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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Red Dwarf...

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Sat, 02 Aug 2008, 01:51
Over in Seattle, there's a public service (or something!) broadcaster called KCTS9.
They're having an upcoming pledge drive, and it's coinciding with Red Dwarf's 20th anniversary, so I guess they decided to clump it all together.

Here's a video of Robert LLewellyn yammering on about the thing for a minute or so.

Keep listening for the juicy bit at the end..


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Sat, 02 Aug 2008, 04:05
Future Red Dwarf prospects!?

I for one can't wait to find out.

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Sat, 02 Aug 2008, 12:55
A little more from the official Red Dwarf site...

Thing is, we can't yet tell you what he's referring to. We'd love to, we're aching to, and it's been on the cards since the website relaunch but... nope, you're just going to have to wait a little while longer.

It'll be worth it. Promise.

It's a wait and see thing then... Let the rumour mills begin

Come rain or shine...
Sat, 02 Aug 2008, 13:09
I wonder if its that movie thats been 'getting made' for 10 years now!?

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Sat, 02 Aug 2008, 13:21
I'm too excited to speculate... just in case
Sat, 02 Aug 2008, 14:35
I found this on aminet a few years ago, searched all over for a gif of it, but failed. Anyway, a few years later (today) i converted it myself...

Thought you fellow fans might like it.

|edit| I just noticed (wonder how many others have), it says starbug1 is registerd to REDDWARW. |edit|

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Sat, 02 Aug 2008, 14:47
Mon, 25 Aug 2008, 08:09
Latest rumours seem to be that it'll be a 1 hour special created for BBC Worldwide, as opposed to plain old UK BBC.
No idea why!
Or, maybe it'll be done for BBC2, but distributed by Worldwide..
Who knows!

Either way, it's not on the official Dwarf site, yet, so...?

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Thu, 28 Aug 2008, 02:48

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Thu, 28 Aug 2008, 12:24
Not actually a new series then ... "four 30-minute specials that will combine new material with classic footage" what exactly does that mean? Sounds like highlights shows you get at the end of a season when the budget is gone and the ideas have dried up...

Still, it could be a foot in the door for better things...

Dave, rather appropriate really

Come rain or shine...
Thu, 28 Aug 2008, 14:46
Yeah, sounds very much like a rubbishy clipshow. (Dave's owners (UKTV) have been doing a few of these, recently, with Chatshows and the like)

Bah, humbug..

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Sun, 21 Sep 2008, 00:51
Continuing the Dwarf'y news..
There's a clipshow, but there's ALSO 2 new shows (well, a 2 part adventure), and even a making of..
Not all bad!

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Mon, 22 Sep 2008, 18:04

Not bad at all.
Will get them on DVD.
Already have Doctor Who, Firefly, and Babylon 5 too.
Stargate series and Star Trek too.
Sat, 25 Oct 2008, 07:05
Danny John-Jules has been arrested for (depending and which site you read) some sort of assault on a bin man for refusing to empty his bin, some sources say he punched him, others say it was a knife attack. Either way, I bet he isn't the only person upset by the bin men being petty.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009, 01:45
Just found out, Red Dwarf will be aired on the 10th April on Dave.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009, 02:11
And, according to DigitalSpy
SPOILER!!! > Reveal 🔎 SPOILER!!!

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Tue, 31 Mar 2009, 02:14
Wow!! Look right in the centre if this picture of a starbug sitting on RedDwarf.... what can you see?

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Tue, 31 Mar 2009, 02:49

BBC used to do loads of fun things like that.
I wonder if there'll be anything in the new shows?

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Tue, 31 Mar 2009, 06:36
LOL. That StarBug 1 looks fun.
Sat, 04 Apr 2009, 10:16
...I just thought, wouldn't a Red Dwarf sat-nav be fun! With one (or both) of the holly's giving you directions, perhaps with their head on the screen all of the time

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Sat, 11 Apr 2009, 03:03
So, who watched part 1? I found it a little slow myself. It seems the sort of special, where they wrote a regular episode and stretched it out to 3. Almost nothing happened I was looking forward to this being the best ever red dwarf ever in the history of red dwarf

+ I thought the explanation of what happened to the crew was far too week.

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Sat, 11 Apr 2009, 04:56
We've got 2 more to go.

Much like Back In The Red, I think it probably would fit together better once you see it all in one go.
The ending was very definitely not a good ending, though! It's more of a "You know what's coming, but we're going to stop anyway!" type moment. Bah..

Good eppy, but would feel better with a laugh track. So many very apparent pauses for laughter, much like in the Series 7 XTended episodes.

lol@cat's testicles.

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Sat, 11 Apr 2009, 16:17
Anyone else find the second one just plain painful to watch??
Sat, 11 Apr 2009, 16:21
Havent watched it yet, I'll wait till the morning...

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Sat, 11 Apr 2009, 18:05
What?! Are you watching the same thing I am?
That was GREAT!

Loving all the many many Dwarf references. Definately done for the fans!

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Sun, 12 Apr 2009, 03:05
I didn't like that the story line was all about them trying to find out how many episodes they had left. I hate to think what to thought process of the writers was for that one! And also I think the writers were watching Blade Runner while writing it...

But Doctor Who on the other hand.. Now that was awesome!
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