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Selecting a country

19th May 2009

I would suggest that you could have an off-screen color coded map. You check the mouse coordinates on the screen in the color map, and then you see that if the color under the mouse on the color map is red then the country at that certain position is the U*snip*


QOTD: Who will win?

16th May 2009

I put all of my savings on the Vatican City. Nothing beats pope pop!


perfect 'fictional' programming languages

15th May 2009

I've been twisting and bending my head over and over again on this matter, trying to think of language innovations. The conclusion I've come to is that you can add static type checks, object orientation, functional elements and so forth, mixing different "*snip*


#200 - The 2000 Challenge!

15th May 2009

Ha, perhaps I shrunk it too much then. Or you can consider it an easter egg ;)


Is this guy God? o_O

13th May 2009

He's Criss Angel, not Criss God ;) Fairly cool tricks though, although I wonder what's left out by the camera. I think there's more stuff going on there which is intentionally missed by the film.


QOTD : .com.. Bothered?

12th May 2009

I use SoCoder.com. I thought it would fix a certain issue, but it didn't, and then I couldn't be arsed switching back. I'm with Stealth though: SoCoder.com sounds "proper."


Masking Anti Alias images

10th May 2009

It will look a lot worse though, because the soft edges make a big difference.


#200 - The 2000 Challenge!

10th May 2009

You control it with the cursor keys, and you're supposed to avoid the ghosts for as long as possible.


Mamma mia, demo craziness!

9th May 2009

I've never dug very deeply into the demo scene. Many productions have impressed me, but this is on a whole different level, this is completely crazy: these guys fit that whole demo into 64 kilobytes! It's fairly memory-heavy once it's started ru*snip*


#200 - The 2000 Challenge!

9th May 2009

C + Windows API + OpenGL = Really bad choice for trying to make slim code.
#include<windows.h>// This game could've been slightly more interesting if these preprocessor
#include<gl/gl.h>// macros didn't have to be on individual lines. Oh well. It*snip*


Duke Nukem 4Ever

8th May 2009

I think that we should kill off the latest items section and merge it into the forum column.


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

4th May 2009

To fill in some more blanks, after Krylar there's Genexi2, and after Nawitus there's TheDuck (ha, I only remember that because the D and F keys are so close to each other and I accidentally interchanged them once while typing his name :P). After Dark Eagle*snip*


Is your memory any good?

3rd May 2009

I suppose it's a bit buggy then. It still plays though ;)


Is your memory any good?

2nd May 2009

Managed 16 :D
The tune should always sound decent, since it's just a C major chord being played. The choice of notes isn't always that musical though (unless you think that random() is an undiscovered Mozart ;)).


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

1st May 2009

Heh, I also remember that. JazzieB answered my first question, but he's not around here anymore. His website is though.


Is your memory any good?

1st May 2009

I didn't think that the fruit of just a couple of hours' work was worthy of a showcase entry, so I made a topic about it instead :) This is my first Flash game, and I've learned that ActionScript 3 is a pretty decent language contrary to what I thought it *snip*


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

30th April 2009

I remember being tricked into thinking that CW just BC with another name. BlitzCoder was also my first encounter with an Internet forum, but I don't have a whole lot of fond memories. I do remember enjoying the site, but any details are long lost from my m*snip*


Programmable Games

27th April 2009

I think Agent Smith had an idea about this some time ago. I've been thinking about these kinds of programming games as well, but haven't really gotten any idea worthy of pursuit.


Source control solution

25th April 2009

If you're using VS Express then I doubt that you'll find something which integrates nicely with it, since there's no support for 'addons'. I could be wrong, though.



23rd April 2009

[edit]Wrong info.[/edit]


#198 - The Pro Challenge

22nd April 2009

That's my thoughts too; if someone is to shout "OMG! That was made within a week!!!? WTF!!" then either one either has to devote 168 hours to the game or there has to be some kind of a major flaw in it.


Learn Python First then Learn C++

17th April 2009

I wouldn't reccomend people to learn C. It's old, fairly unnecessary and teaches people who are aiming towards learning C++ bad habits. Any language that you can easily learn is a good starting point (as long as it isn't too unconventional), just to get th*snip*


Display menu horizontally.

13th April 2009

; Tabbed Text
; @updated: 13 April 2009
Graphics 640,480,16,2
Dim sm_menu$(5)
sm_menu$(0) = "Status"
sm_menu$(1) = "Families"
sm_menu$(2) = "Made Men"
sm_menu$(3) = "Heat"
sm_menu$(4) = "*snip*


NES Name Entry Screen

12th April 2009

If I remember correctly.


Best place to hire pixel artists?

12th April 2009

DeviantArt is probably a good place to go to, if you're planning on paying. Browse through the galleries and see if you find something you like and PM that person, or make a forum topic about it. Be prepared to pay up, though.

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