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The Lump

11th March 2012

What began on Monday as my standard headache/neck thing has now become something more serious.
After vomiting quite a bit over Monday night, a drastic change in vomit colour on Tuesday to a dark oddly viscous black stuff (which I'm assuming was probably m*snip*


AppSale Stats..

28th February 2012

Normally I like to have nice flat areas, then bump things up with a nice sale, or an update, or a new app, so I can watch the spikes and see how much things change as a result.
This month, I've gone MENTAL!
[*]3 games free for a day (Unijuggler/SpikeDisl*snip*


Something Something Plat

19th July 2011

JNKPlat = Puzzle Platformer, emphasis on Puzzle
Platdude = ''proper'' platformer, but I still haven't successfully done one yet!
NeonPlat = Arcade Single-screen platformer.
There's something else gnawing away in my head, tonight.
For a long whi*snip*


Redo From Start : Folder edition

8th February 2011

Around about 2000'ish, I created a folder on my hard drive called Server.
It held everything I wanted on my home server, so had an avatar/ folder, a dlds/ folder, a games/ folder and a green/ folder.
I added images and platdude, added stringy, a JaySite,*snip*


Why the hell is this hard?

12th January 2011

I've been here for three smegging hours trying to automate this, it's driving me batshit insane.
That's all I want to do!
I have about 1000 drumloops, I want to cut them into 8 equal sized chunks. (Technically it'll be 16, si*snip*


Making More Spike Dislike!

29th December 2010

My plan for 2011-Week One is simple. (Year 3, Week 12)
Remake Spike Dislike into a bigger/juicier game.
I'm struggling though!
I've done 4 basic sprite styles.
1. CPC (As it looks)
2. Remastered (As it looks, but with more definition)
3. ''Amiga&*snip*


Oh no, Not again..!

28th November 2010

Always last minute.
There's not a year goes by that I EVER plan ahead for my Xmas thing.
Every smegging year.
This year I was thinking ''Posted Xmas Xompo in November, Xmas Thing Sorted!!''
Then today I realised that I hadn't actually planned a*snip*


Throwing pieces together..

21st November 2010

A few weeks ago, a guy at AGameAWeek suggested that I attempt a RolePlayingGame of some sort.
Me vs RPGs usually isn't a good mix, so I've been kinda putting it off, to be honest.
This week, I decided to at least attempt it.
Throwing together a random d*snip*


Sprite Building

4th November 2010

So, I'm doing this again, and I'm thinking ''Hmm.. Maybe there's a tool in this''
So, rather than doing AGameAWeek this week, I think I'll spend some time making a nice little tool*snip*


This was a very bad idea..

28th October 2010

The other day I tidied the god awful mess under my bed.
Out came 1275893 random boxes, filled with old systems, board games, and various (5!) random hard drive of varying capacities (300-odd Mb up to about 80Gb)
I ripped up hundreds of boxes, did the who*snip*


.. Nope.. Try again..

19th October 2010

Today, I'm leaving Bedroom-PC switched off.
I might leave it off a lot, too, from now on.
Poor thing isn't having much luck, and neither is my ''Getting back into the swing of things'' after my month off.
Seems that, every day, there's another c*snip*


Ready to be done...

9th October 2010

Framework, 95% done.
Stringy Things, 100% engine, 1 complete game.
Framework needs a few tweaks that have been discovered since StringyThings started, but nothing major.
Meanwhile a total game of Strings (the ''hunt for words'' game) is entirely*snip*


Fighting for Battery Life

2nd October 2010

As some of you might already know, I've been steering away from regular plain old cheap style iPod development, and doing things the insanely difficult way.
One of the main reasons I'm doing this is that I LOVE to play Scrabble on my iPod.
Scrabble's one*snip*


Newsletter Hunt..

22nd September 2010

I'm busy at work, this week.. Early mornings (5:45!), late nights, and a bit of a gap for a nap in the middle..
My schedule's off balance, and I'm not quite keeping tabs on things like I normally do.
So, for a bit of a change, I'm going to ask folk to pi*snip*


Neo(n)Plat for DS

20th September 2010

Since I've been off my regular AGameAWeek duties all month, I figured it was about time I treated the DS folk to something.
Sure, I gave them Cardagain, but.. That was more an advert than anything!
So, I tried resizing NeonPlat sprites down to size.


PSA : Socoder loads slowly..

20th September 2010

This is a Public Service Announcement
Socoder loads slowly.
Now that you've been told this information, you won't need to keep testing it over and over again with WhichLoadsFaster.com!


AGameAWeek Y2 : Note : Quite big!

8th September 2010



No Phone :(

17th August 2010

Mum's phone (My old Cookie, LG KP500, 2 year old) finally died on it's arse today.
Not sure why, but it's definitely dead dead.
Won't even light up when plugged into the PC.
Dead dead!!
She's now got my Samsung U600, and is flapping it up and down like*snip*


I should probably start adding icons!

25th July 2010

200 games in, and I'm still a newb.
Icons, anyone?!
Since I'm using BlitzMax, I'd need to make icons for all three.. Windows, Mac and Linux.
If you have thoughts on how to wrangle them into a game's executable, within each environment, safely, let me kn*snip*


Tearing my Hair Out

23rd July 2010



and this, and this, and this..

5th July 2010



Make me a list!!!

27th June 2010

I'm writing a game that needs words you can spell,
so Barry can type all the words that are swell.
I don't have much time to do both things together,
so help me to get all the words I must gather.
I need to make lists of words, some for *snip*


Yeay for Blue!!

3rd June 2010

If you remember a few months ago, I was ranting about the lack of blue sweets..
I got me some blue!!!!
New ''Extra Chewy Mints'' are all nice and Skittle shaped/sized, and even have the texture of Skittles, too. Except they're min*snip*


It's Who Time!!

3rd June 2010

Oooh, I forgot about this!!
In the UK? Grab the first of the Dr Who Adventure Games, now!
They're all, apparently, part of continuity, so they all exist within the TV reality. Should be fun.
Downloading #1 now, and will let you know how *snip*


Losing Google's Doodle

2nd June 2010

It's been a long long while since I actually saw a proper Google Doodle without it being pointed out to me.
I rarely see Google's homepage anymore, opting to just use the menu bar, or head straight to iGoogle instead.
A shame.
Because you can now faff a*snip*

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