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Crap Videogame songs!

30th May 2010

Crap From the Past had a great videogame based episode last week, mostly due to the GoogleDoodle/Pacman thing. (only just catching up with my podcasts!!)
Great episode, plenty of oddities!
Grab it here, Podcast Here


Back to the Future!!

27th May 2010

I can't believe I never noticed that before!!
(PS, not my pic, found it all over the net!!)


Creepy Facebook Crap...

25th May 2010

This whole ''World of Facebook'' thing is getting a wee bit too creepy for my liking!



20th May 2010

I'm stubborn as an ox, and I love my Paintshop Pro 7.
But Paintshop Pro 7 isn't on my Mac.
And neither's CoolEdit.
And Winkey-TypeNameOfProgram doesn't work.
I'm finding it very difficult to rapidly doodle sprites, add audio, and *snip*


Help defining a new game..

18th May 2010

Character wanders around a landscape, he has skills like a Lemming. The skills will depend on what colour hat he's wearing.
1. Yellow Hat = Hard Hat = Ability to smash his way through scenery, using his head.
2. Green Hat = Rubber Hat = Ability to fall *snip*


I've wasted a day, damnit...

11th May 2010

16:15, it's not gonna bloody well turn up, now, is it?!
I'm going to work soon.


If I had seventeen hands..

8th May 2010

all would be giving the finger.


HP CA350 - Sample Photo

8th May 2010

Ordered this from Play.com about 2 weeks ago. Got delivered to wrong address, nobody in, so went back to depot. Silly postie couldn't read the number on the box.
Anyhoo, it's here now, and seeing as how I found NO things online about*snip*


Sketch Nation : Shooter

24th April 2010

Great little app on the iPhings, whereby you grab images (camera/upload/email/etc) and use them as sprites in a little shooter game.
Simple, does the job, fun to play with..


Question Of The Week

9th April 2010

The ever present anonymous question box!


Issue 50 : Feed Me, Pirates!!

6th April 2010

Issue 50's coming up!
In a perfect world, everyone would submit something, and we'd have a jam-packed super-issue.
Instead, I've set up a lovely little totally anonymous question box!
I can imagine we'll be having some fun with this!!
QOTW Mov*snip*


AVG Fixed

1st April 2010




30th March 2010

It's coming again!


Adding bits, blimey!

28th March 2010

I don't normally get time to ''add bits'' to AGameAWeek games, but this week's game has just plopped into place so well, it's giving me time to play around with other little pieces of the game.
First up, badges! Been a while since I did those! A*snip*


Why do they never make blue sweets anymore?

18th March 2010

I mean, seriously.. I know the whole ''Artificial Colours'' thing, but Smarties can do blue!!
Come on, guys!!
Gimme sum Bloooo!!
That probably wouldn't qualify for this week's rant, would it?
Meanwhile, I found t*snip*


MAR10 Continues!!

18th March 2010

I might be all out of ideas by now, but MAR10 month continues without stopping.
This week I'm going to throw Greenie into the Mario world, and .. what the hey, I might as well shove Idigidragon in there, too.
So, redrawing both characters in a slightly *snip*


About the whole ''Win7Mobile'' thing..

16th March 2010



StreetView UK Update!!OMG!!

10th March 2010

Blinkin' eck..
This map is FULL!!!


Three steps ahead...

10th March 2010

This week, Munky in a Mario Costume.
Next week, possibly Blockman in a Mario Costume.
Third week, I should probably do Greenie in a Mario Costume, but that's more 'cos he'd look funny, than for any gameplay reasons! :D
That brings us to April, and with *snip*


Coffee.. Mmmmmm...

8th March 2010

Mmm.. Syrup!!
Coffee + Syrup = Coffee with added luvliness.
Mmm.. cinnamon coffee!!
Not really much to add. Tastes great, and worth a try if you're getting a little bored with standard coffee, but are too addicted to stop drinking the s*snip*


Brandishing a Weapon

6th March 2010

Some crazy nutjob sent me a feckin' Machete..
Quite nice, mind.
Thanks crazy nutjob.


Platdude's Theme!

17th February 2010

I've spent most of today working on this, and it's not entirely terrible, so that's good!
Over the next few days I should be able to get something really nice out of it.
The reasons for it not sound*snip*


Energy Saving Monitor

13th February 2010

Oooh, new gadget!!


Jay's Avatar Topic

9th February 2010

...never mind..


WordList! Again..

1st February 2010

I've done this a few times in the past, but figured it'd be nice to recode it all anyway, and perhaps speed things up a little.
Today I redid my wordlist, and even added in a slightly dodgy ''*'' wildcard, although it's painfully slow if you dare *snip*

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