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over translated?

4th November 2007

i started with "i like pie"
i got "Esteem the cake"
then from that i got "Present modernities the cake"
and lastly "Current of Modernitaeten of cakes"
this is just fun


new here

26th October 2007

cobra over blitz basic
blitzmax over cobra
also DD you really have no right to criticize it, you didn't even think that you could define variables like so.
global var:string
global fvar:float[/code]
you keep thinking that blitzmax is just blit*snip*


Screen Names?

30th September 2007

well i like the zelda games and i like med-evil stuff especially knights
now a days i try to get cloned as my SN and sometimes i use zell1426
the story behind cloned is that i could never come up with a good original name and always had numbers at the en*snip*


QOTD: Laptop longevity?

10th September 2007

it takes batteries a long while to degrade, it is unavoidable and once a battery is fully charged most laptops switch to the charger to power it once the battery is full.
i know all the ones i have had are like that, hell i was able to take the battery ou*snip*


3D game...

9th September 2007

actually last i checked managed DX was part of .NET which is what MS is pushing to be used with C#


Looking to buy a xbox 360

5th September 2007

jay, the faceplate only changes the color of the front panel but still the new paint job is not worth it but i think it is cheaper to get an elite than a premium and a 120 GB HDD separately.
plus it's black.... it jsut looks cooler :|


Looking to buy a xbox 360

5th September 2007

just get a new premium, comes with 20GB HDD, wireless controller, headset and 3 months of xbox live gold
the only difference between the elite and premium is the black paint job and a larger HDD. before any of you guys say "HDMI support". new premiums a*snip*


i need some tutorials

24th August 2007

ok i need some python tutorials for a friend of mine since he refuses to just use freebasic to learn the basic of coding
and refuses to use anything with curly brackets so java, C, C++ and a whole lot of others are out. so you guys got any good ones. also*snip*


That time of year again

23rd August 2007

hobo, i get to graduate early this year so i wanna get really high marks so i can jump straight to college.
once my counselor sends me the classes i can take i will probably pick mostly math and history since i did my sciences last year
also hobo 512 is *snip*


That time of year again

23rd August 2007

i got a C in english and a B in the maths
other than that pretty much the same, i've been slacking lately. this year i am going to get my GPA up by getting all or mostly As.
i almost failed spanish so i really need to get my GPA up. i am being careful wi*snip*


That time of year again

23rd August 2007

hobo, get some new RAM for your laptop. to at least 1 GB, you will see a really big difference over your current 512MB
then get the graphics table so you can use it with your laptop without any hiccups
also i hate you for getting better grades than me...*snip*


A new devcrunch...

23rd August 2007

my bad nolan, i must have just gotten some names confused
well this is just my pissemistic side talking but it could be that something really bad happened to him or he decided to just give up on the internet and closed down everything he had


A new devcrunch...

22nd August 2007

i've given up on devcrunch all together. if i recall correctly nolan made it first then oscar took over and ruined it


Building PC Computer

20th August 2007

oh yeah as nolan said, ebay = bad
the parts themselfs look fine just not the source. personally i think you should buy them from a well known website


Building PC Computer

20th August 2007

all looks good to me, just make sure you got a PCI-e video card.
also for the case do not buy one with a PSU, they tend to be of poor quality. the antec 900 case and the coolermaster stackers really look great too me.
i plan on getting the antec 900 for *snip*


The 10 Commandments (Stressfree programming) !

18th August 2007

or till you come back in a week and forget what you had wrote and then end up killing your OS
real stress free!!


The 2007 '3/4 of the year' Survey

16th August 2007

1. Which of the sites features do you use most often?
forum, showcases, snipets, link archive and mudchat
2. Which of the sites features do you think should be improved?
the mudchat needs serious work
3. Should I just scrap the whole "Badges" thing? It*snip*


Hey everyone!

15th August 2007

well pointers where the only thing that really knocked me for a loop when learning C++. could just be how i think.
since when i was using blitz i could understand types perfectly fine but arrays confused me. i'm just weird


Hey everyone!

14th August 2007

afr0 C++ is fairly easy except for pointers. they are a pain at first but once you understand how to use them it gets easy


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

i consider real programming anything that involves typing, math and not dependent on a drag and drop designing system completely(like RPGmaker)
speed is important but outside of gaming it is not the big defining factor in picking a language. in most cases*snip*


Hey everyone!

13th August 2007

i remember you a bit, how's it going?
i am dreading school just like nolan but at least i have a few trips to california to see my family to look forward to


[C/C++] Graphic

10th August 2007

if you are a windows user get visual studio from microsoft's website. it is the best C/C++ IDE i have ever used
if you are a mac user then try Xcode and if you use linux try KDevelop


Your PC(s)

16th July 2007

sure, right now though it is just a crummy gateway case that i just finished gutting. i have another case i am working on too but i have to bondo it and paint it. then finish the PSU casing i am making out of lexan.
i am adding fan slots and going to pain*snip*


Your PC(s)

15th July 2007

core 2 duo at 2 Ghz
2 GB of RAM
256MB 7900 GS
120 GB HDD
vista ultimate
17 inch screen
desktop, halfway finished
current parts:
athlon XP, unknown number but i think it is a 1900+ that was OCed.
256MB + 512MB RAM
no video card
40 GB and*snip*


Which type of analog stick do you have?

9th July 2007

saitek P990, square perimeters

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