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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Apple Music

Tue, 30 Jun 2015, 12:46
iOS 8.4 is now available, and with it comes the new Apple Music player.
£9.99 a month, £14.99 for a shared family account, first three months (July-Sept 2015) are free.

Basic gist, much like Spotify. You can stream whole albums, or select an artist to hear a variety of music in the style of that artist.
There's also promoted "playlists", like "best new artists" and "Best of BritPop". These are hand chosen, and severely limited.. The BritPop one, for example, only has about 20 tracks. As such, they act more like compilation albums than Spotify-style "stations".

Luckily, you can also spawn a "Station" from any artist.
Tonight I've been listening to a "Bonnie Pink Station", and after about 3 hours it's yet to repeat itself, and it's a fuckton better than the similar "Bonnie Pink Station" that Spotify was giving me. (Which seemed to be the same three fucking artists on loop, none of who I found to be particularly Bonnie-Pink-Like, and one single Bonnie Pink track!!)

So, yeah, I like it..
A few months back, I was considering paying for Spotify, but decided to wait for Apple Music. .. And BOY am I glad I did!!!

Thumbs up from me.
Experience may vary. First three months are free.

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Tue, 30 Jun 2015, 13:30
Dammit, I was going to update to 8.3 so I could keep my jailbreak. No chance now

Oh well.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 04 Jul 2015, 17:30
Post good finds here!

Apple's "Introduction to Stephen Lynch" Playlist

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Wed, 08 Jul 2015, 10:21
Two albums full of Fraggle Rock covers?
How'd I not know about these???

Fraggle Rock - Shine On by Various Artists

Fraggle Rock - Dream a Dream and See by Various Artists

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Wed, 08 Jul 2015, 16:24
Sounds pretty nice but I'm probably going to stick to my spotify subscription for the moment.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 19 Jul 2015, 15:24
Currently listening to Quantum Leap soundtrack

Incidentally, they have music from both Bill & Ted's, but one of the two available Bogus Journey albums has an AWFUL lot of tracks missing..

Not sure what that's all about.. Maybe they're tracks that are on the "other" OST soundtrack. Or maybe it's a licensing issue.. *shrugs*
Weird that it's missing so much, though.

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Mon, 20 Jul 2015, 13:27
Now listening to : That shitfest of an album that I point blank refuse to pay ANY money for.

Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds : The New Generation


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Mon, 20 Jul 2015, 14:45
Given up with that shite, and am now listening to the "proper" one!!

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Tue, 04 Aug 2015, 15:36
The Genesis Suite by Tolga Kashif & London Symphony Orchestra

Not bad.
Genesis classics reimagined for the London Symphony Orchestra.
Not "very" recognisable as Genesis classics, but nicely decomposed for an orchestra. 4/5!

But have now moved on over to more recognisable Genesis : Live
Live Over Europe, 2007 by Genesis

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Sun, 06 Nov 2016, 12:14
It's take a year and a half, and 2 major iOS versions, but Apple Music has finally learned enough of my musical tastes to start recommending new JPop every few days!
The "my New Music mix" seems to have days of particular types.
One day it'll be a bunch of 80s style, the next a nice JPop mix, a day of Cover versions, and every once in a while a gathering of "you bought them for your mum" David Essex soundalikes!
But with all my "I like this" and "play less like this" choices over the past year or so. I no longer find myself hitting the skip button anywhere near as much as I used to.

I'm most certainly happy with the Apple Music service.
.. although, iTunes does occasionally confuse itself.
I've bought a bunch of Perfume albums, but they're not available to stream in the UK. Even though I own them..!!
As a result, in order to listen to them, I have to go via iTunes and download them that way.
Bit of a pain, if I'm honest..

.. stupid worldwide regional music license bollocks...

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