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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 10 August 2010
System : Mac

MNCN - 09/08/2010

Today was a good day, I managed to get the player animation done and the Main Menu screen now works again.

I added a display for and the selection of individual layers in the MapEditor, this makes it a whole lot easier to edit a complex map without having to remember what is on which layer. I also added a display for the current editing layer, I will eventually add an auto-layer function that will detect which layer to edit automatically.

I updated the tiles to include the crude but not bad house tiles and also made the engine detect if the character goes inside or behind a building, this fades the top layer so you can see behind it.

I have updated the screenshots to show this also.

It wont be long now before I can upload a version you can test, all I need is a good way to move the map around screen that is not jerky and is not overly complex that it slows everything down.



Wednesday, 11 August 2010, 13:34
and is not overly complex that it slows everything down.

If that slows down you are:

A. Doing something very wrong.
B. Working on/with a retardedly large map (which means you're doing something wrong, since you should split it into many maps).
C. Experiencing the results of a really crappy PC.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010, 15:13
Tilemaps on PCs are annoyingly overly complex, due to PCs not being good at 2D stuff anymore. *roar* In my experience, it's best to draw onto a large buffer, and draw that, instead, or resort to a "larger-tiles = less-tiles" approach

Alternatively, rather than doing..

for x=0 to 1024
for y=0 to 1024
big ass loop

do something like..

for x="far left visible tile" to "far right visible tile"
for y="topmost visible tile" to "bottommost visible tile"
much smaller loop

Watch the attitude, Afr0. Helping people is better than a crap atmosphere.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010, 15:19
Sorry if I came off as rude.
I was just kinda baffled as to how it could be slowing down, as the screenshots don't speak of a very 'advanced' scene (technically speaking). Unless you are employing some special effects not shown in the screenshots, your tilemap(s) really shouldn't be slowing down...
Thursday, 12 August 2010, 01:51
Its not slow dont worry (my pc or the engine), it was slow however as i was using the spritemap engine built into cobra. Was not really useful so I recoded my own.

It does use your approach jay, the map only loops through the section it needs passing a starting coord and a map width and height.

This means i can reuse the code for the mapeditor and i know it will be exactly the same in the game.

I have just updated the blog with how i did the smooth scrolling and it roxxorz!

PS: if you want to see my PC specs look here