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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

power mousey
Created : 08 February 2007

I hate and love the Snow

I hate the snow.

What is about it that people love and like to ski, go sledding, ice skate, and just frolick in a fracas in the frozen frenzy??
These little flakes of frozen fluffiness. This white powder that Mother Nature snuffs out from herself.

Its so cold. Maybe some like the cold but I hate the cold.
The bionics in my body don't function properly in cold weather. Just like the Six Million Dollar Man...Colonel Steve Austin.
I tend to become really tired, slow down and become really sleepy and tired. Like a bear who hibernates. Also with the cold, I tend to become more irritable and grumpy... but not like the Grinch though.
If you like the cold so much, you might as well as do a March of the Penguins to either the North Pole or even to the southern end to Antartica. brrrrr!!!!
Even with people skiing, sledding, ice skating, etc is no fun for me where you freeze your butts off.

Yet, I like the cold and the snow in the sense that I can catch up on my sleep, slow down with the hectic busyness and rushness of life and activity, and seek and still warmer too. true. And also to become more patient as I yearn for a better and longer Spring and Summer too.

cheers all,
power mousey

