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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 27 August 2020

#481 - You News Me Crazy

Weekly Newsletter

; You News Me Crazy

#481 - Thursday 27th August, 2020

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter


Every Thursday, Trying Again


; Skippity Doo

Last week as I sat writing the newsletter, seemingly every single section was me writing the same thing.
How inactive the site's gotten, lately.
How people aren't posting things.
How the void is spiralling into a pit of nothingness.

I typed, moaned, whinged, then deleted what I'd written.
Over and over and over again.
I must've written a twelve page essay on the subject of "not posting the things you're creating", and the whole damn newsletter had a horrible taste to it.

I scrapped last week's newsletter, posted a tiny whinge in the shoutbox, and vowed to make this week a better newsletter.

If you have content, and I can see you all on Twitter.. Post your content, everyone.
Seriously, the forum doesn't exist without your support.

Otherwise it may as well be The Jay Site.



; Pakz Productions

Pakz has gotten back into coding after a long gap, but what has he coded?

; Macsperience

TKS buys a Mac, and after a week with it, is finding it A-OK to use.
But that was last week. And there's not been anything posted since.
I wonder if everything's OK?


Huge chunks of the country are going back into lockdown, or semi-lockdown, or suggested "Stay the fuck away from everybody" mode, because those counts are spiking in exactly the way that everybody predicted they would.
Meanwhile, the kids are back at school next week, because Boris is an absolute fucking nutjob.
The global pandemic continues...
How are you coping?

Stay indoors, Stay safe, and Stay the hell away from crowds.
And wear a mask.
For your own safety, and also the safety of others.


; Remember Blue Frogs

This is a reminder for Spinal that he has to do a mashup of "Remember Me Blue Boy" and "Crazy Frog"


; Hi Baal

Baal's been here before, maybe..
I definitely remember his username, but a search of the SoCoder database didn't show anything up.
He remembers being around in the BlitzCoder days, so feel free to give him a nice warm welcome/return.
Currently struggling to find a site/server that can handle a Terabyte of storage. If you have any suggestions for a good site/server, be sure to let him know in the thread.

; Kakuro Puzzles

Jayenkai hasn't been posting about how much he's been working super-hard, struggling to make a decent Kakuro Puzzle generator.
He's now into week 3, trying to get it right, and if you know Jay's usual rate of creativity, and how much time he usually spends working on a Foldapuz generator, you know that's a long time!
But he hasn't posted anything about it to the forum.
Happy to whinge about OTHER people not posting stuff, but won't bloody well post when he's actually struggling with something?
What's THAT about?
Get it posted, Jay.
That's what the forum's there for..


; Derp

You know when you add a feature, and blindly drop it into place, and don't worry about it impacting something a million miles away from the feature you've added, but somehow it does..?
The new Emoji stuff I added recently went and broke SoCoder's registration page.
The page carried on, acting like all was fine, but because I didn't add a default value for whether you want the Emoji's to have the white border or not, the SQL Query to add a new user was failing with a "No default value for 'TagLit' " message.
The script wasn't built to cope with such errors, and blindly continued, sending out emails with a default password, and basically not showing any issues whatsoever.
But.. There it was.. And even though it sent out an email to you, the database didn't have you listed as a new member.
You simply didn't exist.

A simple little bug had crept in, and the site was bust as a result.
Thankfully, new/old user Baal emailed me asking why it wasn't working, otherwise I'd probably never have noticed the thing.
Thanks for the bug report, Baal!

Meanwhile, Jay still hasn't posted those new Emoji's yet.
Come on, Jay.. Hop to it..
That N64 controller image is perfectly fine.
Get it posted.


; Horse

Everybody's favourite

View on YouTube

; Dog

Everybody's second favourite

; Cat

Everybody's absolute favourite

Musical Interlude

; Erasure

View on YouTube

; Pomplamoose


; Andrew Huang



; Moving

None-earthquake related movement.

View on YouTube

; Lock on, Tommy

GameHut guy hazards a technically knowledgable guess at how Sonic & Knuckles worked.


; Who Would Live in a House Like This?


View on YouTube


The videogame turned into a movie

; Little and Large

On stage together, in 2019

90s Cover Corner

View on YouTube



TVCover Corner

View on YouTube

VGRemix Corner

View on YouTube

Load, Next List!

