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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Models/Textures

Created : 16 December 2006
Edited : 16 December 2006

Biturn converter

Converts 3D file formats

Scroll down the linked page for it.

If it's not useful to you as a converter, it's still useful as a fast and simple model previewing tool.

3D file supported attributes: G - geometry ( vertices and polygons ), M - materials, S - skelet, T - textures, A - animation
Bitmap attributes: P - Picture, A - Alpha

3D Formats reading writing
3D Studio - ASC GM GM
3D Studio - 3DS GM GM
3DS Max ascii - ASE GMT GMST
Blitz 3D - B3D GMST GMST
Direct X ascii - X GM -
Final Fantasy 7 battle - ??AA GMSTA -
FF7 field - HRC, RSD GMSTA -
FF7 - P GMT -
Helion - 3DF GM GM
HalfLife - MDL GMSTA -
Jawed - JAW G G
Lightwave - LWO GM GM
Lightwave 6.5+ - LWO GMST GMST
Milkshape ascii - TXT GM GM
Milkshape - MS3D GM GM
? - MON GM -
Oolg text format - OFF G G
Oni character model - ONCC GTS -
Oni model - M3GM GT -
Open Flight - FLT GMT -
Quake 1 model - MDL GTA -
Quake 2 model - MD2 GTA -
Quake 3 model - MD3 GTA -
raw 3d polygons - RAW G G
Revolt - M G -
Requiem - MDL G -
Rhinoceros - 3DM G -
SoftImage asci - XSI GMT GMT
Truespace - COB GM -
Turbo Silver - IOB GM -
Viper Racing - MOD GT GT
Virtua Fighter 1 - BIN G -
Wavefront - OBJ GMT GMT
Warcraft 3 - MDX GMT -
Bitmap - BMP PA PA
Cell - CEL P P
Etherlords - MMP PA -
Final Fantasy 7 - TEX PA PA
Final Fantasy 8 - MIM PA -
Final Fantasy 8 - TIM PA -
Jpeg - JPG P -
Megaman Legends - TM P -
Oni big texture - TXMB PA -
Oni texture - TXMP PA PA
Pixel map - PPM P P
SGI bitmap - RGB PA PA
Targa - TGA PA PA
Viper Racing - TEX PA PA
Warcraft 3 - BLP PA PA
World of Warcraft - BLP PA PA
Z80 screen - SCR P -
Mafia - 555 PA -
Adobe Photoshop - PSD PA PA
Direct X texture - DDS PA PA

