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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 05 April 2013
Edited : 31 December 1969

#170 - Metropolis Zone

; Metropolis Zone

#0170 - Friday 5th April 2013

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter


Every Friday, Sucking on a Werthers.


; Hello World!

Last week, regular forum member Afr0 decided to voice his complaints over the amount of OffTopic topics on SoCoder.
Since then, there's been a whole heap of OffTopic topics, as if the entire community is doing it out of spite.

Who saw that coming!!

One year ago today, I first got out of hospital. It didn't last very long, though, as they dragged me back in a week later, when my head started leaking.. Mmmmm... Lovely!

Want to know what happened to WarOffice's finger?
Head inside to find out!!!

; A Day in the Life Of...

Jayenkai woke up late, and strangely decided to post events that happened throughout his day.
Bit of an odd topic, to be honest.
I'd like to see a few more of these kinds of topics, though. It could be fun!!
Note to Afr0 : This topic is about the life of a guy who codes a lot, so is vaguely relevant to the site.

; Forgotten

My memory sucks. Spinal's memory sucks. Other people have crappy memory, too, but I can't remember who they are.
Note to Afr0 : Remembering things is important when coding. If you're too forgetful, you'll probably end up coding random nonsense like I do!

; "Me Too!"

Sometimes, when you're playing a game, you can't help but think "hmmm.. I could do this!"
Dabz Did Dat!
Note to Afr0 : This is all about making games based on something you've already played. You should know all about that.


; Ouya!

Want to know what an OUYA is like?
Engadget got their hands on one, and posted a review!
Note to Afr0 : This is relevant to our coding community because OUYA is aimed at our community, and those who like to write games.

; Oculous Rift

Want to know wha an Oculus Rift is like?
Tested.com got their hands on one, and posted a video review!

View on YouTube
Note to Afr0 : This is relevant to our coding community because 3D is awesome, and it'd be nice to be able to code things in proper 3D without all of Nintendo's evil rules and regulations.

; *Pop*

Game ideas can come from anywhere, and usually pop up when you're nowhere near a keyboard, and have to wait hours before you can start coding any of it.
Note to Afr0 : This is relevant because its about generating NEW game ideas. Imaginaaaa-aaa-aaaa-tion!!!

; FingerFucked!

WarOffice had a DIY Accident, but his fingernail protects him.
Note to Afr0 : This is somewhat irrelevant. WarOffice could still touch type without a thumb. You don't need a thumb to code with, except those times when you use your thumb to mash the spacebar, but you can happily manage without. Hack away!

; Buying Presents

It's hard enough buying gifts for people when they're young, but once everyone gets older, it becomes tougher with every passing year.
A Bottle of Baileys has become the gift-to-give in our house, lately.
.. We all like Baileys!!
Note to Afr0 : This might appear to be OffTopic, however, someone might suggest a coding book, or a language, or something relevant to our community. Not that they need to. It's posted in the OffTopic section, so nobody should care if its OffTopic.


Takenobu Mitsuyoshi - Ridge Racer (USA MIX): Hell just froze over. The Daytona guy singing Ridge Racer.

Mo-o-om…! My giraffe melted! /via @sheconsulting @LalaRide

Helpful graffiti @the_nerdery

Monsters In Hell on the ZX Spectrum.

This is exactly what I wanted the game to look like. I'm so happy right now

; The Five Languages

View on YouTube

; Hungry?


; Pulpmania!


; Still Hungry?


; Weebl-Wobble


; Outrage


; Giant Nuts


End Of

; Ooooh, a link!

Note to Afr0 : Have you ever noticed how this little section is called "End Of"? That's because you once whinged about people using that phrase!!

Note to Afr0 : This might not appear to be relevant, but it's a tune that's been stuck in my head all morning, and will probably drive me crazy, later, leading to me doing much less coding than I oughta be doing, and probably loading up an emulator for a couple of hours.

Load, Next List!

