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Socoder -> On Topic -> Dipping My Toes in the Unity Pool

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Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 03:55
OK, here goes..
Step one. Downloading Unity 5 - Personal Edition.

I've no idea what to expect, or quite how I'm supposed to code using Unity. This will, quite frankly, be an entirely new experience for me.
My challenge, should I bother to accept it, will be to attempt to build up a framework which is similar to my Monkey one.


Multiple resolutions and Aspect Ratios. : I'm going to assume this won't be too hard, but.. Fuck knows!!

Loading and Unloading of Assets : I know that most of my games don't do this a lot, since most of my games only ever really have one single level, but the screen-res change actually does completely free, and reload, all of the assets. This is so it can switch between low-res and high-res, and MEGA-RES assets on the fly. This is quite important to me, and I'll be needing it for certain (spike) projects. So, yeah, need that to happen without it cramming everything into hidden places in the system's memory.

Working Bloody Everywhere : Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, OUYA, GameStick, WinPhone maybe?, and ... Possibly Linux, but who cares?
More important to this, and I'm not sure how I can test this, but I can still play This from 2002.. It'd be nice if I can still play a game I make this week, at some point next week!!
Terrible memories of XNA.. Nnnngh...

Controls Galore : My Current Monkey Framework allows for..
Cursors/WASD/Gamepad/Faux-Thumbstick-on-Touchscreen for movement.
ZXCVBN/JKLIUO/Spacebar/Ctrl/Shift/Alt/Enter/Gamepad/Onscreen buttons for "buttons"
.. And general mouse/touchscreen stuff, too.
If I could magically have all of that working, that'd be fan-fucking-tastic..

2D, FFS, 2D!! : I will be trying all sorts of dev-styles, and things, in order to achieve a 2D-esque style that I'm comfortable with. Hmmmm....

The installer is still installing (I started it before starting this post!) so I'll let you know how crazy and hair-pulling the new language makes me!
.. Probably a good thing that I ordered that new Blood Pressure Monitor from Amazon, yesterday!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 04:27
Testing the Test Project..

OK, first thing I've noticed.. It's doing "Scenes".
I've NEVER managed to get along with Scenes.
Hopefully I can wrangle the bollocksy scenes thing, create a "AGameAWeek Scene", and have everything be generated within in. .. Or I bloody well hope so, anyway..

So, I tried the demo, and it's a neat little car driving around an arena. Seems fairly complex, but in a nice way.
Then I headed to the Build options, and switched to Android, via which I'll be testing on my Archos GamePad and OUYA, for controller config testing.

.... And I waited..
Having clicked "Android", it sat there doing something I'm not entirely sure..
It's been at it for a good 10 minutes, now, and the progress bar is only about 1/3rd done..
"Hold on" says the little box, without any sort of description as to WHY I should be holding on, and WTF it's doing in the background.

If EVERY recompile is going to be like this, I might've already given up on the whole endeavour.
.. tum-tee-tum...

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 04:34
Keep us posted, because as you know, I'm wanting to move on from GLB and looking for something multi-format.

I've downloaded a fair few language books lately (and bought some in the past), so it's just a matter of time.
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 04:39
.. And after all of that, it's failed because my Android SDK is grossly out of date!

Now I'm having to wait for that to update before I can get any further.
23%.. Hopefully that doesn't completely fuck up my Monkey-based Android dev. This might be a "Full Steam Ahead, One Way Ticket!!" sort of thing.. :\

*fingers crossed*

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 04:47
Fingers and toes crossed!
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 04:54
You don't HAVE to use multiple scenes in unity, variable passing between them can only really be done via PlayerPrefs AFAIK.

If it's a small game you can probably get away with a global screen variable instead.

Best of luck with Android and, in particular OUYA. It's a bit more involved with Unity to get that set-up, but once it is it becomes a lot easier.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 04:54
Android update has now reached the halfway point. *sigh*

Damn Laptop battery's already down to 40%, and I've not even started, yet!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 04:57
Just tried switching back to Web-Player whilst Android's doing it's thing..

Now Unity's doing that stupid "Hold on" bollocks again...

In Monkey, I click the menu, then hit F5, and Blammo.. Job Done!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 05:08
*attempts to switch back to Android mode*

*another 6 hour wait*

Christ, who designed this shit!!?!?

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 05:28
OK, Android's updated, and I've rebooted to ensure everything's ready.
I then restarted Unity, waited about 10 minutes for that, picked the sample project, waited 10 minutes for that, hit [Build], waited 10 minutes for that, and then it failed.

Slow is my current feelings towards Unity.

I now have to go and plug my laptop in to charge it, because having done NOTHING, its battery is already at 15%


Attempt Number 2 will probably be later on tonight.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 05:32
Now Monkey isn't fucking compiling either.


''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 05:40
I installed the free version earlier and your experience was pretty much mirrored here.

Then I realised I have a pro license key and the PS3 and PSVita extensions. So, off I went to make sure they worked with Unity 5 and found that they do!

The demo's compiled and ran first time on the Vita (can't be arsed to set the PS3 up as it's a pain). Mind you, the lil' Vita can't quite cope with the demo's, but they do work

Back to Android and I still can't get that to build - even after updating the SDK and going through all the pain to get my Nexus 5 visible with ADB again!

Android really is an arseache =/
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 05:53
A very frustrating Day One, I must admit.
I'll attempt some more tonight, but I have a feeling most of tonight will be spent trying to get Monkey to work properly, again!! Bloody stupid thing.

Meanwhile, Twitter folk have informed me that the "Hold On" is Unity taking my assets and "fixing" them for the new target.
A few things.
First, it doesn't bloody well store these fixed versions, so if you switch back and forth, you need to wait for the whole fucking thing all over again.

.. STUPID!!!

Secondly, I already DO create my assets in a lovely way, so they're cross-system compatible. I've been doing that for years. I don't need Unity coming along and going "durrr... I can do that!!!" when I've already bloody well done it.

.. A very frustrating Day One.
Hopefully Day Two will go a little better, as I ignore the sample thing, and just plow ahead trying to make my own thing.


''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 06:06
Well, here's hoping you fare a little better later
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 07:38
Unplugged laptop, and spent the past twenty minutes or so trying to get Monkey->Android working again.
Thankfully, it seems to be back to how it was, after a few random-guesses as to what sdk bits and pieces Monkey seemed to want to me to install.
I swear... Android... what the hell, guys!?! One SDK is enough! I've installed about ten on this laptop!!!

I've about twenty minutes until Countdown's on, at which point I lose access to the TV (and as a result, the OUYA) so am currently re-attempting the Unity->Android compilation.
... Twenty minutes is barely enough time to load the bloody thing up, never mind compile with it!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 08:04
Right, just about managed to get the test engine thing running..
Compiled the Android version, uploaded to server, downloaded via OUYA, installed, ran..
.. And saw a man standing on a floor.
.. Nothing AT ALL like the exact same sample's output on the PC, where I was driving a car around an arena..
Not sure what that's all about, if I'm honest.

Anyway, there it was on the screen. Much like Rychan's game, the test app appears in the "Develop" menus, rather than the main Play menu. Bit odd.
Also, the controller doesn't do jack shit. But I'll be (hopefully!!) doing all my own controller stuff, anyway...This is merely a "Does it even work, at all?!" test.

.. and.. yeah.. kinda..

Tonight, I'll start from scratch, try to make a simple little menu system with a test scribbly thing, and see how far I can get.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 08:53
haha - I saw the same thing on the Vita - some dodgy bloke. Except I could use the controls to move him around and, yeah - weird animation there guys.

In the top right is a menu thingy. Clickety click on that and it allows you to change scenes, the car being one of them.
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 10:34
There is a dedicated ouya odk you need to use with unity, hidden away on the ouya site.
There is a dedicated ouya odk you need to use with unity, hidden away on the ouya site.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 12:41
Staring into a 3D Emptiness, wondering what to do next.
I might need a tutorial, for this one!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 12:49
Over on the Monkey-X forums, "Bazmonkey" suggested following the tutorials of "Ray Wenderlich"
A quick google showed up this page, for 2D, and within that is a link to "What the bloody hell do I do with a GUI!?" stuff. Seems like a good place to start.

.. I'm not in the mood to start, now, though. I'll probably give up, and try again in the morning.
*nap time*
*snack time first, though*

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Mar 2015, 17:25
Ohh, I've not used unity for proper 2D yet either, They Are Everywhere is 3d on a plane instead.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 01:01
So Jay, have you reached your verdict yet?. Is Unity any good, or is is just another one of those annoying drag 'n' drop things?
Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 02:51
I'm not awake yet! Gimme an hour or two. I have to do my Daily Platdude, first!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 04:19
Following through the first part of the tutorials linked above.

Have gotten up to the "Now we open the code" part, and ..

It open the code in a DIFFERENT editor!
That whole entire "UNITY" (As in UNITE.. As in All goes into one, and is all together and neat) doesn't even let me type my sodding code into the damn thing!!!


*continues learning*

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 04:42
Right, have mostly followed most of the first page of the tutorial.
Lots of things will (hopefully) be entirely useless to me, as I hope to god that I don't need to 'create' each and every fucking object in the god-damned GUI.. If I do, murder will be had!!

I'm starting to formulate a plan in my head, to recreate my framework using this new language, and am mostly hopeful that it'll turn out vaguely workable.

Rest period before starting the second part of the tutorial.
Advantage : Unity apparently works with MOD files.
... Ooooooooooh!!!!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 05:24
Sounds a quite arse about tit, I reckon I would wind up sinking my teeth into my keyboard if I went through that kind of crap. You should hear the swear words that come from my mouth as I'm trying to learn Blender, some of those words I've never even heard of myself. LMARO!
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