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Farewell, BlitzCoder Archive :(

7th May 2013

Well, one of the major obstacles if I recall when it was dragged up a million times before is that the backup(s) contains private member information, and, some members have expressed their concern about this information being passed from pillar to post... *snip*


Farewell, BlitzCoder Archive :(

7th May 2013

What the ruddy hell did I write that for!?! :D
Anyway, aye... The last I heard Specis had the backups for BC, he actually reappeared on the scene not too long ago, but think he's gone again.
There's a lot of water went under*snip*


Farewell, BlitzCoder Archive :(

7th May 2013

Well, theres always here:-
Probably the last bastion of BlitzCoder of old!


Where Are You?

6th May 2013

Ahhh... I know Cramlington, your about 25 miles away from me, I hail from a village called Langley Park, but live in the village next door to it called Witton Gilbert.
Another North East coder... Kewl!!! :D


Keep or Chuck

6th May 2013

I'm a throw awayererer... She's a hoarder... She likes to put stuff in the loft room when she's done, like vases, cushions and all that sort of gumf... Every so often when shes away for the day and I have the car I go up there and take the sodding lot to t*snip*


What's Your Name?

6th May 2013

Here in the north east
Oh... Is that North-East of England by any chance, if so... We're practically neighbors and officially the second person I know on online programming forums that lives in the area! :D
*Should have mentioned... On*snip*


I Be Illin'

6th May 2013

I chuck whiskey into my lemsip before I go to bed if I have the flu, not like loads, just a tipple, warms me up good and helps me sleep!
Bare in mind though, I dont put any single malt stuff in, just the crappy cheap blended stuff people get me for Christ*snip*


Enjoy Your Meal

4th May 2013

Ham, I can get away with being boiled... Anything else... Nah!



4th May 2013

Biggest app I've ever wrote for a mate was nigh on 10000 lines long, it involved cutting shapes out in plastic or thin sheet metal... It was an absolute ball ache because it was a combination of the cutting end (Which sent output via the serial port to PIX*snip*


I think I'm gonna blow chunks!

3rd May 2013

Pfffttt... Their using proper safety gear... Puffs!!! :D


I Be Illin'

2nd May 2013



I Be Illin'

1st May 2013

There was actually no smell Steve... I think that because it was a dense object with a lot of mass, it managed to keep the fumes as an atmosphere! :D


Brew's Up

1st May 2013

Hipsters eh... Lol, about as hip as wearing brown cords with sandals and white socks! :D


I Be Illin'

1st May 2013

Touch wood *Taps head*, I've been working in all weather the last few months, and, not a sniffle as of yet, but, I know for a fact when it comes to going somewhere, either a weekend away or a bit of a do... I'll come down with man flu and grow a cold sore *snip*


Brew's Up

1st May 2013

I find it funny too in the UK how we have all these little coffee shops (And greasy spoons) with little continental styleee tables and chairs outside as if it's located in Tenerife and you see people dressed up to the eyeballs in NorthFace gear freezing th*snip*


Brew's Up

1st May 2013

I love a cup of tea...
Though what annoys the life out of me in the UK is that, your away somewhere, and you pop into a cafe or something for some bait, you order a cuppa (Rolls in about *!APOUND!*1.50 a cup nowadays)...
Order your meal, sup your cuppa, orde*snip*


I Be Illin'

1st May 2013

I had a poo this morning that felt like I was passing a road kerb... Think I tore something down there midway through the crimpage!
*And... Time to leave the thread*


Pirates Destroying My Game!

1st May 2013

I could join this debate... But alas, I think I've been around the block on this subject more times then I've sliced a golf ball, but, what I will say is... Bravo to them, certainly got a grin from me! :D


What's Your Name?

30th April 2013

@Poll... very rare i get called Michael, its usually Dabz, Dabhand, Dabzy or Mr Hand! :D close family call me Mick, Mr Ancell calls me Mike, though usually when people call me Mike, it never registers and i tend to stand there looking pig ignorant, until i*snip*


Shite It

29th April 2013

lol@Topic title!!! :D
I have days like that, but don't work for myself so have to stay in work
Well, I think I burnt myself out with the auld golf... Played Friday night after work, Saturday and yesterday. Put 5m3 of concrete down this*snip*


Shite It

29th April 2013

Treated myself to an early finish today... Got some concreting done this morning, drove to the builders merchants for odds and sods and thought ’’shite it... I’m going home’’ :D


Making Good Tiles

28th April 2013

Good read on tile design: Linkage , thought I’d put it here and not in articles since it could disappear!


New Telly!!

28th April 2013

For WHAT?! For a man to unplug the current box and plug in a new one?![/quote]
What you should do is get the bloke to come... Let him do the "installation", while he's there, make him a cuppa, give him some biscuits... When he's gone, send Virgin*snip*


The Evils of IAP

27th April 2013

Yep... A pretty blatant attempt to rob on the basis of targeting kids using their parents iPhoey in the vain hope the parents lack the realization that their iPhoey is the gateway to credit card pounding in-app hell!
Apple need a kick up the arse for lett*snip*



27th April 2013

Yep... I've gone and won it! :D
Lol, it also looks like in my searches I was eyeing up a 6128 too! :D
Bloody hell... I didnt actually think I was that drunk, but obviously was ratted! :D

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