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2nd April 2007

Hey, its a good start :)
At the end of the day code however you like best. Indentation makes it easy to see what goes on where. EG: where a loop starts, whats inside it and where it ends. Then again some people (like magicman) seem to get by fine without *snip*



2nd April 2007

I dident have a problem downloading it, but when I ran it I got a: Runtime Error Stream does not exist.
On this line: tile(rx,ry)=ReadByte(fil)


Stealth's April Fools Gag

1st April 2007

Is this true Jay?


April 2007 - "Finish it off" Month

31st March 2007

For me getting back into something I have left is the hardest part. Means I got to learn to read and understand my own code. But once I get rolling its usually all good. Come to think of it I got tons of unfinished projects.
This is completely off topic b*snip*


Peeps we've lost..

31st March 2007

Hey torrente, dident notice you was you.


Znax Clone In Javascript

31st March 2007

Hmmn.. I could have sworn that I fixed the time thing. Dunno maybe I uploaded an older version. Theres a few things I want to tweak so i'll get the seconds < 10 thing sorted out as well when I do that. As for the special tiles I think that may have just be*snip*


Znax Clone In Javascript

30th March 2007

Hey, thanks magicman.
btw my highscores: 1488. I wonder if anyone can beat me at my own game? :P


Znax Clone In Javascript

30th March 2007

Just finished the game off. The special tiles now feature in the game. Hopefully this should make the game more fun. Apart from that the page should load faster now and the tiles are lighter (although I think i like the dark ones more).


Znax Clone In Javascript

28th March 2007

Yeah I think thats sitesled going through a slow spell. The only image I got is 31k. So its not exactly huge.
Still I just ran it through PNGOUT and that sqiushed it right down to 21k! I'll upload the compressed version with the tiles made a bit lighter t*snip*


Znax Clone In Javascript

28th March 2007

Thanks jay :)


Znax Clone In Javascript

28th March 2007

Thanks, and just in case you are interested heres how I learnt to do it:


Znax Clone In Javascript

28th March 2007

Yeah lots of people reckon the tiles are too dark. so i'm going to lighten them up a bit which should make the colours easier to see. I still got to code the power ups but i'm a bit bogged down with assignments at the mo. Still I should have an update some*snip*


Peeps we've lost..

27th March 2007

Hey eelhovercraft, eikon! nice to see you guys here :)


Znax Clone In Javascript

27th March 2007

Some of you guys might remember this game I made for a WW where you had to remove coloured blocks on a grid. Well I remade it in javascript with nicer graphics and a couple of bug fixes. I'm currently working on a set of special tiles too which should add *snip*


CSS Problem

27th March 2007

Its ok, I found what it was by using by using the Validate Local CSS in the Firefox web developer toolbar.
Apparently firefox dosent accept a value in px as a parameter but using a percentage instead will work. Cheers.


CSS Problem

27th March 2007

Hi I'm making another game in javascript. To avoid latency when swaping between images I got them set up in a tileset thats divided in CSS. My game runs fine in the HTMLkit preview window and in IE, but when I run it in Firefox only the first tile in the g*snip*


Binary game

26th March 2007

Yes thats cisco, but its not the game i was talking about. That was here.


Binary game

24th March 2007

Ooo er whys the level set to 6? Looks like i must have forgot to undo something I changes while i was testing it o_0
Guess I'll fix it along with a couple of typos. Thanks garand :)


Binary game

24th March 2007

Yeah I think thats about as good as its going to get. Except perhaps when I learn PHP I might add on-line highscores. Cheers dude ;)


Binary game

24th March 2007

Okay I just updated it. New improvements include:
-Buttons drawn as images instead of those fiddly checkboxes
-Game dosent start until you click begin.
-On game over the game gets reset.
-Your highscores get saved to a cookie.
-Time limit set higher. *snip*


Binary game

23rd March 2007

Yeah thats kinda what happens. Once you get 10 right the level increases, you get points for your time left, and you get a time bonus. But as things are you got to get 1 right every 9 seconds which might be a bit harsh.


Binary game

23rd March 2007

Looks like I really got to make a longer time limit. At the moment I'm trying to use images for the buttons but I'm starting to get fed up with all these stupid quotes inside of quotes inside of quotes. It gets confusing :/


Write with your eyes?

23rd March 2007

Even if i lost my arms I think I'd rather write with my nose :P


Binary game

23rd March 2007

Lol :D go for it!


Binary game

23rd March 2007

Cheers dude. Yeah maybe I set the time limit too short for the early levels, and maybe there should be a button to start the game instead of it running straight away. Theres still a few things I got to fix, like the game over bit. So I'll try and sort that*snip*

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