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3D Sonic game in Dev

5th December 2006

im to lazy to look at the links, but is this indepent? the reason i ask is becasue you seem excited about the fact that its 3D?


The coolest programming language ever!

4th December 2006

Heh, nope, thats the code!


The coolest programming language ever!

4th December 2006

your not kidding agent smith.....
[code]begin 666 copy.mbM1"="04 _/CT\\.SHY.#<V-30S,C$P+RXM+"LJ*2@G)B4D(R(A?GU\\>WIY>'=VM=71S<G%P;VYM;&MJ:6AG9F5D8V)A8%]>75Q;6EE85U955%-245!/3DU,2TI)M2$=&141#0D% /SX]/#LZ.3@W-C4T,S(Q,"\\N+2PK*BDH)R8E)",B(7Y]?'MZM>7AW=G5T<W)Q<&*snip*


Ratchet and Clank 5

4th December 2006

good ole sony. They should make 2, on that is for the ps3 and has the great graphics, and one for the ps2 that has ok graphics. i myself have never played rachet and clank, but from the looks of it its pretty cool. speaking of the ps3 being annoying, there*snip*


The coolest programming language ever!

4th December 2006

"It would be pretty pointless to try to code in it, it's just too hard."
Well, thats the whole fun of it, to give your self a challenge.


The coolest programming language ever!

4th December 2006

really, hmm, i dont ever look on the off topic seciton over there. but im sure there are still people here might want to know!


The coolest programming language ever!

4th December 2006

I was looking on the good ole wiki, searching for diffrent programming languages and i found this. If i ever had a bunch of spare time i might try to learn it, it only has eight commands, and thats it. < > + - . , [ ]! i thought it was interesting. i like *snip*


Happy December ;-)

3rd December 2006

hmm, i thought it was rather funny, sure its a little sacreligious, but i still find it funny. I dont really think its mocking christ though.


Happy December ;-)

2nd December 2006

hmm, power mousey, i wasnt really going for a religious thing there, just trying to say "Always look on the bright side of life" that was from the movie The Life of Brian, a montey python movie, if you havent seen it i recommend it highly!


Happy December ;-)

30th November 2006

sorry to hear that stealth, but just remember....
as for my own personal christmas wishes, well, all i really want is a Wii, there are plenty of other things i want but none of them are things that i really want. so yes, a Wii and mabey a few shirts with*snip*


Happy December ;-)

30th November 2006

its not december yet for me! i still have 5 and a half hours.


All Night Code-A-Thon

30th November 2006

either way works for me! this time i will be there and will be able to program somthing, im home and have my own computer!


QOTD - Quality or Quantity?

29th November 2006

quality by far.


#076 - The Hiscore Challenge

28th November 2006

oh, ruby, ok. cool. anyway, the bug, i think it might have just been the virus scan, but after i got up a few levels it slowed down for a sec and my snake was just BANG! in a loopy thing, and then the virus thing poped up saying it had been updated. so i d*snip*


#076 - The Hiscore Challenge

28th November 2006

thats pretty nice diablo! what was that made in? java? some sort of c? the only problem was after i got up a few levels there was a bug and i made me loose, but it might have somthing to do with the damn virus scanner. nice work!


QOTD - Resolution

28th November 2006

windowed or fullscreen, thats about as in depth as i go.


All Night Code-A-Thon

27th November 2006

yes, id say friday is better than saturday, gives you more time to sleep.


a few Hydra updates...

26th November 2006

would you by any chance have a code example?


All Night Code-A-Thon

25th November 2006

oh, i see. its perfectly possible to stay up all night and not be to tired in the morning, one time i got up at 7am or so and stayed up until 5pm the next day.
[edit] just so i know the right time to get on, do you live in the US and if so what state? i k*snip*


All Night Code-A-Thon

25th November 2006

that must be one long church service!


QOTD - Lives

25th November 2006

as diablosdevil said, it depends on the game.


gabbly chat unsafe

24th November 2006

oh, sorry hyrule! im on a diffrent computer right now that dosnt have my name automaticaly on there. anyway, i think its best that we stop talking about it, the guy who did it was probibly someone that reads this site often.


gabbly chat unsafe

23rd November 2006

hmm, sounds like the same guy that did the spam before. i still think its cicero!


QOTD - Pause

23rd November 2006

never, i have never added a pause button or key, if i had to, i dont know if i would know how.


Happy Thanksgiving

23rd November 2006

im thankful for everything i have!! and we should all be thankful for what we have, and not just on thanksgiving, but everyday! at thew moment my turkey, stuffing, and all that good stuff is being cooked. yey!

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