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What Have You Done - September 2013

25th September 2013

Became 20, wrote a bunch of maths tutorials, and have continued plugging away at the 2D physics engine I started a while back in PMC for a space game idea I had. The physics now works, but is spectacularly slow inefficient. Ah well.


rotating tile map?

21st September 2013

I should also add that, in the process of writing my most recent article, I realised I was being a bit misleading when I said we measure angles anti-clockwise. When plotting graphs in maths we do, but those graphs have the y-axis going upwards, rather than*snip*


rotating tile map?

21st September 2013

It looks like your dx and dy calculations are back to front. Also, is it intentional that you're calculating Angle using dx and dy before you've actually assigned dx and dy?


Maths 101 - Episode 4: Linear Transformations

21st September 2013

Stretch, Shear and Rotate - you can do these to sheep; now learn how to do them to vectors!


Maths 101 - Episode 3: Matrices

20th September 2013

What are matrices, and what can we do to them?


Maths 101 - Episode 2: Vectors

19th September 2013

In this article, we'll look at vectors and some things you can do with them.


Maths 101 - Episode 1: Basic Trigonometry

18th September 2013

A coding oriented introduction to trigonometry.


Maths 101 - Episode 0: Degrees and Radians

18th September 2013

An introduction to a series of maths articles, starting with an overview of degrees and radians


rotating tile map?

18th September 2013

If people are interested, I could write up a couple of entries for the Articles section going through useful maths stuff for coding, more as a reference document than something to commit to memory. Some of it would probably be more useful to new coders tha*snip*


rotating tile map?

18th September 2013

Also, here's a handy trick for rotating coordinates about the origin that lets you do all the maths in two lines (one for X, one for Y)!
The Maths Behind It
Matrices are a mathematical construct that let you perform various transformations. For instance,*snip*


rotating tile map?

18th September 2013

Gonna be a pernickety Maths student here and say that you're suppose to take 0 degrees as being due east, with increasing the angle taking you anticlockwise, so the equations should really be:
NewX = HereX + cos(Angle) * distance
NewY = HereY + sin(Angle*snip*


Happy Birthday Shroom_Monk

6th September 2013

Thanks for the birthday wishes, all! :D


Happy Birthday Shroom_Monk

5th September 2013

Thanks Jay! :) I am no longer a teenager any more. Feels weird, partly because I don’t feel any older...


Getting My Play (stati) On

21st August 2013

I actually really enjoyed LBP. Admittedly the tutorial section isn't super exciting, but once you get into the main game things become a bit more challenging.


Rescue PlayMyCode

30th July 2013

Started a few days ago, will finish mine off later. :)


Rescue PlayMyCode

21st July 2013

Additionally, according to GitHub, I don't think PMC development is quite dead yet, just that Joe is busy. Last commit to SkyBrush was 17 days ago, with quite a bit of activity preceding that. github.com


Rescue PlayMyCode

21st July 2013

It just so happens that I started writing a game on PMC the other day. I mean, I've made various attempts in the past, but kinda abandoned them... this one I hope to see through.
But yeah, I've also noticed that it feels like it's dying, which would be ve*snip*


Spare's Graduation

26th June 2013

Con-grad-ulations! :D


Shroom's Oxford Adventure

20th June 2013

It's been very busy and quite hard, as you'd expect, but also very enjoyable. ;) The terms are only 8 weeks long each, which is about 2 weeks shorter than most unis, but they cram in so so much. But I've learnt all kinds of cool stuff about Maths and Compu*snip*


Shroom's Oxford Adventure

20th June 2013

First year exams, and with it my first year at Oxford, have come to a close! Summer holiday time!


How're You Doing?

4th June 2013

I'm in the last couple of weeks before my first year exams. But after that I've got a nice long summer to relax in!


Wrestling With The Monkey

31st May 2013

[quote]WoW has 1.5 million unique assets, and nearly 40,000 NPCs.[/quote]
I doubt those are all kept in memory at the same time, somehow. Besides, isn't the problem here with how fast the sprites can be drawn to the screen, rather than how many you can ho*snip*


Noel's Graduation

19th May 2013

Congratulations! :)


What's Your Name?

6th May 2013

James Wallis, which isn't a spectacularly interesting name. Although my parents did give me an extra middle name, else my initials would have been JAW, which they were worried would lead to teasing. Personally I think that would've been quite fun. :D
I on*snip*


Oxford Weekend

22nd April 2013

Tis a really nice place. :)

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