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Movie Accident

22nd October 2021

On movie sets there is an armourer which is responsible for all firearms, Baldwin is an actor not responsible for the props.
I wonder due to the local of the filming that the armourer was slack.
In any case it's a horrific accident.


Movie Accident

22nd October 2021

Currently there isn’t much information about the shooting. The gun my have been pointed at an angle towards the camera or something not at an actor he was trying to shoot, to get a “cool” camera view.


Kuron News

20th October 2021

Wow! That sucks :(


Energy prices

16th October 2021

Also having the Tesla battery is a pretty cool piece of kit ;)


Animal Crossing : New Horizons

16th October 2021

So it might be worth getting then? ;)


Energy prices

16th October 2021

Over in SA, over 10 years the SA government did grants and offered a high FIT, so we installed a small 1.5KW array for around $3kaud that reduced our electricity bill from $300 per quarter to $0-$100 per quarter.
That system was still going after 10 years*snip*


Energy prices

16th October 2021

One of the main reasons I invested in solar and a battery! We haven't paid a bill in over 2 years now.


The Final Frontier

13th October 2021

As a Trekkie I think this is really cool! Now get the next lot of Captains up there ;)


Meta Quest VR

12th October 2021

Yeah the videos are pretty crappy.
I did read about a proper VR bike game... Not sure if it's any good though (Linkage)


Meta Quest VR

10th October 2021

You should get a friend request popup.
For social try PokerStars VR.


Meta Quest VR

10th October 2021

Steve, that's part of the fun ;)
Jay, sent a friend request... only one of a kind Jayenkia :P


Meta Quest VR

9th October 2021

And if you didnt know you can cast to another device (eg NVIDIA shield) to join in the fun :)


Meta Quest VR

9th October 2021

Love the moves!
If you're into horror, and I mean proper scream like a little girl, there are some great scare games when you get yourself into the game.


Meta Quest VR

9th October 2021

Just be-careful of your inner ear balance too in VR, Jay :)
Along with the Oculus Store Quest games, you can use Steam with Virtual Desktop (awesome!) and the PCVR Oculus Store. SideQuest and recently with the App App, there are more and more games availa*snip*


Meta Quest VR

8th October 2021

Ginger is meant to help with the VR dizzyness and travel sickness pills, but not sure if that'll help you Jay :(
Take it slow and only play is small bursts to get your VR legs.
Now if you could try Skyrim VR, not super fast motion, but looking up at *snip*


Meta Quest VR

8th October 2021

You now know proper VR 😜
Go easy on it though, even without a hole in me head and with years of VR I still get dizzy!
Hmm, I was going to recommend you ''I Expect You To Die'' series, as they are escape rooms but sitting down, but you do h*snip*


Monkey Ball Mania

4th October 2021

Thanks for testing! :)


Covid Shots

4th October 2021

With the flu it mutates every year so that's why it's recommendation to get one annually - I know covid is mutating too, but I'm surprised that they are suggesting getting the booster so early... is it because these vaccines dont last long in t*snip*


Covid Shots

3rd October 2021

How long after the 2nd doses are you guys/family getting the 3rd?


Monkey Ball Mania

3rd October 2021

Thanks Jay! What about the minigames using the motion controls, for example can you swing the control like a golf club?
You have the game on both platforms?


Covid Shots

3rd October 2021

Feeling a bit better today so far.. it really did a number on me. My first shot I only a slight headache..


Monkey Ball Mania

3rd October 2021

I actually like playing with motion controls if they are close to 1 on 1. Can Monkey ball mania use motion controls?
Trying to weigh up if we should get the Switch version or the PS4 version..


Covid Shots

3rd October 2021

Wow, didn’t know you guys where getting a 3rd shot so soon, I thought it would be next year,! Why so soon?


Covid Shots

3rd October 2021

Had my 2nd covid shot yesterday... feeling pretty poor today! All in a good cause!


Monkey Ball Mania

30th September 2021

lol there goes an hour of my life playing All cued up!

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