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Socoder -> On Topic -> Dipping My Toes in the Unity Pool

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Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 05:29
Fuckityfuckpig fucking piss drinking scunt were among some of the stuff that's been coming out, I'm not sure if it was my Tourette's or if I'm actually a swearword connoisseur.
Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 06:02
The current plan in my head is, much like I did with Monkey, to somehow wrangle everything down into a "Game Object" object, and carry on from there.
No idea whether that'll work out.. Might end up being sluggish, but I'll try my best to wrangle around the environment and get everything to work through that.
.. *shrugs*!

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Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 06:06
So much hassle and it is really worth doing it?
Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 06:35
Pros : 3D capabilities, Lighting, shaders, mod playing..
Cons : Lots of learning

However, I've kinda been getting bored with my coding, lately. I've very much settled on a certain style, and this will be a whole set of new challenges.
I'll be able to play about with test projects, and figure out ways that bits and pieces can be done, and really that's something I kind of enjoy doing..

Making games is fun.. Making a framework is also fun!!

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Thu, 05 Mar 2015, 13:44
Should Be : Tutorial part two
Actually : Corner Gas marathon...


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Fri, 06 Mar 2015, 09:27

Vine Clip
Method used..
1. Drag bitmap font into arena.
2. Use GUI to tell it to slice image into 64x64 tiles.
3. Drag ALL THE SPRITES into an object.
4. Create code for that object, which flicks through all those sprites.

PRO : A character is on my screen!
CON : ONE character is on my screen, and I haven't a fucking clue how to add more.
CON : There was barely any code in there.
CON : That's only one single spritesheet, and I've no idea how to add sprites from alt-spritesheets.


*carries on learning*

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Fri, 06 Mar 2015, 12:00
Just to hang it out there but Gfk who is an avid Blitzer is using unity now... And seems to be getting a long well with it... So, with that, it must be doing something okay as he's pretty much old skool like the rest of us!

Could be a goer once the learning curve is over!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 06 Mar 2015, 12:55
Does Unity let you target web browsers?
Fri, 06 Mar 2015, 13:27
It does, but only WebGL, not plain HTML5, meaning a LOT of browsers, and mobile devices, are cut out of the loop.
Which is a shame...

Today I spent about an hour in script, trying to get GameScript to generate a lot of ObjectA's, with SpriteB/SpriteC, just to see if I could even remotely achieve the most basic of spriting techniques.

It didn't work out, at any point..

I'll start again, tomorrow!! Lots of experimentation, whilst learning!!

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Sat, 07 Mar 2015, 05:37
This morning, I woke up, sat at the laptop, and thought ...

Hmm.. I could probably just upgrade my Monkey Framework.. It'd be a damn sight easier than trying to figure out all of this bollocks..

So, rather than loading up Unity, I opened my Monkey Framework.
The first step, I thought, would be the task of reducing the amount of maths done during the OnRender frame.
My current method is to take every single sprite/rect/oval/whatever, and multiply it by the scaleX and scaleY values.
Well, it turns out that Monkey already has a set of "Matrix" functions, which actually already do that sort of thing.

About an hour, it took me, to convert my framework from "Jay Hammers The Maths" to "Monkey Maths", after which I wrote a comparison test function to compare the old version with the new one.

How did I do?
Well, it turned out exactly the bloody same.. 2500 x 32x32 pixel sprites, scaled, rotated and alphad, all over the screen.
In the "Jay Hammers The Maths" version I could get a framerate of about 35fps.
In the "Monkey Maths" version, I could get the exact same "about 35fps"
So, that was pretty much a waste of an hour, and I probably could've spent the time fighting with Unity, instead.

I still haven't made up my mind as to which language to stick with, but this morning's attempt has proven one thing.

I do like Monkey....

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Sun, 08 Mar 2015, 10:55
So, I'm faffing about with my Monkey Framework, and have accomplished a number of neat things, including "Faux-Lightbulbs"

I then tried experimenting with "Draw onto a large image" stuff.
For the most part, it actually turned out pretty nicely.. But then I tried it on "bloody Android...grrr", and the whole thing struggled to keep up even a 1fps framerate..
It ended up being about 1 frame every 2 seconds.. Even for a really shit game, that's not a very good framerate!!

The delay, of course, was Android's fault. You tell it "Here is an image", and Android goes "Oh, Neat!"
Then you tell it "Now draw the image", and Android goes.. "Wait.. You wanted me to draw it? Oh, fuck!!!!" and goes into Panic mode, whilst it tries to move the image from system memory, over to gfx memory.

A bottleneck to be thwarted by somebody much smarter than me, I'm afraid.

Tilemaps are, once again, out the window.

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Sun, 08 Mar 2015, 11:42
Jayenkai So, I'm faffing about with my Monkey Framework, and have accomplished a number of neat things, including "Faux-Lightbulbs"

Did you just say "LiteBulbz!"?
Sun, 08 Mar 2015, 11:51

BabyLamps ala Alpha'd Circle!

I've left the "light.png" spritesheet with 4 slots, the first of which is the above circle, and the other three blank until necessary.

Does the job...

Looks better on HTML5/Desktop/iOS. On Android I have to avoid using Additive Blend, so it's not quite as good looking, but it still works well enough.

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